| | time | views | |
| How To STOP Being Tired ALL The Time | 7 Ways To Boost Energy Naturally | 6:50 | 81,860 | |
| 7 Clothing Tricks EVERY Handsome Guy Does | 7:34 | 214,095 | |
| Secrets Grooming Hacks Your Daddy NEVER Showed You | 6:57 | 213,075 | |
| 7 Ways To Make Women Obsessed With You | 7:43 | 312,375 | |
| I Trained & Ate Like The ROCK For 24 Hours | 16:10 | 599,145 | |
| 7 Tips To Grow Your Hair FASTER | Prevent Hair Loss | 5:57 | 130,645 | |
| 7 Fashion Tricks To Make Your Outfits Look BOMB | 6:15 | 330,632 | |
| 10 Manscaping Rules ALL Men Should Follow | How To Properly Manscape | 7:12 | 173,858 | |
| 7 Fashion Rules All Men Should Learn Once And For ALL | 6:18 | 305,028 | |
| 7 Watch Rules You NEVER Knew Of | 7:40 | 150,710 | |
| 7 HACKS To Use On Your CRUSH | Do THIS To Get Her To Like YOU! | 7:40 | 203,880 | |
| Styling WALMART Clothes And Tricking People Into Thinking It's Expensive | 8:21 | 243,383 | |
| 7 Grooming Hacks "Attractive Men" Use To LOOK BETTER | 7:40 | 250,727 | |
| 7 Life Lessons Your Daddy DIDN'T Teach You! | 7:13 | 171,191 | |
| A 25 Year Old CEO Morning Routine | AD | 0:57 | 130,193 | |
| 7 NICE GUY Mistakes That Turns You Into A SIMP | 6:37 | 217,896 | |
| 7 INCEL Mistakes You Do When Talking TO Girls | 6:40 | 271,760 | |
| 8 Things Girls Text You When They’re NOT Interested | 6:47 | 169,983 | |
| How To Hit On HOT Girls At The Gym (And NOT Get Rejected) | 6:43 | 156,947 | |
| Do THIS Routine EVERY Morning To Get Shredded | 5:53 | 528,449 | |
| How To Hug A Girl To Turn Her ON | 7 Types Of Hugs | 6:48 | 297,170 | |
| 7 Foods To QUICKLY Gain Weight & Muscle | 6:51 | 203,625 | |
| 7 Obvious Hints From Women Men NEVER Pick Up ON | 7:25 | 262,736 | |
| 7 Tricks To Have A HANDSOME Face | 7:33 | 593,242 | |
| 7 Ways To NEVER Get Nervous Around Girls | 7:29 | 450,548 | |
| 8 Things ALL Guys Should Stop Doing | 4:13 | 232,759 | |
| 7 CLEAR Signs She’s “The One” | 7:11 | 263,308 | |
| 7 Secret Signs Someone Is Jealous Of You | 6:18 | 184,327 | |
| 7 Things You Should Wear To The Gym To Look Athletic & Attractive | 7:54 | 294,130 | |
| 15 Wardrobe Essentials You’ll NEED In 2020 **Giveaway** | 8:26 | 254,496 | |
| How to Professionally Remove Blackheads At Home | Use THESE Tricks | 7:33 | 230,593 | |
| 10 Mens Fashion Trends To Keep In 2020 | 7:30 | 259,044 | |
| How To Know If A Girl Is Checking You Out (And What To Do If She IS) | 6:49 | 487,097 | |
| 10 EASY Things ANY Guy Can Do To Look Better | 8:10 | 274,567 | |
| 7 Rich People Habits That Changed My Life | 7:42 | 594,498 | |
| 10 Guy Habits That Women Find Attractive | 8:58 | 407,305 | |
| 7 EASY Grooming Hacks To Look Better INSTANTLY | 7:12 | 200,473 | |
| 10 Ways Men Dress That Women LOVE | 8:49 | 430,709 | |
| 7 Style Tricks To Get Girls To Look At YOU | Get Your Crush To Notice You | 6:35 | 295,071 | |
| Do THESE 7 Secret Style Tricks To Dress AMAZING | 7:19 | 397,303 | |
| How to Impress Your Crush (OR ANY Girl ) in 3 Seconds | 8:32 | 346,278 | |
| 7 Hygiene Rules That You BREAK Every Day | 7:23 | 263,495 | |
| Do THIS Before The Year ENDS | 6:20 | 241,610 | |
| 7 Bed Time Habits ONLY Attractive Men Do | 6:40 | 248,488 | |
| 7 Style Tricks That Makes You HANDSOME Instantly | 6:46 | 188,641 | |
| 7 Tips Every Stylish YOUNG GUY Should Know | 6:55 | 261,932 | |
| I Am NO Longer Wearing These In 2020 | 7:20 | 351,580 | |
| 7 Daily Habits That Make Men Sexier To Women | 7:43 | 242,035 | |
| 10 Grooming Trends That Should DIE in 2020 | 7:30 | 416,029 | |
| 7 Shirts Men Should NEVER Wear! | 7:28 | 500,006 | |
| 10 Clothing Items Men Wear That Women Hate | 6:45 | 286,615 | |
| How HOT Girls Want You To talk To Them | 6:10 | 193,595 | |
| 8 Gestures That Make Women MELT | Do This To Turn Her On | 7:14 | 464,070 | |
| 10 Ways Men Are Dressing Wrong Every Day | 6:29 | 142,994 | |
| 7 Men's Grooming Trends Women LOVE for 2020 | 9:23 | 345,972 | |
| 10 Reasons You're Unapproachable And Girls Don’t Talk To You | 7:13 | 192,722 | |
| 6 Style Secrets Only The Best Dressed Men Know | 8:40 | 631,685 | |
| 6 Style Tips I was WRONG About | I Lied About My Tips | 7:60 | 220,200 | |
| Do THESE 7 Things EVERY Morning! | 7:40 | 294,798 | |
| 10 Women Judge $100-$15,000 Outfits | Do Women Care About Price Tags? *Giveaway* | 10:20 | 137,158 | |
| 48 Hour Outfit Challenge | 8:32 | 192,477 | |
| 10 Shoe Hacks That Will Change Your Life | 7:31 | 240,733 | |
| 10 Style Accessories That Make You SEXY To Women | ONLY Good Looking Men Have These | 8:13 | 200,107 | |
| The $1000 A Month Gym For The Rich & Famous | 11:21 | 395,101 | |
| 7 Psychological Tricks To Get Her To Like You *GIVEAWAY* | 7:53 | 279,962 | |
| 9 “Fit” Tricks All Men Should Know | 7:30 | 216,065 | |
| The Art Of Basics | Clothing For The Minimalist | 11:44 | 225,506 | |
| 6 Steps To Go From Hideous To Handsome In 30 Days | 7:90 | 282,412 | |
| 8 Things ALL Guys Should Get Rid Of By Age 20 | 7:37 | 317,637 | |
| 6 Insecurities That Are KILLING Your Good Looks | 7:34 | 276,684 | |
| 6 Outfits That Will Make Girls Think You're Good Looking | Stand Out From The Crowd | 6:26 | 235,270 | |
| 7 Hacks to Know If Clothing Fits Just RIGHT | "FIT" Tricks Men MUST Know | 6:58 | 164,971 | |
| Watch THIS Before You Buy Another Hypebeast Item - ITS A SCAM | 7:47 | 173,102 | |
| 5 HIDDEN Signs A Girl Likes You - THIS is What Girls Are Thinking About You | 7:12 | 186,004 | |
| 10 Tricks To Look Busy When You Feel Awkward | Do THIS When You Feel Awkward | 6:24 | 228,433 | |
| 6 Grooming Mistakes UGLY Guys Do That HOT Guys DON’T | 7:21 | 221,526 | |
| 8 Things ALL Guys Should BE Doing By Age 20 | 11:70 | 418,010 | |
| 5 Things that Will PERMANENTLY Make You UGLY | 7:19 | 332,131 | |
| 6 Tricks To Look COOL Even If You’re "WIERD" | 6:20 | 190,788 | |
| How To Get Your Veins To Show | Get Vascular Arms In Less Than 20 Days | 7:80 | 314,754 | |
| 10 ROOKIE Suit Mistakes Men Make (And How To Fix Them) | 7:22 | 248,158 | |
| 7 Manly Accessories All MEN Should Own! | 7:18 | 212,116 | |
| 7 STYLISH Tricks To Look BOMB In Your OLD Clothes | 8:90 | 219,769 | |
| 10 BAD Grooming Habits Men Need to STOP | 8:37 | 564,512 | |
| 10 Cars Women LOVE TO See Men in Under $30K | 6:52 | 360,802 | |
| 6 Things To Never Put On Your Face | 7:20 | 192,990 | |
| 6 Ways You're Wearing Your Boots WRONG | Chelsea, Combat, and Dress Boot Style Tips | 6:28 | 393,343 | |
| How to Let A Girl Know You Like Her (Without Telling Her) | 6:36 | 264,613 | |
| 10 Accidental Things You Do That Make You Sexy (It Drives Women Wild) | 7:18 | 311,504 | |
| 8 Hacks for Fat Guys to Look Good (How To Dress If You're Overweight) | 7:90 | 294,324 | |
| 9 MUSCLE Building Foods (Gain Weight FAST) | 5:45 | 180,403 | |
| Watch THIS If You're Bored | Best Activities When You Have NOTHING To Do | 7:45 | 222,439 | |
| 7 Hacks To Make ANY Guy Hotter | 7:60 | 285,961 | |
| 6 Style Hacks To Make Your Outfit MORE Symmetrical | 8:30 | 158,637 | |
| 10 Body Gestures That Make You 80% LESS Attractive | 10:43 | 576,054 | |
| 6 CREEPY Things Guys Do That Girls HATE | 7:10 | 252,323 | |
| Am I Too Old To WEAR This? | How To Properly Dress Your Age | 5:28 | 193,338 | |
| 10 Hygiene Rules Men Should Do Every Night | 8:27 | 309,185 | |
| 6 Beauty Tips To Look MORE Handsome *Game Changer* | 7:39 | 703,213 | |
| Are You A Bad Boy Or A Nice Guy? | 10 Signs To Determine Whether You're weak Or Strong | 7:57 | 371,321 | |