2,520 vídeos, +1,270,000 suscriptores

A NEW JOURNEY BEGINS! LET'S GO - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:22229,683
KILLING IMAQTPIE IN LANE? Vsing The Stream Dream Team! ft. Dyrus, Shiphtur, Scarra, Voyboy11:36155,518
ZOE IS HERE & AERY NERFED! 12 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS (PRESEASON) Patch 7.23 - League of Legends10:80190,398
PLAYING IN TYLER1'S $10,000 CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES! League of Legends11:80228,895
REDMERCY VS POKIMANE! $500 1v1 SHOWDOWN!! - League of Legends15:13821,259
THE 1v5 ASSASSIN MAGE! Clean Plays ONLY! Heroes Arena Gameplay! Mobile MOBA [SPONSORED]10:3079,392
Redmercy | TSM REDMERCY?! MY OWN JERSEY! - League of Legends12:27214,481
7 IMPORTANT TIPS & TRICKS I LEARNED To Get Masters - Journey To Masters | League of Legends11:48138,181
TEEMO IS BACK? NEW OP CHAMPIONS PRESEASON - Patch 7.22 | BEST Champs w/ Builds - League of Legends12:49239,331
NEW TANK ZED BUILD! IT'S SO BROKEN (New Runes) Black Cleaver CDR Stacking - League of Legends23:53292,700
Redmercy | BEST ZOE WORLD? PLAYS AFTER PLAYS - League of Legends10:13217,185
BEST NEW PRESEASON RUNES FOR CHAMPIONS MID & ADC - Patch 7.22 - League of Legends15:24175,184
MY LAST MASTER PROMOS..FINAL EPISODE - Journey To Masters | League of Legends21:23415,509
THE END TO MY MASTER PROMOS..DID I GET IT?? - Journey To Masters | League of Legends23:46290,256
OVERCHARGE: NEW GAME MODE GAMEPLAY! OP Mode - League of Legends13:17236,984
ZOE IS SO BROKEN! Q ONE-SHOTS! Zoe Mid Gameplay - League of Legends24:11643,481
MASTER PROMOS (AGAIN) ft. TYLER1 - Journey To Masters | League of Legends16:11283,687
100% BEST SKIN IN LEAGUE!! New Project Vayne Gameplay - League of Legends23:54302,797
ZOE ALL ABILITIES REVEALED!! The Aspect Of Twlight! New Champion - League of Legends8:80189,866
BACK TO MASTER PROMOS #2?? - Journey To Masters | League of Legends15:48251,801
I PLAY TILL I LOSE..ITS FULL TRYHARD TIME - Journey To Masters | League of Legends23:28278,810
TIME IS RUNNING OUT!! NEED TO CLIMB - Journey To Masters | League of Legends20:24239,766
Redmercy | GETTING BOOSTED BY POKIMANE?? - League of Legends11:34234,649
RED VS LL STYLISH ZED! NOT GIVING UP ON MASTERS - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:60258,357
DID I FINALLY GET MASTERS? FINISHING PROMOS - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:33281,640
NEW CHAMPION ABILITIES LEAKED & 12 NEW SKINS! League of Legends12:70246,149
MASTER PROMOS START NOW.. - Journey To Masters | League of Legends37:11287,442
NEW AP GALIO..THIS IS HOW STUPID BROKEN IT IS LOL.. Build & How To Counter - League of Legends7:28187,321
I FINALLY DID THE IMPOSSIBLE..THE FINAL STEP? - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:00313,159
MASTERS OR BACK TO D2..? TIME IS RUNNING OUT - Journey To Masters | League of Legends15:44209,093
ARDENT CENSER BIG NERF! NEW META? 12 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 7.21 - League of Legends13:18256,066
NEW CHAMPION TEASER! Daphna, The Dreamer - NEW 'SLEEP' MECHANIC! League of Legends4:21348,303
MASTERS IS HERE? THIS GAME IS SO TOXIC WTF.. - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:16255,174
END OF SEASON! NEW Freelo Champions Patch 7.20 | BEST Champs To Carry w/ Builds - League of Legends13:36138,703
WEIRDEST EPISODE..I COSPLAY PANTS TO MASTERS - Journey To Masters | League of Legends15:41218,102
Redmercy | BEST YASUO IN THE WORLD! MOE COME AT ME - League of Legends12:29216,384
THESE ARE THE KIND OF GAMES I LOVE! MASTERS!!.. - Journey To Masters | League of Legends18:38256,983
OVER 138 NERFS & BUFFS?? NEW ITEMS! New Patch 7.21Changes PreSeason 2018 - League of Legends10:17198,518
BEST KATARINA SKIN! Katarina w/ New Runes - New Death Sworn Katarina Gameplay - League of Legends27:30188,614
PAY 2 WIN SKIN? - New Death Sworn Zed Gameplay - League of Legends25:48337,316
1 WIN FROM MASTER PROMOS... - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:59240,963
NEW RANK REWARDS & VICTORIOUS GRAVES! 10 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 7.20 - League of Legends10:50315,331
REDMERCY (D1) VS 3 BRONZE PLAYERS (1v3) WHO WINS?? - League of Legends16:22196,996
WAIT..I MIGHT ACTUALLY GET MASTERS! ft. IWDominate - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:23270,402
MOST TROLL GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED..ft. METEOS! MASTERS PLZ! - Journey To Masters | League of Legends18:42230,464
AZIR BROKEN? NEW OP CHAMPIONS Patch 7.19 | BEST Champs To Carry/Builds - League of Legends12:18134,006
NEW CHAMPION IS A YASUO + MAGE MIX? First Thunder Mage Champion? League of Legends10:28236,289
GOING FOR MASTER PROMOS! MY SICK OUTPLAY VS VOYBOY! - Journey To Masters | League of Legends16:47256,183
ZED IS SO BUSTED WITH NEW RUNES! How Do You Stop This? - League of Legends34:19396,353
YASUO IS BROKEN WITH NEW RUNES! Unkillable 1v1 Dueler - League of Legends21:56558,742
NEW RUNE: FREE ITEMS & MANA POTIONS!! Items You CAN'T Get From Store - League of Legends4:57158,014
EVELYNN MID w/ NEW RUNES IS OP? WHAT IS THIS DAMAGE? Evelynn Mid Rework Gameplay | League of Legends23:22347,986
EVELYNN REWORK IS kinda BROKEN?! - Evelynn Jungle Gameplay | League of Legends30:15517,214
EVELYNN REWORK ALL ABILITIES REVEALED!! Agony's Embrace New Champion - League of Legends7:40288,818
BEST NEW RUNES FOR ALL CHAMPIONS MID LANE (Zed, Yasuo, Azir etc) Runes Rework - League of Legends12:36256,170
PRESEASON 2018 IS HERE!! All New Runes Revealed & Explained! Runes Reforged - League of Legends13:40396,865
5 REWORKS! ARDENT CENSER BUFFS?? - 11 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS | Patch 7.19 - League of Legends14:26213,672
SO CLOSE TO MASTERS!! THE FINAL PUSH - Journey To Masters | League of Legends16:00244,358
BRINGING OUT YASUO IN MY D1 PROMOS... - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:46253,009
NEW EVELYNN REWORK TEASER!! Completely New Look - League of Legends2:30345,939
Redmercy | TOBIAS FATE COACHES RED TO GET MASTERS ON GP..ft. Pokimane - League of legends14:36243,140
GAINING ELO THE EASY (CHEATING) WAY? MASTERS INC? - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:41252,591
THE BEST RIVEN NA! REDMERCY vs HI ITS VIPER (EX-RANK 1) | $100 1v1 SHOWDOWN!! - League of Legends18:12205,210
AM I QUITTING?? The TRUTH & The FUTURE of Journey to Masters - League of legends11:46187,212
D1 PROMOS FINALLY! BBUUUUUUTTTTTTT.. - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:53253,566
NEW VAYNE ULT! JANNA REWORK!! CAITLYN HUGE CHANGES? New 7.19 Changes - League of Legends11:46450,224
AZIR REWORK FULL GAMEPLAY! He Feels OP!! - League of Legends28:25744,747
XIN ZHAO REWORK FULL GAMEPLAY - Is He Broken Now? - League of Legends22:49429,977
AZIR REWORK IS HERE!! Insane Attack Speed Monster Now! - League of Legends10:59417,352
XIN ZHAO REWORK!! New W, Ult, Passive + Visuals etc - League of Legends6:30326,478
WORLDS PATCH! NO ARDENT NERFS? - 19 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS | Patch 7.18 - League of Legends12:46267,383
Redmercy | THE SECRET TO HIGHER ELO..WHAT NOONE TELLS YOU..REVEALED!! - League of legends16:34205,679
IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!! MASTERS GETTING CLOSE! - Journey To Masters | League of Legends19:11247,726
WORST CHAMPION IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS? Rework #200 Incoming?!7:49196,956
THE ONLY 2 CHAMPS I CAN PLAY TO MASTERS NOW...? - Journey To Masters | League of Legends16:15243,441
NEW GAME MODE!? ORNN OP NOW? (NEW ITEM) AZIR BUFFED! New 7.18 Changes - League of Legends11:56258,289
Redmercy | "FAKER 1v1 WILL BE TOO EASY?" - League of Legends11:36258,996
NO LEVEL 30 CAP IN LEAGUE (100+ LVLS) & FREE GEMS/CHAMPS/SKINS REWARDS! - League of Legends8:11262,341
NEW 65% CDR & FREE DEATHCAP/BF SWORD NOW (LATE GAME) - New Runes Rework - League of Legends3:48191,255
MY NEW ONE-TRICK! MY BEST 1v9 CARRY GAME!! - Journey To Masters | League of Legends17:60296,240
8 MUST PICK OR BAN CHAMPIONS Patch 7.17 - BEST Champs To Carry w/ Builds - League of Legends13:25187,468
NEW FLASH! YOU CAN FLASH WHILE IT'S ON CD NOW - New Runes/Masteries Rework - League of Legends6:41355,818
BATTLE OF HARDSTUCKS!! REDMERCY VS GBAY99 | $100 1v1 SHOWDOWN!! - League of Legends14:23177,097
Redmercy | HOW TO MAKE YOUR ENEMY GO 2/13/1! IT'S TOO EASY.. - League of Legends11:30214,932
YOU CAN SWAP SUMMONER SPELLS MID-GAME NOW..WTF Riot? New Rune Keystones! - League of Legends7:30198,825
I FINALLY DID IT!! BUT TOXIC TEAM RAGE QUITS.. - Journey To Masters | League of Legends19:34310,114
NEW BEST ASHE SKIN?! - Championship Ashe Spotlight Gameplay - League of Legends25:11138,382
NEW GAME MADE BY RIOT!! Ziggs Arcade Blast! - League of Legends10:31145,644
YASUO BUFFS GONE?! 3 NEW FEATURES! - 15 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS | Patch 7.17 - League of Legends12:30233,954
INTING YASSUO FLAMES ME?! ft. Moe, Viper, Revenge - League of Legends14:32183,596
TOBIAS FATE & GROSS GORE vs REDMERCY..ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!! Zed vs TF & GP- League of Legends10:45165,883
NEW OP INTERNET, NEW ME - MASTERS LET'S GO..PROMOS!! - Journey To Masters | League of Legends22:57289,003
TROLLING STREAMERS "2 Week BAN" ft. Dyrus, Pokimane, BoxBox, Yassuo & MORE! - League of Legends10:41406,352
FIZZ & VAYNE BACK? New OP Champions Patch 7.16 | BEST Champs To Carry w/Builds - League of Legends13:20186,252
Redmercy | LOW BUDGET 1v1 ft. TOBIAS FATE "Whoever Dies Loses The 1v1" - League of Legends/PubG14:37279,110

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