1 571 vidéos, +150 000 abonnés

A Single Answer with a Deep Impact by Kerstin Puigmarti Concha | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20194:30982
GoogleIndiaScholars by Arshi Saleh | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20196:19466
Paying it Forward with JavaScript by Flaki | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20197:10334
Women Who Code by Francisca Schlesinger | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20193:32366
Not Self Taught, But Community Taught by Katrin Kampfrath | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20196:12232
How Community Made Me a #T1DCyborg by Jan Schenk | JSConf EU 20195:33288
Open Labs Hackerspace (Albania) by Mariana Balla | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20194:48278
Vue Vixens by Victoria Bergquist | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20194:17295
Why Communities Matter by Sophie Koonin | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20195:23228
Shine Theory and the Berlin Community by Carolyn Stransky | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20195:18379
From Corporate Life to Open Source by Alex Lakatos | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20196:00362
Communities Make a Difference by Claudia Hernández | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20195:40285
From Brazil to Berlin by Vinicius Kiatkoski Neves | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20194:21238
Gratitude, Healthcare, and Coding Communities by Tejas Kumar | Community Lounge | JSConf EU 20194:27222
CSSconf EU 2019 - Last of Type - Mood Film6:511 318
Automated perf. budgeting into your pipeline w/ sitespeed.io - Daniel Lopez - JSConf US 201933:351 599
Impressions of JSConf Budapest 20194:101 468
Making things fast in world of build tools by Surma & Jake Archibald | JSConf Budapest 201942:375 455
Looking under the rug: the art of learning from failure by Isa Silveira | JSConf Budapest 201928:464 425
Building Better Products Faster by Yu Ling Cheng & France Wang | CSSConf Bp 201929:421 346
JS in Extreme Conditions: WebApps for the Refugee Aid Movement by Taylor Fairbank | JSConf Bp 201931:29784
Algorithms and Their Habitat by Vitalii Bobrov | JSConf Budapest 201921:281 054
CSS Animation - Beyond Transitions by Steven Roberts | CSSConf BP 201928:203 864
Getting Browser Bugs Fixed by Alan Stearns | CSSConf BP 201926:40500
Testing presentation components visually by Balázs Korossy-Khayll | JSConf Budapest 201929:56689
Mastering UIs with Finite State Machines by Rubén Sospedra | JSConf Budapest 201929:471 838
CSS in JS - beware the Hype! by Kathrin Holzmann | CSSConf BP 201927:582 462
Crafting Stateful Styles with State Machines by David Khourshid | CSSConf BP 201928:512 175
Variable Fonts & Readability by Damien Senger | CSSConf BP 201930:46960
CSS Architecture for Modern Web Applications by Mike Riethmuller | CSSConf BP 201928:523 204
CSS Games and Drawings in the Real World: Useful or Just Fun? by Giulia Cardieri | CSSConf BP 201928:201 070
The Weird — Yet Practical — World of Paint Worklets by Jeremy Wagner | CSSConf BP 201933:171 290
Weaving the web - Programming textile-based interactions by Charlie Gerard | JSConf Budapest 201928:271 175
Deciphering Brainwaves with the Web Audio API by Braden Moore | JSConf Budapest 201927:23627
Essential JavaScript debugging tools for the modern detective by Rebecca Hill | JSConf Budapest 201929:195 535
Taming `Git`osaurus Using Mystical Trees by Damini Satya Kammakomati | JSConf Budapest 201934:161 017
Composing music with composed functions by Adam Giese | JSConf Budapest 201921:34790
How not to read the room: Creating socially awkward wearables by Stephanie Nemeth | JSConf BP 201926:35500
Web Norms of the World: An exploration of the internet beyond the West by Kat Kitay | JSConf BP 201931:27898
StrangerDanger: Finding Security Vulnerabilities Before They Find You! by Liran Tal | JSConf BP 201923:46902
Testing in production: Ideas, experiences, limits, roadblocks by Jorge Marin | JSConf Budapest 201924:39648
API Modernization: Building Bridges As You Cross Them by Shelley Vohr | JSConf Budapest 201929:201 554
A privacy first period tracker? Is it even possible? by Benedicte Raae | JSConf Budapest 201928:40448
Accessibility vs latest Web APIs. Can’t we just get along? by Mauricio Palma | JSConf Budapest 201928:31990
Take on me, web browsers! by Eva Ferreira | JSConf Budapest 201922:002 977
Legendary Lambdas by Tejas Kumar | JSConf Budapest 201927:511 163
Lifesaving AI and JavaScript | Jaeman An | JSConf Korea 2019(en sub)24:56598
Functional Programming:Learning by Application to Redux and Canvas| Gyujin Cho |JSConf Korea(en sub)31:351 043
Don't block the event loop!JavaScript Async for Effortless UX|Jaeseok Kang|JSConf Korea 2019(en sub)26:372 021
Lessons from maintaining Mocha, an open source project | Jeonghoon Byun | JSConf Korea 2019(eng sub)25:501 122
The Man who Sold the Amp: How to Process Music with JS | Vitalii Bobrov | JSConf Korea 201929:45617
Congrats! You’re the first person to have a baby at your startup. Now what?| Wendy Gwo |JSConf Korea25:13421
Back to the future of JS II: Beyond what we can foresee | William Martins | JSConf Korea 201924:56361
A WebAssembly Field Guide easily worth like 70 bottle caps | Flaki |JSConf Korea 201929:42565
What Tamagotchis can teach you about generators | Jenn Creighton | JSConf Korea 201925:58738
How Typescript Can Power Design Systems | Isha Kasliwal | JSConf Korea 201917:222 768
Components as Data: A Cross Platform GraphQL Component API - Luke Herrington - JSConf US 201934:702 902
A Postmortem on the Ingen Incident - Hayley Denbraver - JSConf US 201926:321 404
Bringing back dial-up: the internet over SMS - Alexandra Sunderland - JSConf US 201923:901 322
How we’re embracing functional programming to build a large SPA - Anton Abilov - JSConf US 201923:403 824
Time is a Social Construct - Daniel Cousineau - JSConf US 201927:13432
Playing Pokemon Together With Node.js - Samuel Agnew - JSConf US 201929:152 429
Weaving Tapestries of Code - Jen Luker - JSConf US 201930:38208
“WTF does run mean?” & other adventures in teaching others to code - Suzie Grange - JSConf US 201928:32646
Deliberate, Directed, Positive ACTION! - Peter Aitken - JSConf US 201942:00284
Make Web Not War - Dominik Kundel - JSConf US 201921:532 396
Native Web Apps: React, JS & WebAssembly to rewrite native apps - Florian Rival - JSConf US 201929:522 224
Automated perf. budgeting into your pipeline w/ sitespeed.io - DeShawn Williams - JSConf US 201933:35486
Strike a Pose - Gesture recognition in JavaScript w/ ML & Arduino - Charlie Gerard - JSConf US 201927:53488
We Started Using Webpack and It Took A While - Salem Hilal - JSConf US 201931:21897
Creating an AI Musician with JavaScript - Thomas Drach - JSConf US 201923:52895
CSS Algorithms - Lara Schenck - JSConf US 201937:101 976
Building a distributed graph w/ Apollo Federation - Gerwin Brunner & David Krehling - JSConf US 201928:21513
Building Open Source Communities - Tierney Cyren - JSConf US 201926:29334
JavaScript: Off the Grid - Sophia Shoemaker - JSConf US 201923:30572
Yoga Pose - Andy Ruestow & Bryan Donovan - JSConf US 201925:48297
Creating Beautiful LED Art with JavaScript - Bryan Hughes - JSConf US 201930:211 239
Decoupling Applications from Architectures - Jeff Hoffer - JSConf US 201935:20993
Just go for it: The story of dance-mat.js - Ramón Huidobro - JSConf US 201917:18413
Empathy is not enough - the power of engaging hard-to-reach users - Ariba Jahan - JSConf US 201929:30237
¿Donde Esta La BiblioTech? - Patricia Realini - JSConf US 201921:50186
Staying confident without feeling like an imposter - David Whittaker - JSConf US 201915:28702
Componentizing end-to-end tests - Nicholas Boll - JSConf US 201924:90975
Meet the Packets: How audio travels into your browser - Sara Fecadu - JSConf US 201924:00669
Tour de Bikeshare: Setting World Records with JavaScript - Kyle Hill - JSConf US 201932:19318
A11Y IRL (Accessibility in real life) - Theodore Vorillas - JSConf US 201924:28437
Advancing Focus - Glen Goodwin - JSConf US 201924:10255
Trans Eye for the Cis Ally: Ensuring an Inclusive Community - Julien Fitzpatrick - JSConf US 201930:32497
Composing music with composed functions - Adam Giese - JSConf US 201918:34981
The (Full)stack Trace: Understand Your App with Distributed Tracing - Will Klein - JSConf US 201920:90682
TDCD: Test Driven Component Development - Tim Doherty - JSConf US 201933:271 138
Evolving Chrome Extensions with Manifest V3 - Simeon Vincent - JSConf US 201935:60889
Make it Boring - Jeremy Wagner - JSConf US 201933:442 112
Web Norms of the World - Kat Kitay - JSConf US 201931:00467
Tales from the Toilet by Pier Paolo Fumagalli | JSConf EU 201925:431 181
What JS Devs can Learn from Medieval Coats of Arms about A11y by Amanda Sopkin | JSConf EU 201922:101 088
BDD - Baby Driven Development by Allison McMillan | JSConf EU 201927:601 245
Building WebApps Like It's 1972 22:283 612
Offline-first data: Getting Bigger by Kevin Doran | JSConf EU 201924:582 520
Recreating Retro Computer Art with JS! by Sher Minn Chong | JSConf EU 201926:511 989

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