3,255 vídeos, +2,270,000 suscriptores

Dragonblade Talon Chroma Skins1:13137,121
Dreadnova Gangplank Chroma Skins1:13112,731
Shadow Evelynn (2017) Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends3:16519,955
Safecracker Evelynn (2017) Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends3:90222,819
Masquerade Evelynn (2017) Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends3:60269,524
Tango Evelynn (2017) Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:58360,842
Classic Evelynn 2017, Agony's Embrace - Ability Preview - League of Legends4:50570,182
Super Galaxy Gnar Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:37815,028
Super Galaxy Nidalee Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:38434,142
Super Galaxy Elise Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:32445,690
Super Galaxy Annie Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:60562,296
Evelynn Special Interactions8:161,180,361
Voice - Evelynn, Agony's Embrace - English35:48242,421
Evelynn Reveal - Agony's Embrace | REWORK1:491,165,292
Preseason 2018 - Runes Reforged4:40974,851
Arclight Yorick Skin Spotlight - League of Legends5:10154,729
Eternal Sword Master Yi Skin Spotlight - League of Legends4:24125,456
Beekeeper Singed Skin Spotlight - League of Legends4:80127,867
Sacred Sword Janna Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:4675,445
Soaring Sword Fiora Skin Spotlight - League of Legends4:12129,483
Winged Hussar Xin Zhao (2017) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:4019,172
Dragonslayer Xin Zhao (2017) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:1698,020
Commando Xin Zhao (2017) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:507,759
Imperial Xin Zhao (2017) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:505,116
Viscero Xin Zhao (2017) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:1321,540
Secret Agent Xin Zhao (2017) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:1762,897
Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao (2017) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:2720,475
Eternal Sword Master Yi Chroma Skins1:1587,740
Sacred Sword Janna Chroma Skins1:1672,077
Divine Sword Ward Skin1:10101,106
Xin Zhao 2017 Update - All Skins9:131,419,472
Soaring Sword Fiora Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:37921,899
Sacred Sword Janna Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends1:50775,931
Eternal Sword Yi Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:40993,615
Beekeeper Singed Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:37416,308
Arclight Yorick Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:58351,545
Championship Ashe Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:45226,837
Eternum Cassiopeia Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:23176,021
Arclight Yorick & Beekeeper Singed | PBE Preview0:47602,829
Star Guardian Recall Update [PBE]1:23316,284
Star Guardian Syndra Skin Spotlight - League of Legends5:9091,561
Star Guardian Ezreal Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:1548,149
Star Guardian Soraka Skin Spotlight - League of Legends4:1166,324
Star Guardian Ahri Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:50100,362
Star Guardian Miss Fortune Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:3845,230
Worlds Baron | League of Legends1:10770,421
Primetime Draven Chroma Skins1:14168,649
Championship Ward Skin (And Golden Variant)1:2583,333
Eternum Cassiopeia Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:90768,882
Championship Ashe Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:521,547,286
Emotes | League Of Legends2:24414,244
Thunder Lord Ornn Skin Spotlight - League of Legends4:12232,208
Neo PAX Sivir Skin Spotlight - League of Legends2:44106,683
Star Guardian Ezreal Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:13142,699
Star Guardian Ahri Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:49117,115
Star Guardian Miss Fortune Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:5974,009
Star Guardian Soraka Skin Spotlight - League of Legends4:9099,548
Star Guardian Syndra Skin Spotlight - League of Legends5:70139,179
Neo PAX Sivir Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends1:45632,788
Star Guardian Ahri Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends4:101,003,384
Star Guardian Ezreal Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:521,031,036
Star Guardian Miss Fortune Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:29727,423
Star Guardian Soraka Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:11775,278
Star Guardian Syndra Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends3:17700,916
Thunder Lord Ornn Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends3:471,227,434
Classic Ornn, the Fire Below The Mountain - Ability Preview - League of Legends3:53396,425
Mimi Ward Skin0:4975,334
New Horizon Ward Skin0:5349,347
Star Guardian Ahri Special Interactions11:10886,476
Ornn Special Interactions13:70750,020
Star Guardian Ahri | Summoners Rift Announcer21:12161,499
Star Guardian Game Mode Announcer3:15380,371
Voice - Star Guardian Ahri, Legendary Skin - English10:5177,794
Voice - Ornn, The Fire Below The Mountain - English15:4598,093
Ornn Reveal - The Fire Below The Mountain | New Champion1:271,427,367
Pentakill Sona (2017 Texture Update) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends2:53252,554
Battle Boss Brand Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:58117,145
Battle Boss Ziggs Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:4186,336
Battle Boss Malzahar Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:4976,835
Lancer Zero Hecarim Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:28131,422
Pentakill Kayle Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:4253,208
Pentakill Mordekaiser (2017 Texture Update) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:4471,410
Pentakill Olaf (2017 Texture Update) Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:33123,648
Ornn Teaser | New Champion2:441,392,175
Arcade Corki Chroma Skins1:1259,358
Battle Boss Blitzcrank Chroma Skins1:1267,301
Pentakill Kayle [SFX ADDED] Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:23236,484
Pentakill Ward Skin0:5347,638
Arcade Summoners Rift Map!6:441,175,174
Poro Gamer Ward Skin0:55104,174
Battle Boss Ziggs Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:34566,047
Battle Boss Malzahar Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:90522,633
Battle Boss Brand Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:44597,928
Pentakill Kayle Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends1:50652,515
Lancer Zero Hecarim Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends2:141,032,725
Omega Squad Veigar Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:31152,486
Battlecast Urgot Skin Spotlight - League of Legends4:2284,188
Butcher Urgot Skin Spotlight - League of Legends4:4045,755
Omega Squad Fizz Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:5492,509
Omega Squad Tristana Skin Spotlight - League of Legends3:3088,674

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