1,704 vídeos, +12,500 suscriptores

The Unpuzzling Kotlin: Bringing Clarity to Your Code1:01:12481
Java 8 and beyond keynote1:14:46115
Quickie: Life is too short to write CRUD14:58123
User-Experience Metrics for Apps30:1218
Getting around with Google Maps Android API v231:1090
Quickie: FluentLenium, UI testing with less boilerplate20:2779
Quickie: NFC + Chrome = Awesomeness11:13447
Quickie: Polyglot - Beyond the JVM - Building a Web Application with AngularJS and Java14:3515
Quickie: Tips and tricks for setting up a Play 2 project11:9021
Android Application Security1:00:111,121
Spring Webapps + OSGi + dotcms = profit!50:58331
Practical RESTful Persistence1:01:3361
99 Ceylon idioms1:03:26280
Quickie: JTransfo, converting between transfer and domain objects17:9013
Avatar.js, Server-Side JavaScript on the Java Platform58:45115
Part 2: Zero Effort Spring1:20:3413
Java Microbenchmark Harness: The Lesser of Two Evils1:04:171,233
Quickie: Comparing Monitoring-as-a-Service Providers17:1254
Google+ Sign-In on Android and iOS54:18303
Invokedynamic (Java 7) on Android53:56119
Coding in Style: How to wield Scala in the trenches57:56268
Heather Vancura and Roberto Cortez8:3715
Arun Gupta interview6:106
Building an Application with Backbone.js56:53899
Awesome Android Design31:27113
Quickie: How to Participate in the Future of Java11:4211
Quickie: ElasticMQ: a fully asynchronous, Akka-based Amazon SQS server17:13177
Devoxx Welcome and Announcements47:172
Quickie: Functional Groovy16:2124
Continuous Delivery Patterns for Large Software Stacks46:7038
JavaPosse LIVE58:328
What’s New in the Java EE 7 Platform56:4310
Part 2: Mobile and Cloud Application Development with Windows Phone and Windows Azure1:17:708
Part1: Mobile and Cloud Application Development with Windows Phone and Windows Azure1:01:3133
The Habits of Highly Effective Technical Teams1:02:1415
The Bleeding Edge59:2123
Batch Applications for the Java Platform (JSR 352)1:01:49279
How To Do Kick-Ass Software Development1:01:3051
Part 2: Thinking Functional Style1:13:15750
How to make your Android apps suck. A rant.10:3115
Quickie: The ingredients for a perfect JavaScript Software Factory14:5833
Gradle for Android and the Rest of the World1:04:4813
Hadoop data mining swiss army knife59:5232
Quickie: Patterns, Shmatterns17:10210
Shaping the future of web development - Dart 1.046:1465
Simple Deployment of Recommendation Engines56:1712
Quickie: How about some type safe Selenium tests ?14:2019
Nuts and Bolts of Java EE 7 Interceptors44:5384
Daniel De Luca interview8:526
Elastify your app: from SQL to NoSQL in less than one hour!1:00:42875
Part 1: Scala Implicits, the Real Story1:33:538,249
Building Games With Ouya42:3022
Quickie: The Nashorn, the Pi and some JavaFX18:35151
Quickie: Raspberry PI-ing my school19:2118
Geert Bevin interview6:4327
Brian Goetz interview6:10149
Building your first REST API in less than 30 minutes39:323,058es en una lista
State of the Meta, Summer 201546:2156es en una lista
The Twelve Factor App: Best Practices for Scala Deployment43:42185es en una lista
Keynote: Scala - where it came from, where it's going1:10:001,125es en una lista
Part 2: What's New in JavaFX 850:9069
A real-time architecture using Hadoop & Storm49:51152
Introduction to Actors32:1037
The ideal module system and the harsh reality47:1019
Practical PDF Parsing in Java: Making Reflection Your Compliant Minion47:28251
Building a REST+RPC API in 30 minutes42:43537
Cloud Patterns56:266
JUnit PowerUp: Practical Testing Tips27:28131
Google Cloud Messaging in action!27:1068
The Modular Java Platform and Project Jigsaw1:01:5553
The Curious Case of JavaScript on the JVM1:02:2974
Thalmic Labs - Myo API from init to flush46:5074
The Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter development platform53:53332
Efficient Image processing on Android45:49656
Unit testing JavaScript/CoffeeScript/Dart code with Karma26:3871
Quickie: HTTP Caching in Practice15:212,600
Link Analysis in Networks, or "Finding the Terrorists"59:3026
Discover The Zen Of Writing (Ascii)Docs29:38229
Mobile, multi-device, multi-player with HTML5 and Dart55:2422
Interview on openHAB5:20101
Part 2: Phantom, Zombie & Karma, overview of the greatest testing tools for modern web app1:16:5236
Interview on ChromeApps5:559
Programmers are way cooler than musicians56:4012
Part 3: AngularJS End to End37:1223
Go see all the ships in the world34:44195
Part 1: Phantom, Zombie & Karma, overview of the greatest testing tools for modern web app1:15:1290
Part 2: AngularJS End to End1:03:1799
Taming Drones: How Java Controls the Uprising of the Drone Force57:306
FluentLenium, UI testing with less boilerplate30:36123
The Dart founders interview15:2019
Part 2: Autumn Collections : from iterable to lambdas, streams and collectors1:22:1916
What Java EE can learn from dynamic languages?1:01:469
Quickie: WebJars - The Web in JARs18:54221
Quickie: Make sense of your (BIG) data!18:5030
Eva and Timon Veenstra interview8:1923
Part 1: What's New in JavaFX 81:56:33344
Hack Your Own Band With Clojure and Overtone1:02:552,618
Manage your content and integrate it using, Java and your favourite framework30:471,034
CSS pour les nuls18:90688
App Engine Managed VMs et Fluent-http, un mariage heureux30:5939

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