1 695 vidéos, +10 700 000 abonnés

How algorithms shape our world - Kevin Slavin15:24103 939
The beautiful math of coral - Margaret Wertheim15:3217 577
The beauty of data visualization - David McCandless18:1883 9431 liste
The genius of Mendeleev's periodic table - Lou Serico4:25200 4091 liste
Three anti-social skills to improve your writing - Nadia Kalman3:45309 2421 liste
Would you weigh less in an elevator? - Carol Hedden3:3665 1421 liste
Why videos go viral - Kevin Allocca7:2126 7811 liste
How social media can make history - Clay Shirky15:4937 9501 liste
Does stress cause pimples? - Claudia Aguirre3:55176 8991 liste
Stroke of insight - Jill Bolte Taylor18:4279 128
An antihero of one's own - Tim Adams4:11147 8992 listes
Dark matter: How does it explain a star's speed? - Don Lincoln3:1753 8891 liste
A needle in countless haystacks: Finding habitable worlds - Ariel Anbar5:1161 4361 liste
How life came to land - Tierney Thys5:2840 7331 liste
The oddities of the first American election - Kenneth C. Davis4:7039 2521 liste
Does your vote count? The Electoral College explained - Christina Greer5:22300 5351 liste
A 3-minute guide to the Bill of Rights - Belinda Stutzman3:35149 9911 liste
A glimpse of teenage life in ancient Rome - Ray Laurence6:35947 8371 liste
Gerrymandering: How drawing jagged lines can impact an election - Christina Greer3:5380 7591 liste
Diagnosing a zombie: Brain and behavior - Tim Verstynen & Bradley Voytek3:4465 0901 liste
The Making of the American Constitution - Judy Walton3:5866 6351 liste
Diagnosing a zombie: Brain and body - Tim Verstynen & Bradley Voytek3:47220 7511 liste
The city of walls: Constantinople - Lars Brownworth4:1788 8441 liste
How inventions change history (for better and for worse) - Kenneth C. Davis5:1599 8571 liste
Sending a sundial to Mars - Bill Nye7:5047 5641 liste
Rethinking thinking - Trevor Maber5:33159 7042 listes
How does math guide our ships at sea? - George Christoph4:19123 2742 listes
Describing the invisible properties of gas - Brian Bennett3:2640 8701 liste
The ABC's of gas: Avogadro, Boyle, Charles - Brian Bennett2:5047 9961 liste
The story behind your glasses - Eva Timothy4:1746 6791 liste
How breathing works - Nirvair Kaur5:19106 1611 liste
The twisting tale of DNA - Judith Hauck4:2776 2171 liste
The carbon cycle - Nathaniel Manning3:5547 0492 listes
Why do competitors open their stores next to one another? - Jac de Haan4:70702 7451 liste
The power of a great introduction - Carolyn Mohr4:43104 0101 liste
What's invisible? More than you think - John Lloyd8:481 030 7741 liste
Making sense of spelling - Gina Cooke4:19153 5991 liste
The art of the metaphor - Jane Hirshfield5:39217 7872 listes
What is chirality and how did it get in my molecules? - Michael Evans5:5051 4961 liste
Newton's 3 Laws, with a bicycle - Joshua Manley3:33154 8962 listes
Magical metals, how shape memory alloys work - Ainissa Ramirez4:4646 7931 liste
8 traits of successful people - Richard St. John7:18630 727
The power of passion - Richard St. John6:55161 284
Why it pays to work hard - Richard St. John6:23172 337
TED-Ed YouTube Channel Teaser1:271 248 315
How to think about gravity - Jon Bergmann4:4476 3562 listes
Why the shape of your screen matters - Brian Gervase3:33127 5351 liste
A clever way to estimate enormous numbers - Michael Mitchell4:15203 1842 listes
How big is a mole? (Not the animal, the other one.) - Daniel Dulek4:33188 2351 liste
How to prove a mathematical theory - Scott Kennedy4:39111 6021 liste
How taking a bath led to Archimedes' principle - Mark Salata3:10243 7852 listes
Greeting the world in peace - Jackie Jenkins3:1858 3721 liste
What happens if you guess - Leigh Nataro5:28191 8331 liste
Capturing authentic narratives - Michele Weldon3:1945 5321 liste
How fiction can change reality - Jessica Wise4:30161 2302 listes
Logarithms, Explained - Steve Kelly3:35147 9011 liste
The History of Keeping Time - Karen Mensing3:4872 4191 liste
Music as a language - Victor Wooten5:00556 9311 liste
How do nerves work? - Elliot Krane5:0098 9501 liste
How big is infinity? - Dennis Wildfogel7:13868 1223 listes
How two decisions led me to Olympic glory - Steve Mesler4:2045 5641 liste
The survival of the sea turtle - Scott Gass4:26193 5142 listes
Electric vocabulary - James Sheils6:57113 8031 liste
The case against "good" and "bad" - Marlee Neel4:53158 0331 liste
Calculating the odds of intelligent alien life - Jill Tarter7:28256 3672 listes
How do pain relievers work? - George Zaidan4:14695 1671 liste
How to speed up chemical reactions (and get a date) - Aaron Sams4:56354 5091 liste
The wacky history of cell theory - Lauren Royal-Woods6:12459 3911 liste
The key to media's hidden codes - Ben Beaton6:00114 5822 listes
One is one ... or is it? - Christopher Danielson3:55237 8181 liste
How life begins in the deep ocean - Tierney Thys6:20133 5232 listes
Five fingers of evolution - Paul Andersen5:24290 0611 liste
Insults by Shakespeare - April Gudenrath6:24562 6482 listes
TED-Ed Website Tour3:80384 843
Sex determination: More complicated than you thought - Aaron Reedy5:461 159 8601 liste
How folding paper can get you to the moon - Adrian Paenza3:49733 6202 listes
Just how small is an atom? - Jonathan Bergmann5:281 384 8231 liste
Why do Americans vote on Tuesdays? - Jacob Soboroff3:28189 6601 liste
The secret life of plankton - Tierney Thys6:20569 8813 listes
The real origin of the franchise - Sir Harold Evans5:49109 0231 liste
Poetic stickup: Put the financial aid in the bag - Carvens Lissaint5:50226 1492 listes
Questions no one knows the answers to (Full Version) - Chris Anderson12:802 099 3242 listes
Symbiosis: A surprising tale of species cooperation - David Gonzales2:23102 6821 liste
How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries - Adam Savage7:321 770 4413 listes
Stories: Legacies of who we are - Awele Makeba9:2047 5941 liste
Deep ocean mysteries and wonders - David Gallo8:28461 3533 listes
Introducing TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing2:12341 870
The power of simple words - Terin Izil2:20302 9691 liste
How pandemics spread - Mark Honigsbaum8:00248 6661 liste
Why can't we see evidence of alien life? - Chris Anderson6:40853 8392 listes
Questions no one knows the answers to - Chris Anderson2:11429 1412 listes
How many universes are there? - Chris Anderson4:43442 2912 listes
Evolution in a big city - Jason Munshi-South5:1686 6151 liste
The cockroach beatbox - Greg Gage6:16587 4451 liste
How containerization shaped the modern world - Sir Harold Evans4:47159 0111 liste

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