3,274 vídeos, +16,100,000 suscriptores

Gever Tulley teaches life lessons through tinkering4:6035,710
Arthur Benjamin: Teach statistics before calculus!2:59115,476
Ray Zahab treks to the South Pole5:5418,576es en una lista
Katherine Fulton: You are the future of philanthropy13:4510,902
Paul Collier's new rules for rebuilding a broken nation16:3520,390
Philip Zimbardo: The psychology of time7:8085,998
Qi Zhang's electrifying organ performance8:33100,204
Catherine Mohr: Surgery's past, present and robotic future21:2931,412
Ex-Moonie Diane Benscoter: How cults think6:5871,557
Clay Shirky: How cellphones, Twitter, Facebook can make history17:30105,132
Jane Poynter: Life in Biosphere 215:5447,735
Richard St. John: "Success is a continuous journey"5:90112,588es en una lista
Nancy Etcoff: Happiness and its surprises22:1934,022
Robert Full: Learning from the gecko's tail12:2839,101
Kevin Surace invents eco-friendly drywall4:3211,061
John La Grou plugs smart power outlets5:249,842
Pete Alcorn on the world in 22003:5122,988
Felix Dennis' odes to vice and consequences17:2542,369
Yann Arthus-Bertrand captures fragile Earth in wide-angle14:5635,423
Ray Kurzweil: A university for the coming singularity8:4255,593
Liz Coleman's call to reinvent liberal arts education18:3939,282es en una lista
Kaki King rocks out to "Playing with Pink Noise"14:5073,662
Jonathan Drori: Why we're storing billions of seeds6:3533,307es en una lista
Michelle Obama's plea for education13:2139,334
Jay Walker on the world's English mania5:3065,075
The TED Fellows program6:4622,396
Yves Behar's supercharged motorcycle design3:5351,199es en una lista
Carolyn Porco: Could a Saturn moon harbor life?4:4133,203
Mary Roach: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm17:122,969,964es en 3 listas
Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our decisions?17:27611,159
Ray Anderson: The business logic of sustainability16:40104,438
Naturally 7 beatbox a whole band3:57465,970
Nandan Nilekani's ideas for India's future15:14189,882
Hans Rosling on HIV: New facts and stunning data visuals9:57130,696
Eric Lewis plays chaos and harmony4:5538,965
Seth Godin: The tribes we lead17:24191,968
Louise Fresco on feeding the whole world18:1040,225
Al Gore: Alarming new slides of the worsening climate crisis7:4541,180
Tom Shannon's gravity-defying sculpture11:56296,462
Mae Jemison on teaching arts and sciences together16:1935,236es en una lista
Sean Gourley on the mathematics of war7:2086,799
Brian Cox: What went wrong at the Large Hadron Collider3:30158,932
Laurie Garrett: What can we learn from the 1918 flu?21:6026,269es en una lista
Sarah Jones: One woman, eight hilarious characters21:10408,934es en una lista
Michael Merzenich: Growing evidence of brain plasticity23:8076,397
Alex Tabarrok on how ideas trump crises14:3428,639
Nate Silver: How does race affect votes?10:2130,441
Ben Katchor's comics of bygone New York13:1414,541
Erik Hersman: How texting helped Kenyans survive crisis3:5712,891
Niels Diffrient: Rethinking the way we sit down17:2137,515
Margaret Wertheim: The beautiful math of coral (and crochet)16:3859,670es en 2 listas
Matthew Childs' 9 life lessons from rock climbing4:4941,885
Tim Ferriss: How to feel like the Incredible Hulk16:26365,804
Demo: Stunning data visualization in the AlloSphere7:1344,734
Gregory Stock: To upgrade is human17:5236,563
Shai Agassi: A new ecosystem for electric cars19:10102,140es en una lista
Renny Gleeson: Busted! The sneaky moves of antisocial smartphone users3:4739,238
Emily Levine: A trickster's theory of everything22:5366,567
Bonnie Bassler: The secret, social lives of bacteria19:00166,385
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita predicts Iran's future20:9080,116
Nathaniel Kahn: My father, my architect10:2832,758
P.W. Singer: Military robots and the future of war16:70198,539es en una lista
Christopher Deam: Restyling the classic Airstream trail6:2220,103
Extreme wingsuit flying (The TEDTalk)13:18315,435es en una lista
Jacek Utko: Can design save the newspaper?6:5058,810
C.K. Williams: Poetry for all seasons of life23:1914,628
Why we have virus outbreaks & how we can prevent them13:60295,455
John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding17:37598,248es en una lista
David Pogue: Cool new things you can do with your mobile27:4092,342
Jacqueline Novogratz on an escape from poverty7:3135,492
Saul Griffith: High-altitude wind energy from kites!6:2936,358
Kamal Meattle: How to grow fresh air4:50153,314es en una lista
Bruce McCall: Nostalgia for a future that never happened13:2051,274
Adam Savage: My obsession with objects and the stories they tell15:3995,871
Dan Ariely: Why we think it's OK to cheat and steal (sometimes)18:24388,104
Dan Dennett: Cute, sexy, sweet, funny7:46219,105es en una lista
Tim Berners-Lee: The next Web of open, linked data16:52148,523
Stuart Brown: Play is more than fun26:43153,049
Aimee Mullins: It's not fair having 12 pairs of legs9:59581,205
Pattie Maes: Unveiling game-changing wearable tech8:431,384,027es en una lista
Don Norman: The three ways that good design makes you happy12:42164,495
Eric Lewis: Striking chords to rock the jazz world10:37128,482
Mike Rowe: Learning from dirty jobs20:401,230,866
Nalini Nadkarni explores canopy worlds18:1520,708es en una lista
Willie Smits: How to restore a rainforest22:3986,408
Brenda Laurel on making video games for girls13:9054,628
Evan Williams on what's behind Twitter's explosive growth9:4582,660
Miru Kim: Making art of New York's urban ruins14:31343,105
Richard Pyle: Exploring the reef's Twilight Zone16:4938,775
Captain Charles Moore on the seas of plastic7:21128,362
Ed Ulbrich: How Benjamin Button got his face20:80150,825
Jill Tarter: Why the search for alien intelligence matters21:24108,946
Sylvia Earle: How to protect the oceans (TED Prize winner!)18:17132,985
Incredible high school musicians from Venezuela! Led by Gustavo Dudamel17:70750,929es en una lista
Jose Antonio Abreu: The El Sistema music revolution18:5791,313es en 2 listas
Juan Enriquez: The next species of human18:51460,339es en una lista
Barry Schwartz: Our loss of wisdom20:46250,118
David Merrill: Toy tiles that talk to each other7:10160,458
Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius19:292,061,588es en 3 listas
Bill Gates: Mosquitos, malaria and education20:17564,912

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