3,274 vídeos, +16,100,000 suscriptores

How I use art to bridge misunderstanding | Adong Judith5:1020,705
Can I have your brain? The quest for truth on concussions and CTE | Chris Nowinski11:2139,828
What we can do about the culture of hate | Sally Kohn17:4756,595
"my mama" / "BLACK BANANA" | Rei8:3845,385
Why must artists be poor? | Hadi Eldebek6:4277,695
The Great Migration and the power of a single decision | Isabel Wilkerson17:5657,573
3 myths about the future of work (and why they're not true) | Daniel Susskind15:4894,118
How to inspire every child to be a lifelong reader | Alvin Irby7:2875,733
What a world without prisons could look like | Deanna Van Buren15:2089,639
The radical beauty of Africa, in portraits | Iké Udé13:2424,232
The best way to help is often just to listen | Sophie Andrews14:2469,292
To solve the world's biggest problems, invest in women and girls | Musimbi Kanyoro14:3049,784
The wonderful world of life in a drop of water | Tom Zimmerman and Simone Bianco11:7047,275
How shocking events can spark positive change | Naomi Klein15:3345,024
How fashion helps us express who we are -- and what we stand for | Kaustav Dey12:3448,526
Do you really know why you do what you do? | Petter Johansson16:11139,049
What soccer can teach us about freedom | Marc Bamuthi Joseph5:4233,306
What I learned when I conquered the world's toughest triathlon | Minda Dentler13:1669,865
How to connect with depressed friends | Bill Bernat13:11105,894
How we became sisters | Felice Belle and Jennifer Murphy12:4628,312
To learn is to be free | Shameem Akhtar12:3648,511
How we look kilometers below the Antarctic ice sheet | Dustin Schroeder11:1228,817
The brain-changing benefits of exercise | Wendy Suzuki13:30818,886
Be humble -- and other lessons from the philosophy of water | Raymond Tang9:43127,842
The role of human emotions in science and research | Ilona Stengel10:4258,599
You don't have to be an expert to solve big problems | Tapiwa Chiwewe8:3894,874
Refugees want empowerment, not handouts | Robert Hakiza6:4626,360
The genius of the London Tube Map | Michael Bierut on "Small Thing Big Idea"4:10137,911
How to have a healthier, positive relationship with sex | Tiffany Kagure Mugo and Siphumeze Khundayi11:3858,406
A life-saving invention that prevents human stampedes | Nilay Kulkarni7:4655,160
How to resolve racially stressful situations | Howard C. Stevenson17:3532,788
Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience | Jason Shen6:31118,232
How we can build AI to help humans, not hurt us | Margaret Mitchell9:5753,049
3 creative ways to fix fashion's waste problem | Amit Kalra9:4855,406
The secret to great opportunities? The person you haven't met yet | Tanya Menon14:70112,098
Fashion that celebrates African strength and spirit | Walé Oyéjidé4:5517,455
Why I train grandmothers to treat depression | Dixon Chibanda12:2534,497
The virginity fraud | Nina Dølvik Brochmann and Ellen Støkken Dahl11:4282,332
Capitalism isn't an ideology -- it's an operating system | Bhu Srinivasan6:1153,584
The surprising ingredient that makes businesses work better | Marco Alverà14:8044,936
3 lessons of revolutionary love in a time of rage | Valarie Kaur22:1356,205
"My Fine Reward" | Tito Deler2:544,661
How protest is redefining democracy around the world | Zachariah Mampilly10:1641,527
This company pays kids to do their math homework | Mohamad Jebara13:4256,008
How architecture can create dignity for all | John Cary13:3435,589
How we can help hungry kids, one text at a time | Su Kahumbu7:3629,947
This deep-sea mystery is changing our understanding of life | Karen Lloyd13:90158,631
A funny look at the unintended consequences of technology | Chuck Nice10:4359,113
How to fix a broken heart | Guy Winch12:26194,174
How I use Minecraft to help kids with autism | Stuart Duncan10:5756,592
From death row to law graduate | Peter Ouko8:5139,665
6 space technologies we can use to improve life on Earth | Danielle Wood10:5267,356
Black life at the intersection of birth and death | Mwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa7:5028,394
My failed mission to find God -- and what I found instead | Anjali Kumar16:12236,156
Could fish social networks help us save coral reefs? | Mike Gil4:4427,310
The gift and power of emotional courage | Susan David16:49121,148
Why I study the most dangerous animal on earth -- mosquitoes | Fredros Okumu12:5057,170
The thrilling potential for off-grid solar energy | Amar Inamdar14:2966,384
What's it like to be a robot? | Leila Takayama12:5672,068
The surprising solution to ocean plastic | David Katz11:5493,837
The dangerous evolution of HIV | Edsel Salvaña4:4569,772
The business benefits of doing good | Wendy Woods15:3632,624
An economic case for protecting the planet | Naoko Ishii14:1531,442
What comes after tragedy? Forgiveness | Azim Khamisa and Ples Felix13:7037,703
Want to change the world? Start by being brave enough to care | Cleo Wade11:10132,320
The hidden role informal caregivers play in health care | Scott Williams9:3127,126
American bipartisan politics can be saved -- here's how | Bob Inglis10:4938,440
Talk about your death while you're still healthy | Michelle Knox13:4652,690
The search for "aha!" moments | Matt Goldman14:1241,185
How to put the power of law in people's hands | Vivek Maru19:4435,403
A one-man musical phenomenon | Jacob Collier15:1589,823
How we can stop Africa's scientific brain drain | Kevin Njabo8:3624,215
Want to be more creative? Go for a walk | Marily Oppezzo5:26148,869
How record collectors find lost music and preserve our cultural heritage | Alexis Charpentier14:3026,422
Medical tech designed to meet Africa's needs | Soyapi Mumba5:4429,477
How adaptive clothing empowers people with disabilities | Mindy Scheier13:4147,774
The power of citizen video to create undeniable truths | Yvette Alberdingk Thijm12:3146,773
A vehicle built in Africa, for Africa | Joel Jackson8:1847,493
The history of human emotions | Tiffany Watt Smith14:2184,626
Want to get great at something? Get a coach | Atul Gawande16:4774,917
How China is changing the future of shopping | Angela Wang13:39102,587
Inside Africa's thriving art scene | Touria El Glaoui7:5828,009
Mammoths resurrected and other thoughts from a futurist | Stewart Brand and Chris Anderson30:3261,314
What we don't teach kids about sex | Sue Jaye Johnson7:20209,695
Our treatment of HIV has advanced. Why hasn't the stigma changed? | Arik Hartmann17:7036,825
3 thoughtful ways to conserve water | Lana Mazahreh11:2344,266
Photos of Africa, taken from a flying lawn chair | George Steinmetz10:4572,566
You aren't at the mercy of your emotions -- your brain creates them | Lisa Feldman Barrett18:29237,975
How adoption worked for me | Christopher Ategeka7:5848,115
"Good" and "bad" are incomplete stories we tell ourselves | Heather Lanier13:3795,167
The next generation of African architects and designers | Christian Benimana12:5835,008
See how the rest of the world lives, organized by income | Anna Rosling Rönnlund11:42416,190
A new weapon in the fight against superbugs | David Brenner10:1448,668
Success stories from Kenya's first makerspace | Kamau Gachigi13:2029,784
Lessons from a solar storm chaser | Miho Janvier5:3556,847
A mother and son united by love and art | Deborah Willis and Hank Willis Thomas10:3533,868
Free yourself from your filter bubbles | Joan Blades and John Gable9:1994,923
Adventures of an interplanetary architect | Xavier De Kestelier12:4580,195
How augmented reality could change the future of surgery | Nadine Hachach-Haram11:5060,897
How urban agriculture is transforming Detroit | Devita Davison12:2341,829

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