1,704 vídeos, +12,500 suscriptores

Martijn Verburg interview6:1013
Nick Butcher interview9:1315
Interview with Daniel Galpin8:3832
Andres Almiray and Sven Reimers interview8:267
Part 1: Build Native Apps with HTML5? With Chrome Apps, You Can1:11:5393
Simon Ritter interview3:466
Brian Ford interview5:4010
React, une autre façon de penser vos composants graphiques30:47398
Konrad Malawski interview3:5465
L'ecosysteme Docker sur Azure49:20130
Agile Architecture Management44:2343
Mark Reinhold interview11:1834
Uniformisez vos postes de développement avec Fig15:35115
The AngularJS founders interview12:19122
Taming Functional Web Testing (with Spock & Geb)1:01:191,533
Part 3: Groovy, Reactor, Grails and the realtime web58:36376
Distributed Systems using Hazelcast1:01:49141
Quickie: Dart Team - Ask Us Anything + Buzzword Bingo! (Part 1/2)41:51174
Ma grand-mère Excel en grammaire Antlr49:60184
Infinite Infinispan52:46417
Angela Caicedo interview3:3920
Richard Bair Interview7:1614
Security test automation in software development using open source tools49:26555
Nicolas Roard interview8:1320
Peter Pilgrim book promotion2:283
Fault tolerance made easy55:1048
Logstash: l’arme secrète pour vaincre le coté obscur de vos logs52:46371
Part 1: Data Access Patterns in this day and age (of cloud, bigdata, nosql & other buzzwords)1:18:4225
Teaching Computer Science with Music1:00:1323
Changing the wheel of a moving car - faire évoluer l'infra sans interruption47:5861
Part 2: Java 8 for Pis, Legos, and the Internet of Things1:18:9032
Single Page Apps with Knockout.js and Play Framework46:43357
Java 8 in Anger52:31124
Beyond Beauty: JavaFX, Parallax, Touch, Raspberry Pi, Gyroscopes, and Much More54:37153
Part 2: Android Performance Workshop1:13:43243
Part 1: Java 8 for Pis, Legos, and the Internet of Things1:17:3749
10 trucs que j'ai appris en lisant le code source de Chrome OS19:30230
Mastering Android Drawables46:332,178
Comment git a sauvé notre projet (ou presque)14:52185
Part 1: Android Performance Workshop1:17:50833
Using the Java ME SDK to build real world embedded applications31:19210
Déboguage de JavaScript30:102,322
Genymotion, the next generation Android emulator29:5161
Part 2: Data Access Patterns in this day and age (of cloud, bigdata, nosql & other buzzwords)1:04:336
The elegance of functional testing using Calabash27:3135
Du 100% pur Guice !15:40213
LibGDX Desktop/Android/iOS/HTML5 Java game development framework6:35271
Gitflow in action34:15513
Quickie: Disrupt 2 Grow18:805
I don't always write Reactive applications, but when I do, it runs on Raspberry Pi52:57114
Golo, a simple post-invokedynamic language for the JVM28:1498
Spring Framework 4.0 - The Next Generation56:18356
Push, Mobile & Cloud Oh My!59:1613
Part 2: Java EE 7: What’s New in the Java EE Platform59:1318
Migration d'une webapp Tomcat vers Vert.x49:36220
Java 8 Language Capabilities - What's in it for you?52:1883
Xtend in Action31:40118
Hashons peu mais hashons bien51:10280
Can you hear this? It’s AppEngine’s restrictions imploding one by one1:02:2250
A whirlwind tour through lingual: ANSI SQL for apache hadoop56:4711
Efficient coding in IntelliJ IDEA49:80473
Cryptographic operations in the browser53:4347
White clouds, rainbows and unicorns: Java and Windows56:439
UI Engineer - the missing profession58:5744
Reactive Programming Patterns with Java 8 Futures40:521,069
Continuous Delivery antipatterns49:4111
Vos managers ne veulent pas entendre parler de la dette technique, tant mieux !16:52402
Project Lombok: Return of the Boilerplate Busters2:30494
Keynote de l’équipe Devoxx France24:18248
Developer Tools for Java EE 7 and HTML 5 in IntelliJ IDEA 1334:14367
A hint of NoSQL into my Java EE30:1372
Java EE 8, a snapshot overview50:3088
Building CDI Extensions47:23159
DevOps with Java EE47:32950
Part 2: Scala Implicits, the Real Story1:19:521,727
Busy Developer's Guide to Quickly Integrating HTML5 with Java EE 725:2956
Dans 20 ans des robots humanoïdes pour tout le monde26:50196
From Legacy to Cloud in Under an Hour - Live Coding28:1845
IoT, Java, and Autonomous Drones46:19420
La problématique du contrôle des Technologies de l’information18:28221
Brave New DevOps World: How a Fully Provisioned Environment Helps Everyone26:1423
Interview DevoxxFR 2015 avec Sami Jaber - Le futur de GWT6:50252
Grenade for fragmenting Android apps22:274
Les tests exploratoires53:28111
JVM bytecode engineering 1012:26:38752
Elles ressemblent à quoi mes données ?31:55351
Interview DevoxxFR 2015 avec Jean-François Garreau - Chrome DevTools & WebRTC6:5578
Reading and Writing in 20 years17:60124
API hypermedia51:38120
Unit testing concurrent code20:14512
Développeur sous influence48:52101
Concurrency in Enterprise Java48:57679
Révision des fondamentaux : equals et hashCode c'est important17:13197
Stratégie de mise en place de revues de code16:20252
Packaging et déploiement d’une application JavaEE avec Docker et Ansible18:12347
Interview DevoxxFR 2015 - Francesc Campoy sur Go9:37107
Le retour en force de GWT48:16517
OpenBCI ou comment lire dans les pensées en Java34:57196
La Google Cloud Plaform - Au delà des simples démos University1:28:28142
A Gentle Introduction to Reactive Extensions45:491,125

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