 | | time | views | |
 | Rhett & Link’s Book of Mythicality: Now Available | 0:31 | 752,262 | |
 | Tough Decisions (A Whale Is Gonna Die) - Music Video | 2:36 | 3,370,636 | |
 | Did You Get Me Anything? | 6:24 | 7,651,954 | |
 | The Puzzle | 5:13 | 4,110,661 | |
 | BFFs | 4:40 | 4,620,061 | |
 | Campin' | 4:35 | 4,598,360 | |
 | The Nose-Looker | 3:29 | 3,977,619 | |
 | The Overly Complicated Coffee Order | 2:40 | 8,902,571 | |
 | Just Being Honest (Song) | 5:11 | 14,962,415 | |
 | Are You Gonna Eat That? (Song) | 2:29 | 19,205,386 | |
 | I'm On Vacation (Song) | 5:70 | 29,875,401 | |
 | My OCD (Song) | 4:42 | 50,996,282 | |
 | What Your Fridge Says About You | 3:39 | 4,359,920 | |
 | Slamazon: 7 Kitten T-Shirt | 2:10 | 2,951,211 | |
 | It's My Belly Button (Song) | 3:38 | 27,715,593 | |
 | I'm a Textpert (Rap Battle) | 3:24 | 18,694,581 | |
 | The Perfect Way To Watch Winter Sports | 1:59 | 3,331,923 | 1 list |
 | Christmas Face (a Song) | 2:32 | 7,198,892 | |
 | Get Off The Phone Song | 3:31 | 13,775,520 | |
 | Epic Rap Battle: Nerd vs. Geek | 3:44 | 45,285,873 | |
 | Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical | 5:47 | 4,293,963 | |
 | How to Take a Photo (w/ Key and Peele) | 3:57 | 2,920,932 | 1 list |
 | What Women Want (feat. Chester See & Kassem G) | 2:53 | 5,836,040 | 1 list |
 | Energy Balls - Forest Patrol Ep 5 | 3:35 | 748,920 | 1 list |
 | Beat the Heat (w/ Meekakitty) | 2:42 | 3,100,770 | 1 list |
 | Famous Last Words 2 | 1:54 | 7,623,323 | 1 list |
 | One Direction Caption Fail | 2:56 | 2,965,315 | |
 | Crevasse of No Return - Forest Patrol Ep 4 | 3:19 | 637,634 | 1 list |
 | Kung POW! Commercial | 1:13 | 950,180 | |
 | Yo Daddy Battle | 3:32 | 6,945,309 | 1 list |
 | Man of Steel: The Middle School Musical | 4:36 | 1,872,694 | |
 | Plumber's Crack Commercial | 0:31 | 462,422 | |
 | TAGGED - Forest Patrol Ep 3 | 3:60 | 439,671 | 1 list |
 | How to Make Snot | 4:15 | 461,933 | 1 list |
 | Taylor Swift Caption Fail | 2:53 | 2,899,314 | |
 | June Holiday Challenge | 6:30 | 357,049 | |
 | Commercial for Criminals | 1:10 | 534,344 | |
 | The Graduation Song - Rhett & Link | 2:49 | 2,745,814 | 1 list |
 | FIERY THE DRAGON - Forest Patrol Ep. 2 | 3:10 | 359,770 | 1 list |
 | The YouTube Challenge Challenge! (YouTube Comedy Week) | 4:32 | 2,567,591 | 1 list |
 | STAR TREK: The Middle School Musical | 3:40 | 806,097 | 1 list |
 | Cracked Chiropractor Commercial | 1:00 | 8,698,903 | |
 | Most Complicated Board Game Ever | 2:41 | 2,259,076 | is in 2 lists |
 | YO MAMA BATTLE (of Compliments) | 2:58 | 3,267,909 | |
 | CLOWN SHARK SONG | 2:51 | 1,735,483 | 1 list |
 | THE DONGLE - Forest Patrol Ep. 1 | 3:12 | 468,252 | 1 list |
 | May Holiday Challenge | 4:12 | 250,768 | |
 | Ear Troll (w/ Tobuscus) | 2:15 | 455,123 | 1 list |
 | "SHIFT IT" - Amazing Transmission Commercial | 1:20 | 4,591,377 | is in 2 lists |
 | Have You Ever - Rhett & Link - Music Video | 2:50 | 1,412,521 | 1 list |
 | Funny Baby Panda Kiss | 6:38 | 518,398 | |
 | INVISIBLE DOG PRANK | 3:43 | 1,296,904 | is in 2 lists |
 | KISSING YOUR FACE: What Women REALLY Think | 2:70 | 2,483,100 | is in 3 lists |
 | Kids w/ Chuck Testa Claus | 2:24 | 442,507 | 1 list |
 | Christmas Sweatz (a Song) | 1:42 | 4,307,293 | is in 3 lists |
 | Bloopers and Behind-the-Scenes: Spot The Differences Music Video | 6:90 | 325,172 | |
 | Spot the Differences Side-by-Side Music Video - Rhett & Link | 4:80 | 2,844,780 | is in 3 lists |
 | SuperNote 2012: Official Launch | 1:44 | 341,833 | |
 | Karaoke Stunt - Singing All Night Long | 4:40 | 702,028 | 1 list |
 | EPIC RAP BATTLE of MANLINESS | 4:51 | 11,774,889 | is in 3 lists |
 | Making of Epic Rap Battle of Manliness | 5:28 | 793,599 | |
 | SLOW MO CHEESE HOSE (and How To) | 2:37 | 555,934 | |
 | Famous Last Words | 1:40 | 3,606,274 | 1 list |
 | Goth Boy | 2:10 | 861,454 | |
 | I am a Thoughtful Guy - Rhett & Link - Music Video | 3:43 | 9,069,184 | is in 4 lists |
 | HS Graduation Speech - Rhett & Link | 18:21 | 1,428,168 | |
 | Real Calls to the Bacon Hotline | 2:28 | 791,592 | |
 | Rub Some Bacon on It | 2:59 | 7,219,441 | is in 4 lists |
 | CAPTION FAIL: Mr. Cuddles (w/ Toby Turner) | 4:29 | 1,726,808 | |
 | Say NO to Crack, Say YES! to Roller Skating | 1:30 | 1,478,341 | |
 | Nilla Wafer Top Hat Time Song - Rhett & Link | 2:51 | 2,535,031 | is in 2 lists |
 | 5 Word Song - Rhett & Link | 2:46 | 820,892 | 1 list |
 | Live Acoustic - My Hair Song - Rhett & Link | 3:00 | 205,476 | |
 | My Hair Song - Rhett & Link | 3:43 | 5,642,463 | is in 2 lists |
 | STUN GUN BATTLE | 2:53 | 2,960,745 | |
 | Dope Zebra - Rhett & Link (Official Original Video) | 1:49 | 8,071,299 | is in 2 lists |
 | Good Mythical Morning Trailer | 1:59 | 362,921 | |
 | Christmas Carol CAPTION FAIL | 4:28 | 1,267,341 | 1 list |
 | Tag! You're Yawned. | 2:53 | 398,920 | |
 | CAPTION FAIL: Bike Police | 3:38 | 1,340,247 | 1 list |
 | Text vs. Frisbee | 2:22 | 1,457,638 | 1 list |
 | The Break Up Song - Rhett & Link | 3:34 | 7,086,250 | 1 list |
 | Out of Sink | 2:54 | 957,868 | 1 list |
 | Superhero & Sidekick: Dating Your... | 2:16 | 527,945 | 1 list |
 | The Job Reference | 2:55 | 1,017,281 | 1 list |
 | CAPTION FAIL: Jamaican Vacation Hoax | 4:53 | 2,055,495 | |
 | Harry Potter Song - Rhett & Link | 3:36 | 1,934,149 | is in 2 lists |
 | Super Shmuttle Doggie Daycare Commercial | 1:12 | 346,605 | |
 | Presidential Car Wash Rap - Official Commercial | 1:25 | 795,160 | |
 | WOMAN SPEAKS CAT - Holiday Hotel for Cats Commercial | 1:10 | 689,988 | |
 | The Last Road Trip Video: Day 6 | 5:28 | 213,760 | 1 list |
 | Pledges of Allegiance (Across America) | 2:13 | 143,100 | 1 list |
 | DING! TRASHICORN (Heavy Hill Commercial) | 1:50 | 470,226 | |
 | Onward & Inspected: Day 5 | 4:34 | 206,066 | 1 list |
 | Dancing Across State Lines (Cross Country Trip) | 2:24 | 356,831 | 1 list |
 | Natural Sand Castles: Day 4 | 3:40 | 261,776 | 1 list |
 | Singing Across America: The Beautiful | 2:24 | 223,284 | 1 list |
 | Day 3: School Bus House | 3:16 | 252,465 | 1 list |
 | Booger. | 3:22 | 429,220 | 1 list |
 | Day 2: Cow Poker (Mythical Road Trip) | 4:23 | 326,036 | 1 list |