 | | time | views | |
 | Silencer *ONLY* Fortnite! | 10:30 | 1,696,017 | |
 | DUOS Fortnite Fashion Show FINALS! | 35:12 | 1,129,985 | |
 | How Fresh & I *WON* The Fortnite PRO AM! ($100k) | 20:55 | 1,841,676 | |
 | $10,000 Fortnite Fashion Show World Cup... | 23:39 | 3,796,250 | |
 | I Let A 6yr Old Host My Fortnite Fashion Show... | 24:40 | 3,606,897 | |
 | Mario Party Minigames In Fortnite! | 11:57 | 1,527,607 | |
 | Reverse Fortnite Fashion Contest... Worst Outfit = Winner! | 26:18 | 3,342,730 | |
 | So I Moved to Japan! (House Tour Vlog) | 19:24 | 2,579,148 | |
 | DUO Fortnite Fashion Contest (Winner = $100) | 24:34 | 4,091,060 | |
 | This is Why I Love Siphon in Fortnite... (20+ Elims) | 14:33 | 2,234,355 | |
 | My Favourite Weapon is BACK - Flintknock Pistol! (18 Elims) | 22:13 | 1,679,742 | |
 | I Hosted a Fortnite Fashion Contest (Winner = VBucks) | 20:51 | 5,727,109 | |
 | The COMBAT Shotgun is BACK! (29 Elims) | 16:32 | 3,047,956 | |
 | Fortnite UNVAULTED The MOST *OP* Weapon (Boom Bow) | 11:46 | 1,723,925 | |
 | RIP Codename ELF... | 18:47 | 3,093,263 | |
 | Hiding as NUTCRACKERS In Fortnite (100% Success) | 23:47 | 2,282,287 | |
 | They Added LIGHTSABERS To Fortnite! (Star Wars) | 10:35 | 2,705,349 | |
 | The *NEW* Elf Skin (Fortnite Christmas Update) | 20:12 | 1,693,172 | |
 | So I got 100 *RARE* Elves in a Game of Fortnite! | 26:32 | 3,135,396 | |
 | FORTNITE ADDED SIPHON BACK!!! (23 Elims) | 20:48 | 1,754,793 | |
 | Listen to Lachlan.... Or Else! (Lachlan Says) | 12:45 | 911,556 | |
 | WORLDS 1ST WIN ON SPAWN ISLAND (Impossible) | 17:40 | 5,707,285 | |
 | We Glitched this Unreleased Gun in Fortnite... (NEW AK) | 17:13 | 2,396,126 | |
 | Skybase Memes But Its Fortnite China | 13:20 | 3,464,325 | |
 | Listen to Darth Vader... Or Else (Darth Vader Says) | 20:53 | 4,760,928 | |
 | So I 1v1'd Ninja in Fortnite... | 19:33 | 2,230,349 | |
 | Fortnite 2 But The Map Is TINY! | 14:19 | 1,942,709 | |
 | Fortnite Zone Wars IS BACK! | 12:38 | 1,534,721 | |
 | *NEW* HARPOON GUN In Fortnite! (Pretty Epic) | 12:43 | 1,478,742 | |
 | I Played Nintendo Switch for 3 Hours to get this Skin... | 15:27 | 2,123,789 | |
 | We *WON* $25,000... on 200+ Ping | 31:39 | 1,629,980 | |
 | Using *ONLY* PISTOLS To WIN Fortnite (Challenge) | 23:32 | 1,836,638 | |
 | *NEW* GOLDFISH DODGEBALL Custom Gamemode In Fortnite! | 10:41 | 2,113,202 | |
 | My First 20 Bomb in Fortnite Chapter 2! | 13:30 | 1,968,245 | |
 | The *RARE* Mythic Goldfish In Fortnite (1 in 1,000,000 Droprate) | 14:26 | 1,910,605 | |
 | Using *ONLY* Fishing Loot to WIN Fortnite 2! | 20:29 | 3,538,589 | |
 | Using A PUPPY To WIN Fortnite Chapter 2! | 19:00 | 3,278,184 | |
 | LITERALLY ONLY EATING FISH TO WIN (Challenge) | 17:70 | 2,029,427 | |
 | *MAX HEIGHT* SKYBASE DIVING in Fortnite Chapter 2! | 13:28 | 5,054,605 | |
 | Welcome to Fortnite CHAPTER 2! (Very Epic) | 11:32 | 4,008,445 | |
 | *NEW* Chapter 2 BATTLEPASS In Fortnite! (100% Unlocked) | 10:30 | 2,086,548 | |
 | Fortnite Chapter 1 Rewind! | 17:34 | 2,776,361 | |
 | THE END OF Fortnite Chapter 1! *LIVE EVENT* | 1:33:52 | 3,972,161 | |
 | The END OF FORTNITE! | 15:10 | 2,343,902 | |
 | Minecraft But EVERYTHING Is *RANDOM* | 11:52 | 1,428,188 | |
 | The *RANDOM* SKIN CHALLENGE In Fortnite Zone Wars! | 20:80 | 3,045,418 | |
 | Victory Royale But it’s Skill Based Matchmaking (Challenge) | 10:20 | 1,185,196 | |
 | A BRAND NEW MAP! (Apex Legends Season 3) | 10:60 | 691,925 | |
 | Exposing Players stats but its Skill Matchmaking... | 18:30 | 2,100,391 | |
 | The *NEW* Exclusive $600+ Fortnite Skin! | 11:13 | 1,659,469 | |
 | Welcome to Fortnite ZONE WARS! | 12:10 | 1,940,467 | |
 | *NEW* SHOOTING STARS in Fortnite! (Secret Weapon) | 13:10 | 1,625,910 | |
 | How A Hacker Lost Me $10,000 | 30:37 | 1,610,984 | |
 | Minecraft But Its Actually Fortnite... | 16:35 | 1,269,783 | |
 | Fortnite But it’s Playground Fill | 14:14 | 2,127,085 | |
 | *SECRET* NEW Fire Witch Skin in Fortnite! | 17:11 | 1,945,164 | |
 | MY FAVOURITE GUN IS BACK! (Tactical SMG) | 19:23 | 1,797,569 | |
 | Why Gun Game Is the *BEST* Fortnite! | 10:80 | 1,353,912 | |
 | $50,000 Fortnite Tournament but I have 200+ Ping... | 25:45 | 1,159,002 | |
 | Welcome to Fortnite SKYBLOCK! | 20:11 | 3,239,043 | |
 | Lachlan + Muselk Playing like the OG Fortnite Days | 17:34 | 2,248,727 | |
 | So Fortnite VAULTED The Combat Shotgun... | 14:40 | 2,250,577 | |
 | Fortnite Gun Game With *NO* Gun! (Pickaxe Only) | 14:19 | 1,092,051 | |
 | A Hacker Ruined My Update Night... | 19:46 | 3,239,665 | |
 | Becoming a Fortnite Detective! (Murder Mystery) | 32:56 | 1,042,763 | |
 | *NEW* GUN GAME mode in Fortnite! | 15:13 | 2,669,707 | |
 | Lachlan's Best Fails in Fortnite (Top 15) | 11:12 | 1,478,219 | |
 | How Fresh and I WON $25,000 Playing Fortnite! | 31:51 | 2,272,711 | |
 | So They Broke Fortnite...Again | 16:17 | 2,545,528 | |
 | FORTNITE IS FUN AGAIN! | 15:28 | 2,303,437 | |
 | Minecraft with Pokemon! (Pixelmon) | 22:45 | 1,914,399 | |
 | I *ELIMINATED* Fresh on Update Night... Twice | 19:17 | 2,900,937 | |
 | The COWBOY Challenge In Fortnite! | 16:45 | 1,977,190 | |
 | WINNING With *ONLY* Zombie Loot In Fortnite | 13:46 | 1,802,092 | |
 | ZOMBIES ARE BACK IN FORTNITE! (Again) | 21:24 | 1,635,721 | |
 | Fortnite Before They Added Mechs... (Best Fortnite) | 10:32 | 1,360,846 | |
 | Minecraft Skyblock Island w/Lachlan | 21:27 | 2,325,651 | |
 | Lachlan’s Top 10 Victory Royales In Fortnite! | 13:60 | 2,363,307 | |
 | Fortnite did an Oopsie... (Another Leaked Gun) | 16:46 | 3,053,455 | |
 | Welcome to Fortnite Season X! (DUSTY DEPOT IS BACK) | 21:19 | 2,528,637 | |
 | *NEW* SEASON X BATTLEPASS In Fortnite (GOLD KNIGHT?!?) | 14:33 | 3,653,487 | |
 | *NEW* MUSICAL Deathrun In Fortnite! | 10:13 | 1,114,942 | |
 | ALIENS Escaping AREA 51 In Fortnite! | 13:43 | 1,710,363 | |
 | Double Barrel Shotgun *ONLY* (20 Elims) | 17:28 | 1,905,830 | |
 | Fortnite Duos With NINJA! | 25:00 | 4,436,433 | |
 | THE *OP* PUMP SHOTGUN IS BACK! (Unvaulted) | 20:25 | 2,150,582 | |
 | Fortnite *LIVE* Monster VS Robot Final Showdown Event! | 42:28 | 4,112,589 | |
 | How To Get *FREE* Exclusive Fortnite Wraps & Sprays! | 20:17 | 1,747,244 | |
 | Epic *ACCIDENTALLY* Added This SNIPER EARLY! | 29:12 | 2,597,037 | |
 | Fortnite MURDER MYSTERY! | 22:20 | 2,203,263 | |
 | The Fortnite Quiz *RAGE* Edition! | 16:34 | 1,743,873 | |
 | *FROZEN* FORTNITE IS BACK! (25 Elims) | 10:41 | 1,805,453 | |
 | *SECRET* Fortbytes Skin UNLOCKED! (20 Elims) | 12:47 | 2,302,996 | |
 | *NEW* Airstrike Grenades in Fortnite! (Very OP) | 12:55 | 2,415,473 | |
 | Fortnite I Am Stone Challenge (Very Broken) | 10:30 | 3,090,635 | |
 | Lachlan & Fresh Play Friday Fortnite (Very Epic) | 24:34 | 1,850,560 | |
 | Becoming the most OVERPOWERED Player! (1000+ Health) | 10:46 | 2,323,982 | |
 | THE BANANA SKIN is OP! (Headshots Only) | 17:35 | 2,899,420 | |
 | Fortnite Now Has An Automatic Shotgun... | 10:55 | 2,544,705 | |
 | Fortnite But I Can Edit *EVERYONES* Builds! | 10:35 | 2,508,119 | |