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19 281 vidéos, +1 160 000 abonnés

French Bulldog thinks he's a dishwasher0:181 245
Sweetest dog ever cuddles with newborn baby0:203 072
Cat literally jumps in excitement during hide-and-seek with owner0:902 109
Dog discovers steam from dishwasher, can't get enough of it0:204 089
Cat ambushes squirrel in fun-loving game of catch0:121 474
Mother humpback proudly shows off her newborn baby for swimmers1:352 703
Little girl has total meltdown while singing 'Old MacDonald'0:361 940
Rescue bunny absolutely adores his new donkey friends0:323 229
Little girl takes caring for her giant puppy very seriously0:576 325
Parrot gets mad the moment dog stops kissing him0:1210 040
Sweet baby is truly mesmerized by her first snowfall0:342 213
Prairie Dog watches viral video of squirrels through the mirror0:461 474
Spanish Mastiff watches 'Puppy Bowl' with extreme enthusiasm0:153 480
Puppy finds owner's carrier a little TOO comfortable0:311 847
Exhausted hamster literally falls asleep in owner's hand0:122 343
Dog hates it when owner sings and we don't blame him0:403 076
Grandma has her mind blown watching Hibachi for the first time0:602 146
How do you think this dog feels about the weather?0:505 932
Brave horse shows foals they don't need to fear umbrellas1:332 078
Indonesian toddler loves to play with giant python1:256 718
Tourist and sea lion share a shady spot for a nap in the Galapagos0:384 095
Inseparable parrots adorably groom each other0:311 496
Newborn husky's first ever howling session will melt your heart0:3337 304
Puppy gets his own puppy and he can’t contain himself0:429 089
This adorable husky doesn't want to stop smiling0:5818 318
After playing in a field of flowers, this dog emerges covered in leaves0:346 176
Frenchie does everything in her power to get big dog's attention0:3111 650
Sweet pit bull nanny checks up on newborn baby0:1711 063
Great Dane puppy makes it impossible to build a snowman0:586 997
Loving mother rattlesnake carefully tends to her babies0:304 216
Silly bulldog loves to go down the park slide0:376 833
Fun-loving otter slides through backyard snow on security camera0:183 097
Watch this very stubborn husky demand a water bowl refill1:34735 124
Gila monster sighting causes biologist to hyperventilate with excitement0:551 381
Baby showered in bubbles delivers extremely contagious laughter0:243 035
Snowboarder captures majestic footage of tree totally covered in icicles0:801 427
Cat catches a fly on the window of the 22nd floor0:171 667
Small doggy hops like a rabbit through the deep snow0:251 353
Bulldog puppy gets super excited when it rains down bubbles0:143 503
These two play an adorable game of peekaboo together0:3410 496
This pit bull loves to snuggle in the most adorable way possible0:902 564
Every single person on the streets of Hong Kong wears mask for Coronavirus0:461 362
Super cute Frenchie plays with toys during his bubble bath0:243 457
Giant grouper gets his face cleaned by brave little shrimp0:491 665
Newfoundland pulls off the biggest roll-over you’ll see today0:145 700
This dog's hilarious bedtime routine will have you in stitches!1:3370 469
Instant karma: Big doggy gets stuck squeezing through cat door0:223 678
Crazy video off the coast of Labrador reveals a frozen ocean0:501 514
Watch this guy demonstrate how intense the Newfoundland blizzard is0:212 232
Flying fox bat adorably clings to its mother in the rainforest0:341 721
Watch this huge Newfie’s irresistible “beg face”0:5318 659
Gorilla youngsters engage in hilariously epic wrestling match0:422 605
Talking parrot predicts the winner of Super Bowl LIV0:232 392
Scuba divers join large school of sharks resting on the ocean floor1:501 064
Laid back Great Danes chill out in the pool0:443 800
How this parrot reacts to his favorite toy will melt your heart0:5431 001
These two dogs just can't stop hugging each other0:124 784
Bouncing a balloon on this baby's head results in extremely contagious laughter0:401 458
Pup decides to defend the house against her mirror reflection0:142 654
Newfoundland blizzard makes it impossible for this ram to get around1:202 291
Watch this talented German Shepherd show off all his tricks0:282 615
Hungry pup helplessly looks on as cats eat his food0:184 329
Singing & dancing parrot is a natural entertainer3:503 524
Bulldog's old room is now for babies, throws temper tantrum1:3521 359
This fearless freediver "dances" with two massive tiger sharks0:492 475
Kitty playing with husky puppy is the cutest thing you'll see today0:315 145
This bull terrier's pool party playtime goes hilariously wrong0:602 556
Puppy realizes that the twerkin’ just ain’t workin’0:232 443
Laziest husky ever drinks water while lying down0:161 891
Blowing kisses in a pug's face is pure joy0:251 105
Over 90 centimeters of snowfall in one day during Newfoundland blizzard0:411 292
French Bulldog literally can't stop dancing for tasty treat0:802 545
Pretty pit bull receives super adorable beauty treatment0:284 079
American Bulldog waits up for owner coming home past curfew0:124 953
Cat and parrot seem to be trying very hard to be friends1:103 567
The blue-footed booby is one of Galapagos' most iconic animals1:231 856
Totally fearless kitty challenges pug to wrestling match0:265 279
This is what happens when you leave your window cracked during a blizzard0:391 796
Parrot & doggy take turns playing fetch with their owner0:282 974
Dog destroys snow-cat with extreme prejudice0:232 988
Frenchie busts out hilarious dance moves to try and impress cat0:2964 683
These Marine Iguanas of the Galapagos are just like mini dinosaurs1:151 360
Extremely talented dog shows off his mind-blowing obedience skills0:487 663
Homeowners document insanity of Snowmageddon 20200:267 875
Typical cat totally ignores dancing doggy0:707 686
Opera singer's beautiful voice needs no microphone assistance1:201 702
Disrespectful gorilla youngster repeatedly slaps his own grandmother0:576 499
Listen to this parrot makes flatulence sounds and apologize afterwards0:115 698
Motorist helps reunite distraught mother cow with her newborn baby2:222 397
Watch this funny baby try everything to avoid nap time0:572 838
Garage door opening dramatically reveals blizzard outside0:143 995
Winter-loving dog chases shoveled snow during a blizzard0:382 313
Dalmatian pulls off epic giraffe impression while stealing food0:143 901
Watch what this pup does when she refuses to leave the dog park0:3910 984
Incredibly sweet moment caught on camera between cat and fawn0:143 433
Watch this cat learn how to ring the bell for treats0:281 647
Adorable showdowns: Aussie puppy takes on Santa ornament0:4718 707
Samoyed eating a carrot will make your day better1:101 944
Mother humpback brings her newborn baby to inspect delighted swimmers2:161 904
Watch this dog hilariously fail to jump on the couch0:342 989

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