Yuka Kinoshita木下ゆうか
1,839 vídeos, +5,420,000 suscriptores

[MUKBANG] 2.3Kg of Cup Noodles New 'Mi Goreng' Noodles 2658kcal | Yuka [Oogui]5:20789,750
[MUKBANG] 20 Portions of Doner kebab 5Kg 7800kcal | Yuka [Oogui]5:421,284,197
【 木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ 】木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブピザハット ピザ3枚、ポップコーンシュリンプ、餅明太グラタン[MUKBANG] | Yuka [Oogui]1:35:19488,160
[MUKBANG] Japan Finally Gets Pokemon Go! 3.3Kg of Pikachu Rice 5181kcal4:391,263,096
[MUKBANG] 4Kg of Ginza's Curry Doria 6390kcal3:58691,972
[MUKBANG] OMG! Giant 2Kg Gummy Bear | Yuka [Oogui]4:591,505,158
[MUKBANG] I Eat 23 Candies from the United Kingdom | Yuka [Oogui]5:32687,456
[MUKBANG] 6.3kg of Paneer Makhan Curry Enough to Feed 20 People | Yuka [Oogui]5:18969,567
[MUKBANG] 6Kg of Superfood Amaranth Made to Imitate Mentaiko Fish Eggs | Yuka [Oogui]5:42788,404
[MUKBANG] 木下ゆうかの2周年記念イベントをライブ配信するよー!司会進行 Fischer'sシルクくん| Yuka [Oogui]2:17:481,590,373
[MUKBANG] 6Kg 137 Banana Challenge Wtih 5 Flavors of Toppings | Yuka [Oogui]6:341,387,858
[MUKBANG] I try a Swiss Style Rosti Fried Potato Dish With Cheese and Eggs 2272kcal | Yuka [Oogui]5:22808,683
[MUKBANG] 4.3Kg of a Taiwanese Noodle Dish| Yuka [Oogui]5:231,210,166
[MUKBANG] 8 Bowls of Fried Rice and Donburi Dishes Weighing over 6Kg and 10,000kcal | Yuka [Oogui]5:441,007,359
[MUKBANG]10McD Commemorative Burgers Smoky American & Broiled Soysauce Japan 6Kg 9945kcal | Yuka6:10969,366
[MUKBANG] Betty Crocker's Fudge Brownies With 600g of Ice Cream 3654kcal | Yuka [Oogui]4:30864,286
【木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】[MUKBANG]タイ料理[THAI FOODS] カオマンガイ, トムヤムクン,生春巻 , Khao Man Kai, etc,,,| Yuka [Oogui]1:29:21453,833
[MUKBANG]【Indo mie】6 Packets of Fried Indonesian Noodles 3008kcal| Yuka [Oogui]4:371,489,072
[MUKBANG] 22 Dessert Treats From Starbucks With a Coffe Jelly Frap and Lime Refresher 7989kcal5:50859,771
[MUKBANG] 4Kg of Pork Belly over a Bowl of Rice 6376kcal4:361,089,271
#RealTalk 2016 Full Physical Exam Results (I Might Have to Change My Diet)4:361,072,791
[MUKBANG] 6 Treats From Taiwan and a Home Made Puzzle of Taiwan | Yuka [Oogui]6:14736,612
[MUKBANG] 4.2Kg of Nagasaki's Famous Dish ~Sara-Udon~ 5166kcal | Yuka [Oogui]4:201,123,901
【木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】[MUKBANG] 四川風麻婆豆腐, 黒酢酢豚 , エビマヨソース ,上海風豚角煮,肉あんかけチャーハン,冷やし中華ごま] | Yuka [Oogui]1:40:60431,268
[Mukbang] 6 Packs of Korean Jya-Jya Mein Noodles 2Kg 5204Kcal | Yuka [Oogui]6:281,332,642
[MUKBANG] 100 Yakitori from Nihon-Ichi Plus Download My Wallpaper From an App | Yuka [Oogui]5:211,185,357
(MUKBANG) 3485kcal Lasagna Packed With Extra Cheese | Yuka [Oogui]6:901,442,463
[MUKBANG] 50 Minazuki (Mochi Treat) Weighing 3Kg 5700kcal. A Traditional Treat for June 30th3:47778,978
[MUKBANG] 10Kg of Watermelon Cut 2 Interesting Ways| Yuka [Oogui]6:521,317,353
[MUKBANG] Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte | Yuka [Oogui]5:31811,113
[MUKBANG] Giant Sized Dorayaki (Sweet Bean Treat) 2Kg 5420 kcal | Yuka [Oogui]5:141,442,628
【19時から】 ミートブロスサンドイッチプレート[肉の4種のサンドイッチ] 3種のフルーツサンドイッチプレート【木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】[MUKBANG]1:31:11454,556
[MUKBANG] Twice Fried KFC with Maple Syrup 4568kcal | Yuka [Oogui]6:471,717,802
[MUKBANG] Warabi Mochi 3Kg a Japanese Summer Treat| Yuka [Oogui]5:151,244,980
[MUKBANG] Steak Donburi Pt 2 4Kg 6147 kcal | Yuka [Oogui]3:541,198,947
[MUKBANG] 4Kg 4768kcal iMee Thai Ramen| Yuka [Oogui]4:55741,273
[MUKBANG] 10 Waffled Donuts and I Try Some Summer Themed Donuts5:191,163,114
【19時から】 銀のさら お寿司 50貫 トロサーモン・炙りトロサーモン・うなぎ・中トロなど 海鮮茶碗蒸し 竜田揚げタルタルソース付【木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】[MUKBANG]1:15:51635,619
【告知】チャンネル設立 2周年&登録者150万人突破 記念イベントの参加者を募集します!【木下ゆうか】2:31214,745
【Simon and Martina】トッポギ対決!!!2キロ 3080kcal【木下ゆうか】8:171,793,635
[Mukbang] bacon wrapped pizza 3055kcal | Yuka [Oogui]3:21720,809
[OoGui Sweet] I try German Flockensahnetorte3:40617,964
OoGui Video Short Movie - I Open A Ramen Shop and Yuka Eats 10 Bowls of Ramen2:451,152,128
[OoGui Eater] 4.1Kg 5373kcal Spicy Korean Ramen and Tteok6:302,090,030
[OoGui Eater] 150 Mcnuggets and a Timed Challenge5:152,015,016
【19時から】 ローストビーフ重 、和牛焼肉重、ひつまぶし 、 鮭&いくら重 、わっぱ鉄火 、トムヤムチャーハン,etc【木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】[MUKBANG]1:26:11414,047
[OoGui Eater] 4Kg of Sea Eel on Rice 5504kcal3:56830,131
[OoGui Eater] Watch me Make Devil's Food Cake4:901,144,775
[OoGui Eater] 6 portions of Mapo Tofu on Rice 4.7Kg 7003kcal3:561,080,049
Yuka [OoGui Eater] 4 Baked Cheesecake Frappucinos and 5 Items Off Their Food Menu 3389kcal7:20777,799
Yuka [OoGui Eater] 10 Thai Dishes OMG So Spicy5:47948,725
パエリア4種 生ハムのクリームコロッケ アボカドとモッツァレラの地中海サラダ 【 木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】1:20:30314,128
Yuka [OoGui Eater] 5Kg 6648kcal Singapore Curry Ramen With Rice5:131,162,550
[OoGui] 4kg 5880kcal 10 Cups of Rice With a Variety Pack of Canned Goods4:10741,900
Kinoshita Yuka {OoGui Eater] Starbucks New Strawberry Delight Frappucino and Lunch Items5:70654,941
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 100 Pieces of Inari Sushi3:50759,070
Kinoshita Yuka (OoGui Eater) I Made 4 Waffle Bowls5:70722,000
Kinoshita Yuka (OoGui Eater) 4Kg Salmon on Rice Bowl3:10745,665
【旨辛】モス 新商品 アボカドチリバーガー&アボカドチリドッグ&マンゴースイーツ などなど!4092kcal【木下ゆうか】5:24597,866
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] Taiwanese Ramen With Cheese4:18637,980
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 5Kg of a Loco Moco Bowl4:17709,297
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 3kg of Kinako Macaroni4:53629,508
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 3 Large Sized Loco Moco Burger Combos From Mcdonalds4:39667,711
【PIZZA SALVATORE CUOMO】 ピッツァL×2 4種のチーズのクリームニョッキ カタラーナ etc...【木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】1:15:25356,869
【大食い】牛とろフレークサーロインステーキ丼 3.3キロ【木下ゆうか】5:56881,958
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] Giant Anpan (Sweet Bean Bun) That Cost 7,500 Yen5:60683,379
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] My First Time Eating Reese Puffs Cereal 2.8kg5:90864,408
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] Today I make 10 Curry Buns With Mayo and Cheese5:23831,056
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] Pasta With Creamy Spinach and Weiner Sauce4:181,252,314
今日はココイチ!カレ−3キロ 9トッピング【木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】1:12:30559,388
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 50 Brand New Japanese Influenced Flavored Donuts from Mister Donut7:54916,872
Kinoshita Yuka (OoGui Eater) Yokohama's 'Joinus' Restaurant Showcase5:28801,118
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] Taiwanese Beef Ramen 9102kcal6:292,264,585
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] Krispy Kreme's 10 Year Anniversary Donut Collection 5991kcal5:46560,034
Kinoshita Yuka - "Breaking News" The Return of Nurse Kinoshita3:53722,839
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 2.5Kg of Peiangu's Kimchi Mayo Yakisoba 6136kcal5:48793,281
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 4.5Kg Kakuni Donburi (cubed stewed pork on rice) 7075kcal5:311,146,264
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 6.7kg of Itsuki Ramen and Rice4:56953,445
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] Mitarashi Dango Wrapped in Pork2:49637,255
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater} Mister Donuts Brand New Items Plus Croissant Muffins5:44503,534
Kinoshita Yuka OoGui Eater Mega Crab and Ikura Donburi4:80776,117
【 木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】ベーコンチーズバーガー,モッツァレラマッシュルームバーガー,テリヤキバーガー,アボカドベーコン,,,説明欄に続きます^^)ノ1:31:36368,320
【巨大スイーツ】ローソンの シュー・アラ・クレーム 4つ!3788キロカロリー【木下ゆうか】3:59606,825
【大食い】ロッテリア 全部のせバーガー×3 & バケツポテト 5111kcal【木下ゆうか】5:90655,261
【Gluttony】McDonald's Clubhouse Burger Beef,, etc! 4064kcal 【Kinoshita Yuka】4:54796,945
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] The Monkey Bread Adventure5:22588,110
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater} Kitakata Ramen and an Onion-Egg-Char Siu Donburi5:471,060,442
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 3 Large Pizzas With Every Single Topping4:24604,069es en una lista
【木下ゆうかの晩ごはんライブ】かつ重, エビチリ重, やわらか豚角煮重, すき焼き重(半熟玉子のせ)1:17:46356,020
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] I Cook Some Doteni in a Pressure Cooker4:36993,710
【LINEスタンプ】第2弾が出たよ!! ケイジェーコラボ!【木下ゆうか】2:00155,055es en una lista
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 3 Kg of Chikuwa Salad4:52777,065
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] Eyringii Mushroom Pasta4:40886,571
Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] Deep Fried French Toast4:42646,545

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