1 138 vidéos, +7 420 000 abonnés

NASA's plan to save Earth from a giant asteroid6:291 357 146
The US medical system is still haunted by slavery8:501 017 366
How J Dilla humanized his MPC300010:24777 311
Europe’s most fortified border is in Africa10:53928 844
The fight to make bad jobs better8:45775 824
How Technicolor changed movies11:50734 698
The real reason American health care is so expensive5:421 276 657
Why cities are full of uncomfortable benches4:002 069 973
Building a border at 4,600 meters13:27708 879
The robot-proof job men aren't taking8:33968 041
Road signs suck. What if we got rid of them all?6:261 277 323
9 charts to be thankful for: humanity is getting better1:30321 124
How Trump turned Sean Hannity into a conspiracy theorist7:49771 900
How the US outsourced border security to Mexico14:47635 770
How job surveillance is changing trucking in America9:36779 651
The military coup in Zimbabwe, explained4:33973 638
The environmental cost of free two-day shipping5:37764 039
Walking while black7:591 142 357
The all-American fruit you've probably never heard of6:271 021 359
How beauty brands failed women of color9:11866 176
Why the rise of the robots won’t mean the end of work9:30902 493
The world is poorly designed. But copying nature helps.6:501 757 183
Harassment is breaking Twitter's free speech experiment7:46474 880
How to break the two-party hold on American politics3:18505 019
Catalonia’s independence movement, explained5:44597 861
The latest revelation that ties the Trump campaign to Russia4:19574 484
Inside North Korea's bubble in Japan13:281 474 419
The dollhouses of death that changed forensic science8:161 432 534
Why this awful sounding album is a masterpiece10:40847 001
The opioid crisis is making grandparents become parents again8:40705 072
9 facts about violence against women everyone should know2:17249 128
How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history6:56956 018
It's time to draw borders on the Arctic Ocean12:50778 115
What the names for bodies of water mean5:15415 284
YouTube's messy fight with its most extreme creators7:56941 599
How drug companies make you buy more medicine than you need6:47830 621
Divided island: How Haiti and the DR became two worlds15:521 137 763
Vox Borders: Life at the edge of nations1:14344 744
Why we really really really like repetition in music7:34908 738
Assign us a video topic! 3 million subscribers challenge1:38115 470
How granite countertops took over American kitchens6:17860 705
Why Rotten Tomatoes scores don't mean what they seem4:431 158 673
How tax breaks help the rich8:471 230 451
The only wild monkeys in Europe4:35504 681
Why we still need courtroom sketch artists5:12977 887
The gun modification that made the Las Vegas shooting so deadly2:231 209 356
Open offices are overrated6:311 270 481
Don't fall for the antifa trap7:311 196 599
Why Puerto Rico will be without power for months4:10572 950
The ancient city designed to track time3:25438 691
Crowdfunding, explained by Exploding Kittens7:00554 294
How Hans Zimmer and Radiohead transformed "Bloom" for Blue Planet II6:52511 564
How QWERTY conquered keyboards5:48945 165
Why 23 million Americans don't have fast internet7:16797 706
The “ethnic cleansing” of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims, explained5:15487 748
The rise and fall of the American fallout shelter12:32646 020
How to solve problems like a designer4:51329 928
How American Gothic became an icon6:11569 139
You have more than five senses4:24416 323
Treating hurricanes like war zones hurts survivors7:25474 736
How the triplet flow took over rap9:421 719 879
How an underground script list changed movies7:35543 686
The real reason To Kill A Mockingbird became so famous5:28860 284
What Hillary Clinton really thinks51:45591 456
How 9/11 changed Disney's Lilo & Stitch1:332 019 557
Why a storm surge can be the deadliest part of a hurricane4:10920 375
Why these all-white paintings are in museums and mine aren't6:301 496 737
The colleges where the American dream is still alive3:31457 607
DACA, explained5:28799 674
The wall of eyes trained on the US - Mexico border5:23465 788
Why more pop songs should end with a fade out7:42891 011
7 seasons of color on Game of Thrones, in one chart1:36483 854
Why fact-checking can’t stop Trump’s lies7:11672 772
Why America still uses Fahrenheit4:511 683 309
How climate change makes hurricanes worse3:23527 650
A mountaintop view of the total solar eclipse1:25348 134
The collapse of Venezuela, explained7:311 052 263
We need to change how we bury the dead5:521 791 132
This timeline shows confederate monuments are about racial conflict2:56394 351
Trump's plan to cut his own taxes2:48653 017
How an MS Paint artist made this picture7:53917 134
How a recording-studio mishap shaped '80s music8:301 131 064
After Charlottesville, how do we cover an immoral president?4:31712 180
Tales from the shadow of the moon5:20474 085
How a Haitian village cooks with sunlight2:34280 855
How Trump's Charlottesville response emboldens white supremacy4:201 030 625
Voyager 2's 11 billion mile journey at a human scale3:46606 220
DC’s abandoned fire and police call boxes, explained3:56452 949
The real reason streetcars are making a comeback5:57694 241
The tiny island in New York City that nobody is allowed to visit3:562 269 790
Meet Haiti's surfing pioneers2:52184 949
The secret rhythm behind Radiohead's "Videotape"10:15714 601
The "this is fine" bias in cable news5:60780 808
What happens after ISIS falls?7:231 219 696
Medicaid, explained: why it's worse to be sick in some states than others11:20475 769
Lyme disease is spreading. Blame ticks — and climate change4:39320 998
Baby Driver's opening car chase, mapped3:32641 556
How fentanyl is making the opioid epidemic even worse5:22502 658
The sound illusion that makes Dunkirk so intense3:203 068 654
The bizarre physics of fire ants3:591 006 742

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