Khan Academy
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Behavior of antiderivative from graph of function8:22528
Example of u substitution with definite integral5:532,162
Identifying a u in u substitution3:351,492
Examples identifying u for u substitution4:34221
Right Riemann sum using a table of function values6:3963
Setting up initial equation for related rates problem3:35232
Units and given information for related rates of change problem8:70128
Mistakes when identifying inflection points4:20130
Inflection point where second derivative is undefined6:1194
Calculus based justification using second derivative4:14123
Calculus based justification for function increasing3:1254
Understanding conditions for MVT4:4170
Example recognizing where the mean value theorem applies5:40251
Introduction to integral calculus4:525,724
Recognizing first and second derivatives from graphs5:36239
Example matching derivatives to graph4:21113
Derivatives of inverse functions4:464,074
Derivative of ln x2:304,066
Khan Academy LearnStorm - Growth Mindset Livestream51:1841,178
The West Indies and the Southern colonies11:575,757
Politics and native relations in the New England colonies11:464,298
Society and religion in the New England colonies11:705,720
The Middle colonies10:334,675
French and Dutch colonization10:295,198
Spanish colonization11:414,963
Native American societies before contact5:2513,401
Students, get started with LearnStorm1:009,342
Teachers, get started with LearnStorm2:2128,775
Command and market economies9:441,495
Adding and subtracting on number line 2 | 2nd grade | Khan Academy2:2591,615
Addition using groups of 10 and 100 | 2nd grade | Khan Academy3:58173,266
Solving 3-digit addition in your head | 2nd grade | Khan Academy7:2893,619
Breaking apart 3-digit addition problems | 2nd grade | Khan Academy3:42145,387
Subtracting 3-digit numbers (no regrouping) | 2nd grade | Khan Academy2:5745,122
Adding 3-digit numbers (no regrouping) | 2nd grade | Khan Academy2:4063,411
Missing numbers in addition and subtraction | 2nd grade | Khan Academy5:4470,224
Addition and subtraction with number lines | 2nd grade | Khan Academy1:5758,996
Strategies for adding 2-digit numbers | 2nd grade | Khan Academy3:1648,116
Subtracting a 1-digit number with regrouping | 2nd grade | Khan Academy3:1152,139
Subtracting two-digit numbers without regrouping (example 2) | 2nd grade | Khan Academy2:2128,275
Subtracting 1 vs. subtracting 10 | Addition and subtraction within 100 | 2nd grade | Khan Academy2:3254,568
Example of vector magnitude from initial and terminal points5:232,964
Example of separable differential equation3:28730
Another separable differential equation example4:183,030
Normative and positive statements5:104,073
Solar and lunar eclipses5:329,712
The Moon5:348,862
Examples using derivative to make claims about function5:53827
Examples establishing conditions for MVT8:70167
Mean of sum and difference of random variables3:22301
Parametric arc length example4:482,434
Parametric curve arc length6:501,879
Derivatives in polar coordinates9:252,316
Derivative of e^x3:204,739
Economic models6:506,021
Analyzing mistakes finding extrema4:331,380
Identifying errror when applying first derivative test4:40707
Recognizing conditions for IVT and EVT from graph4:50989
Applying intermediate value theorem and extreme value theorem6:32654
Estimating limit from table3:243,396
Impact of scaling and shifting random variables6:26817
Indefinite integral properties4:563,369
A message from Sal Khan for the Khan Academy 2016 Annual Report6:232,981
Area between two functions of y8:303,061
Area between curve and y axis3:501,964
Separable differential equations examples4:241,791
Integration by parts of definite integral5:431,902
Reverse power rule for definite integrals4:141,888
A message from Sal Khan for the Khan Academy 2016 Annual Report6:107,976
Rewriting integrand before integrating5:171,599
Writing Riemann sum limit as definite integral6:351,593
Rewriting definite integral as limit of Riemann sum5:342,202
Sigma notation worked examples5:212,343
2017 AP Potato problem part c7:402,194
2017 AP Potato problem part b5:121,922
2017 AP Potato problem part a6:803,190
Midpoint Riemann sums5:292,225
Introduction to the definite integral7:533,363
Khan Academy in the classroom3:2632,215
Meet Sean, a creator of AP Physics on Khan Academy2:7011,641
Meet Jeff, a creator of AP Statistics on Khan Academy2:2510,919
Identifying inflection points from graphs of function and derivatives5:602,394
Recognizing inflection points from second derivative graph4:121,779
Existence theorems6:583,246
Identifying f, f', and f'' based on graphs4:273,135
Thinking about when to use chain rule or product rule5:471,658
Implicit differentiation when x and y are functions of t7:522,880
Chain rule when x and y are functions of t3:243,064
Applying chain rule twice3:102,394
Applying the chain rule and product rule5:543,455
Quotient rule3:533,323
Proof of derivative of ln x8:803,301
Proof of derivative of e^x8:395,688
Visual proof of derivative of cos x3:182,191
Derivatives of sin x and cos x3:413,114
Derivative of sin x5:524,780
Limit of (sin x)/x as x approaches 09:168,122
Limit of (1-cosx)/x as x approaches 04:502,425
Local linearity and differentiability6:303,312

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