3,274 videos, +16,100,000 subscribers

Lennart Green: Close-up card magic with a twist31:40943,601
David Griffin: How photography connects us17:4028,740
Spencer Wells: Building a family tree for all humanity22:2196,627
Bruno Bowden & Rufus Cappadocia: Origami, blindfolded and to2:5934,151
Robert Lang: The math and magic of origami18:40204,1231 list
Kwabena Boahen: Making a computer that works like the brain17:4974,658
Kevin Kelly: The next 5,000 days of the web19:35163,003
Reed Kroloff: Architecture, modern and romantic15:2213,151
Marisa Fick-Jordan: The wonders of Zulu wire art2:3415,145
Jonathan Harris: The web as art20:3021,727
Louise Leakey: Digging for humanity's origins16:8038,477
Chris Abani: On humanity18:1941,414
Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology23:43423,248
Keith Barry: Brain magic19:503,557,5741 list
A.J. Jacobs: My year of living biblically17:41144,049
Billy Graham: Technology, faith and human shortcomings26:21157,866
Helen Fisher: The brain in love16:28708,522is in 2 lists
Freeman Dyson: Let's look for life in the outer solar system20:3957,887
Nellie McKay: "Mother of Pearl" and "If I Had You"5:35317,850
Clay Shirky: Institutions vs. collaboration20:4774,222
David Hoffman: How would you feel if you lost everything?5:3438,600
Torsten Reil: Using biology to make better animation18:2127,916
Corneille Ewango: A hero of the Congo Basin forest18:196,929
Raul Midon: "Everybody" and "Peace on Earth"9:5932,336
Rick Smolan: A girl, a photograph, a homecoming25:8042,888
Peter Diamandis: Stephen Hawking hits zero g4:2070,056
Sxip Shirey & Rachelle Garniez: Breath, music, passion4:3411,014
Nicholas Negroponte: One Laptop per Child, two years on16:3435,971
Benjamin Zander: The transformative power of classical music20:441,258,396is in 2 lists
Steven Levitt on child carseats20:3289,826
Adam Grosser: A mobile fridge for vaccines3:3275,031
Robert Full: Engineering and evolution20:5661,840
Chris Jordan: Turning powerful stats into art11:15105,484
George Dyson: The birth of the computer17:2054,628
Dr. Dean Ornish: Your genes are not your fate3:3656,354
Murray Gell-Mann: Do all languages have a common ancestor?2:1640,618
Wade Davis: The worldwide web of belief and ritual19:1347,667
Nathan Myhrvold: A life of fascinations18:4842,744
Susan Blackmore: Memes and "temes"21:1095,905
Paul Collier: 4 ways to improve the lives of the "bottom bil18:5637,715
Seyi Oyesola: Health care off the grid15:5616,296
Arthur Ganson: Moving sculpture17:1136,293
Yves Behar: Designing objects that tell stories17:4444,087
Robert Ballard: Exploring the ocean's hidden worlds19:4782,235
Alisa Miller: The news about the news5:3078,366
Mark Bittman: What's wrong with what we eat20:90418,223
Joshua Klein: The intelligence of crows11:34250,145
Michael Moschen: Juggling rhythm and motion38:3099,843
Paul Ewald: Can we domesticate germs?19:1920,7231 list
Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world18:18892,114
Hector Ruiz: The power to connect the world20:3118,815
They Might Be Giants: Wake up! It's They Might Be Giants17:5552,987
Brian Cox: CERN's supercollider16:26754,659
Brian Greene: Making sense of string theory19:701,025,6271 list
Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide?24:19292,789is in 2 lists
Ernest Madu: Bringing world-class health care to the poorest17:2428,5661 list
Yochai Benkler: Open-source economics17:5356,857
Tod Machover & Dan Ellsey: Releasing the music in your head22:9033,5721 list
Tom Rielly: A comic send-up of TED200621:5347,481
Thomas Barnett: Rethinking America's military strategy25:4095,324
Stewart Brand: Why squatter cities are a good thing5:3030,419
Sir Martin Rees: Earth in its final century?18:12272,815
Richard Dawkins: Militant atheism31:801,163,931
Rick Warren: A life of purpose21:48373,370
Robert Wright: The logic of non-zero-sum progress19:5731,920
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: How to help Africa? Do business there22:5047,986
Michael Shermer: Why people believe weird things14:12962,7821 list
Edward Burtynsky: Manufactured landscapes35:1160,754
Matthieu Ricard: The habits of happiness20:551,090,194
Jehane Noujaim: TEDPrize wish: Unite the world on Pangea Day26:259,170
Jan Chipchase: The anthropology of mobile phones16:1616,906
Charles Leadbeater: The era of open innovation19:4172,177
Alan Russell: The potential of regenerative medicine21:2356,5011 list
Johnny Lee: Wii Remote hacks6:141,447,9241 list
Al Gore: New thinking on the climate crisis29:21100,2431 list
Stephen Hawking: Questioning the universe10:134,867,6821 list
Jakob Trollback: Rethinking the music video4:2812,891
David Hoffman: Catch Sputnik mania!3:519,445
Siegfried Woldhek: The true face of Leonardo Da Vinci?4:1951,072
Clifford Stoll: The call to learn17:51986,260
Christopher deCharms: A look inside the brain in real time3:5765,988
Norman Foster: Building on the green agenda32:6058,196
Neil Turok: 2008 TED Prize wish: An African Einstein24:4551,5991 list
Karen Armstrong: 2008 TED Prize wish: Charter for Compassion21:28124,507
Dave Eggers: 2008 TED Prize wish: Once Upon a School24:3052,2901 list
Frank Gehry: From 1990, defending a vision for architecture44:3333,279
Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight20:123,213,1611 list
Nicholas Negroponte: 5 predictions, in 198425:2438,047
Craig Venter: On the verge of creating synthetic life34:20159,681
Alan Kay: A powerful idea about teaching ideas20:3832,117
Roy Gould: WorldWide Telescope7:2287,723
Steve Jurvetson: The joy of rockets3:5610,199
Joseph Lekuton: A parable for Kenya6:549,278
Raspyni Brothers: Welcome to Vaudeville 2.017:1018,207
Jill Sobule & Julia Sweeney: The Jill & Julia Show6:2124,493
Moshe Safdie: What makes a building unique?17:4326,553
George Dyson: Let's take a nuclear-powered rocket to Saturn8:3361,064
Pamelia Kurstin: Theremin, the untouchable music20:12289,723
Howard Rheingold: Way-new collaboration19:3132,254
Michael Pollan: A plant's-eye view17:33166,1861 list

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