2 520 vidéos, +1 270 000 abonnés

AKALI REWORK ALL ABILITIES REVEALED / LEAKED - Akali Rework Gameplay - League of Legends11:32304 684
REDMERCY vs IMAQTPIE!!!! IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:55143 882
NEVER PLAYING THIS CHAMPION AGAIN LOL........ - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:12154 218
I'M LITERALLY THE #1 YASUO NA!!!!!!!!!!!! vs. MOE - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends18:40166 128
SO I PICKED TEEMO MID IN MASTERS ELO............ - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends15:36141 549
I CHALLENGE YOU BOXBOX!!!!!!!!!!! FINAL SHOWDOWN - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:39146 794
NEW RANK 1 KOREA META!! VS MOE & STYLISH (SMITE MID TALON) Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:42158 831
THE LAST CHAMPION I THOUGHT I'D EVER PLAY..... - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends18:10170 761
YOU CAN'T LOSE ON THIS CHAMPION!!!!! FREELO! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends18:57160 762
I'M DESTROYING CHALLENGERS NOW?????????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends18:14145 944
AKALI REWORK DATE REVEALED?! NEW FIZZ W AGAIN & MORE! - New 8.14 Changes - League of Legends12:12177 121
PYKE ON URF IS UNSTOPPABLE!!!! FREE WINS! New AR Ultra Rapid Fire Mode - League of Legends15:5895 508
SO I PICKED NEW AATROX REWORK IN MASTERS ELO............ - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends21:44178 598
DOUBLE LEGENDARY SKINS??? MYTHIC SKIN! New $100 VS 2018 Event Opening - League of Legends14:58240 464
UNLEASHING MY NEW 'SECRET' MID!!!!!!!!! FREELO? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:59179 758
REDMERCY VS YASSUO!!! EPIC SHOWDOWN IN SOLO Q - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:10151 821
NEW ADC META AGAIN!? AATROX OUT! 20 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 8.13 - League of Legends12:23196 561
WAIT..I MIGHT ACTUALLY GET CHALLENGER??????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:41176 138
NEW FIZZ REWORK IS ACTUALLY OP! ONE-SHOT ANYONE - Fizz Rework Gameplay - League of Legends18:35150 367
HIGHEST RANK I'VE EVER BEEN!!!!!!! CHALLENGER SOON - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:10147 810
PANTS VISITS ME TO 1v1 IRL FOR $100!?!?!11:1393 945
CRIT ADCs ARE BACK!? KINDRED NEW W & MORE! - New 8.13 Changes - League of Legends10:35204 358
I'M 1v5'ING CHALLENGERS WITH THIS CHAMP!!!!!!!! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:38213 754
NEW 80% CDR URF AATROX REWORK!! NO Q COOLDOWN (AR Ultra Rapid Fire Mode) - League of Legends19:50131 783
RIOT REMOVED THE ADC ROLE?????? FID ADC??? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends18:20188 099
THE BEST DUO YOU'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!! ft. YASSUO - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:40166 567
AATROX REWORK + ESSENCE REAVER = GOD-TIER JUNGLER!! Aatrox Jungle Gameplay | League of Legends33:70154 591
NEW AATROX REWORK ONE-SHOT BUILD! WTF IS THIS DMG?? Assassin Aatrox Mid Gameplay | League of Legends42:40172 009
AATROX REWORK IS ACTUALLY SO STUPID! (FIRST PENTAKILL!) Aatrox Top Gameplay | League of Legends27:26405 539
AATROX REWORK ALL ABILITIES REVEALED!! The Darkin Blade - New Champion - League of Legends11:22193 900
2 NEW TEASERS & NEW ITEMS!! 19 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 8.12 - League of Legends12:44148 251
THIS BUILD IS SO FREELO ON THIS CHAMPION!!!!!! NEW BUILD - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:27167 130
TYLER1 FLAMES ME WTF??????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:20163 704
IS THIS WHAT LEAGUE HAS BECOME????????? LOL - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:57196 936
IS ZED FINALLY FREELO NOW??????? NEW BUILD! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:14192 417
YASUO REWORK SOON?? Riot Confirmed! New Passive/R - 2 New Items! New 8.12 Changes League of Legends12:90265 271
DID I JUST DISCOVER A NEW BUILD????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:60219 522
LUCKIEST OPENING!! 100% LEGENDARY SKIN & GEMSTONES! $100 Cursed Capsules Opening - League of Legends12:23179 693
SO I PICKED PYKE MID IN MASTERS ELO............ - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:49225 614
*RARE* FOOTAGE OF ME INTING??????????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:32141 523
IT'S TIME TO GET CHALLENGER!!!!!!!!!!!! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:58156 046
BIGGEST PATCH YET! NEW ADC META!! 18 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 8.11 - League of Legends12:19247 103
FINAL MASTER PROMOS??????? DID I MAKE IT? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:10200 812
DID I GET MASTERS ALREADY?????? PROMOS END ft. TYLER1 - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends19:25190 330
ONLY 1 WIN FROM MASTER PROMOS!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THIS IT??- Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:20200 255
WAIT.. WHY AM I NOT LOSING LP??????????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:40171 232
WTF JUST HAPPENED???????? LOL??? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends14:12160 608
STOMPING CHALLENGERS ALREADY????????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:49165 575
UNLEASHING MY 100% WIN RATE YASUO!!!!!!!!! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends19:15168 741
2 NEW ITEMS IN LEAGUE!! These Will Destroy League.. (Atma's Reckoning / Spear of Shojin PBE) LoL10:40141 994
4 MINI-REWORKS & NEW ITEMS/RUNES! ADC Rework/Azir! (ARAM) - New 8.11 Changes - League of Legends12:00160 192
PYKE PASSIVE + 5 CLEAVERS = HUGE AD! Black Cleaver Stacking - Pyke Gameplay - League of Legends37:10187 907
FULL DMG PYKE MID IS LEGIT BROKEN! ONE-SHOT BUILD! Pyke Gameplay Mid - League of Legends48:21387 341
PYKE NEW ASSASSIN SUPPORT!! Pyke Gameplay Support New Champion - League of Legends23:17592 183
NEW META IS HERE?! 14 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 8.10 - League of Legends10:40176 805
PYKE ALL ABILITIES REVEALED!! The Bloodharbor Ripper! New Assassin Champion - League of Legends6:19384 625
WHY AM I FACING 800LP CHALLENGERS IN MY PROMOS????????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:29195 408
WHY YASUO WHHHYYYYYYYYYY?????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends18:50197 314
PYKE CHAMPION TEASER!!! WHAT ARE HIS ABILITIES? Analysis Video! - League of Legends4:21326 157
WHY DID I PICK YASUO ADC????????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends19:21165 216
WTF? HOW DID THIS BUILD ACTUALLY WORK?? 200 IQ - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:40155 772
NEW CHAMPION COMING SOON? New Teaser! - League of Legends5:10156 320
LITERALLY ANYONE CAN CARRY WITH THIS BUILD!! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:27164 382
NEW IE GIVES YASUO 40% TRUE DMG!! BROKEN DAMAGE! League of Legends23:54228 286
BIG ADC/JUNGLE REWORK! New Items & Keystone! Azir Mini-Rework! New 8.10 Changes - League of Legends11:38185 434
I FINALLY FOUND HOW TO WIN GAMES! CLIMBING TIME!! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:58148 224
NEW META & 2 REWORKS! 19 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 8.9 - League of Legends12:28181 059
NOW THIS IS HOW I'LL GET CHALLENGER! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:60157 712
AP RAKAN IS DESTROYING CHALLENGERS MID?! One-Shot Burst OP! Rakan Mid Gameplay - League of Legends33:27220 516
NEW RANKED REWORK! RANK FOR EACH ROLE! 2 New Rank Tiers & 4 Divisions! League of Legends10:34155 269
TYLER1 GOES FULL ALPHA ON ME..YIKES - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends15:44141 071
BOXBOX TRIES TO DEMOTE ME!! NNOOOOO!!! ft. Panunu - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends18:36170 142
WAIT..NEW RYZE REWORK IS ACTUALLY OP! TRUE DMG Qs! Ryze Rework Gameplay - League of Legends24:20226 286
RYZE DOES TRUE DMG NOW!? NEW AZIR W! HUGE Mana Changes & More! New 8.9 Changes - League of Legends12:54184 228
WHAT REWARDS DID THE "CLASH TOURNAMENT" GIVE ME? VS Shiphtur/Voyboy/Dyrus/Scarra - League of Legends19:26208 802
3 REWORKS & LETHAL BUFFS?! 19 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 8.8 - League of Legends12:42179 007
WHY AM I PLAYING TEEMO THIS GAME????????????????? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:24190 712
THESE 2 CHAMPS WILL GET ME CHALLENGER! IT'S TIME - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends23:35202 717
REDMERCY VS TYLER1! IT'S SHOWDOWN TIME!! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends16:20178 287
BRINGING YASUO BACK! BEST OR WORST DECISION?? D1 PROMOS - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends15:17162 313
YASSUO VS REDMERCY $300 1v1 REMATCH SHOWDOWN!! League of Legends13:52241 297
GOT HASHINSHIN SUPER TOP ON MY TEAM & THIS HAPPENS.. - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends15:35159 576
NEW VARUS W! AHRI REWORK AGAIN?! LUX SHIELD DEALS DMG NOW?? - New 8.8 Changes - League of Legends11:19230 721
THIS BUILD IS SO FREELO ON THIS CHAMPION! NEW ONE-TRICK? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:12207 439
4 REWORKS & MINION CHANGES! 22 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 8.7 - League of Legends12:22274 910
NEW RARE BIRDIE BAG GIVES 20+ SKINS?? $120 New April Fools Event Capsule Opening10:22221 643
MY SECRET GAREN POCKET PICK?? VS. SOLORENEKONLY & GBAY99 - League of Legends20:14112 872
3,000+ AD NEW RAGEBLADE JHIN! HIGHEST AD EVER? Guinsoo's Rageblade Jhin - League of Legends23:17321 241
BRINGING BACK MY OLD ONE-TRICK!! IS THIS IT? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends15:55197 398
FIRST & LAST GAME WITH THIS CHAMPION LOL - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends17:59212 187
NEW AHRI REWORK MAKES HER OP AGAIN! NEW PASSIVE & +20% DMG! Ahri Rework Gameplay - League of Legends26:36321 852
RIOT IS ACTUALLY TROLLING ME WTF!!! - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends19:47162 071
SHOULD I QUIT MID FOR THIS NEW ROLE?? - Journey To Challenger | League of Legends19:41204 378
HYBRID AP IRELIA REWORK PENTAKILL!! THIS BUILD IS BROKEN! Irelia Mid Gameplay | League of Legends30:35261 262
IRELIA REWORK IS ACTUALLY SO STUPID! Irelia Top Gameplay | League of Legends31:29644 100
IRELIA REWORK ALL ABILITIES REVEALED!! The Blade Dancer - New Champion - League of Legends7:15217 021
NEW META! NEW RUNES & ITEMS! 22 BIG CHANGES & NEW OP CHAMPS Patch 8.6 - League of Legends12:45239 771
MY NEXT CAR?? (in 100 years)10:3686 759

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