1 408 vidéos, +616 000 abonnés

That Rakan global E bug but you can stack Spellbinder 35 times in 3 seconds on your own..11:5913 024
The unknown Rakan bug that lets you globally shield people with Guardian across the map13:80100 343
I made Zac G I G A N T I C to try and abuse the new Sunfire cape AoE12:58129 965
I gave the new WuKong a 3000 HP Shield for literally no reason whatsoever15:10101 817
Iron IV but I don't know what's going on and to be honest, I don't think they do either...16:27106 741
League of Legends but the LCK stole this support from me in pro play so i'm stealing it back13:3792 713
League of Legends but Soraka top is getting nerfed this patch but this champ is """"""fine""""""12:45114 502
Malphite but he's going rly rly fast because he's "going as fast as he can" at 2300 MS lmao12:57107 833
I made 3 high elo players funnel an Iron 4 Master Yi...16:36211 664
League of Legends but Xin Zhao his passive healing has a 40% AP ratio for lietally no reason lol14:36122 371
League of Legends but when they removed Blade of The Ruined King stacking, they forgot about this13:13177 982
I made League of Legends remove this item interaction because of one of my videos13:51167 140
League of Legends but this top laner has the highest winrate for absolutely no reason whatsoever14:21136 076
Kassadin but I stole this tank build from a silver player13:21113 686
League of Legends but I am living a bronze spectates10:5598 973
League of Legends but AP Jarvan support can proc aery like 7 times per E and it does 700 damage14:38198 916
Veigar but it's a full AD Carry build and he'll still one shot you somehow14:23136 982
League of Legends but Nocturne's E has 100% AP Scaling for literally no reason and does a lot of dmg12:27169 423
League of Legends but this is the last thing you expect to see on a Malphite before they one shot u12:31115 428
League of Legends but Kennen has over 1000 movement speed so you cannot escape the thunder goblin13:21127 442
League of Legends but I barely escaped Iron in ranked and i'm starting to think I belong there13:31141 234
League of Legends but we all have silences so we can stop you casting for literally 5 full seconds14:10132 686
League of Legends but Malphite is going to one shot you in the most confusingly AD way possible13:25238 675
League of Legends but Shen is Full AP so his Ulti shields for 2400 for literally no reason lmao16:14206 145
League of Legends but Iron IV claims it's first victims of the decade17:57128 003
Sett but his W does 1300 true damage for no real reason and I don't get abused by the Sett bug13:50150 060
League of Legends but I literally got placed in Iron II in ranked13:30228 282
League of Legends but I made 10 tanks building tank fighting each other for an hour straight13:47244 528
League of Legends but all 5 of us can create a clone so it's basically a 10 v 514:28152 054
Sett but I build 6 warmogs because his W scales with max health and does 1k true damage every 8 secs12:46444 570
League of Legends but Sett and his team are all punchers who just want to P U N C H12:5099 489
League of Legends but Sett attacks rly rly fast because he wants to MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA11:30228 524
Aphelios but literally everything is random because let's be honest nobody knows what he does lol12:47115 595
League of Legends but Draven is an axe and is spinning dravens who are axes by Draven (an axe)11:49119 559
League of Legends but these 2 crow bros throwing crows and being crows is rly rly rly strong lol12:27117 134
League of Legends but these items somehow make AP Garen not actually troll lmao10:37141 762
League of Legends but us 5 Supports are sick of HEALING and it's time for some HURTING13:38141 842
League of Legends but every 3 minutes we all have to swap lanes no matter what14:45136 174
League of Legends but Veigar and this champion are stupid and stacking this hard is a war crime12:42189 317
League of Legends but i'm Teemo Support and I just want to make the enemy ADCs life a misery10:50117 649
League of Legends but these items all stack and let you deal 26% of current health per auto attack10:27331 432
League of Legends but Qiyana's ulti can cover half the map in stuns10:41123 259
League of Legends but I stole this Janna top build from an Iron player14:52151 494
Wu Kong and Yuumi bot but once they hit 6 you are going to be one shot by invisible ultis10:40104 913
Senna and Sion but you can fire minions that root everyone halfway down the lane11:58108 300
League of Legends but Iron 4 is a magically place in preseason15:55225 024
Illaoi but this item turns her into a ranged champion that shoots herself instead of projectiles lol11:24198 357
Ahri but i'm top and you cannot stop this slippery snake from splitpushing16:70153 138
League of Legends but it's the best memes of 201913:46130 096
Darius but he flies out of the jungle to one bang you with a crit13:24179 855
League of Legends but if you get hit with an ultimate you get hit with 4 more10:90108 058
League of Legends but its 18 minutes of Ross quotes out of context - 201918:46119 166
League of Legends but it's Iron ranked games in Preseason15:56144 484
League of Legends but I try to make the champion with the lowest pick rate in this role broken10:41135 774
League of Legends but we try to win without killing the enemy team once12:42140 033
League of Legends but we rush 5 Guardian Angels and we all have abilities that stop us dying lmao16:35214 900
Vel'Koz but it's Definitely Not Vel'Koz so I just copy the enemy's build13:5378 969
Bard but he's top and is the most annoying thing to lane against in the game14:51159 611
Singed but I am far too tanky and have far too much damage for just these items15:17164 066
Shyvana mid but this build will one shot your entire team18:23116 970
Diana but this bizarre build of items lets her tank, heal and one shot all at the same time15:52136 698
Leona and Lux bot lane but if you get stunned once you're never moving again loool14:90153 952
Cho'gath Jungle but I am very fast and I come out of the jungle fast and press R on you and eat you14:26125 886
Rammus but these items make him heal from you attacking him13:46206 882
Varus but he's mid and can half health you with a single Q from basically a different lane17:60190 034
Braum but his entire kit got buffed so now he's a top laner and it's always a free gank16:46217 824
Zac but he's a Full AP missile that is also basically impossible to kill16:50156 414
Amumu but these two items must be bugged on him because they are permanently active15:50226 199
Veigar but the entire build is random because Veigar is just Veigar21:11155 415
Caitlyn but this build I stole might just be stupid enough to work13:90171 710
Jax but his AP Scales with 4 different things and can one shot you in a single click15:53228 415
Veigar but he has 200+ armor and can still one shot you15:18186 181
Wukong but he's full tank and can still one shot your whole team whilst taking no damage14:44115 383
League of Legends but I follow a 10 year old Ashe guide16:44293 454
Draven but this build saved me from preseason16:4596 834
Yasuo and Cho'Gath but they're bot and if you get knocked up once you are getting one shot14:10160 187
Tryndamere but this new build will make you more annoying than you can possibly imagine16:34156 664
Shen but he's dyslexic and builds 6 Sheens because he has an ego11:5179 554
Brand but he only buys guns because he has F I R E A R M S lmaoo15:90115 892
Diana but her rework makes her one shot your whole team instead of just you lol15:35175 872
Evelynn but she only buys clothes items because it's Winter and V E R Y C O L D12:5166 425
Aphelios but 2 of his abilities have 100% AP Scaling so we a M A G E N O W (APhelios lol)14:54178 023
Teemo but he has 6 stingers and if he gets a kill he loses one permanently because he's a bee lol15:10147 068
Olaf but I have over 100% lifesteal and can basically heal to full health in 2 auto attacks13:59268 639
Ivern but he's full lethality because you made me do this oh no11:37114 187
Bard but he's jungle so I don't even have to pretend to support someone and also i'm full AP14:21159 272
Senna but she can Q every 3 seconds with these items and no it's not URF lmao11:56132 194
The rune that changes every 30 seconds but I have no idea who is meant to use this lol12:57147 553
Kennen but the new attack speed item makes playing as him a crime15:29204 044
Senna but she's jungle and can snipe you like an AD Karthus from across the entire map lmao12:19156 251
Senna but she's top and twice as annoying to lane against as Lucian is12:24145 491
Nautilus but it's No Naut November13:18144 284
Ezreal but if I miss a Q the video ends10:24176 539
Ashe support but with the Season 10 items she is now the most annoying nightmare in botlane13:10195 147
Pantheon but the new AD Season 10 support item lets him run you down as a support lmaoo13:26140 863
Twisted Treeline but it's the last game you'll ever see of it before it's removed :(15:10130 727
Teemo but I build 6 Zz'rot portals because it's being removed and I wanna be annoying one more time14:60275 537
League of Legends but it's a Halloween video but i'm 2 weeks late to Halloween sorry lmao12:1692 589
Tryndamere but you only have 10.5 seconds between ultimates to finish him off and it's URF lool12:10136 933
Kassadin but it's URF he is jumping every half a second and is finally a champion before 30 minutes13:44139 283

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