1,704 vídeos, +12,500 suscriptores

Using Java Flight Recorder52:44756
Performance Tuning, Top 10 Your Doing it Wrong!14:2641
From Requirements to Deployment: Implementing a Microservice in Java using BDD and TDD2:36:313,945es en una lista
Beyond Beauty: JavaFX, Parallax, Touch, Raspberry Pi, Gyroscopes, and Much More48:2177
Express yourself with Java 848:40128es en una lista
NoSRV Architecture: Dynamic web applications without backend servers16:4226
Predicting the Future with Machine Learning39:4968es en una lista
Making Events for Local Dev Communities14:504es en una lista
Efficient HTTP Apis51:1916
Apples and Oranges, Highlights of Eclipse, lntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans IDE41:57295
A Developers Perspective on Google Glass39:264
NOW TV and Linear Streaming: The unpredictable scalability challenge50:2155es en una lista
The First IoT JSR: Units of Measurement52:4956es en una lista
How to lower the power consumption of your app, without affecting performance44:2199es en una lista
Top 10 Real-life WebSocket Use Cases and Experiences51:59273es en una lista
Developing iOS applications with Java and Eclipse50:582,054es en una lista
Effective IDE Usage48:4026
Mechanical Sympathy41:5755
Software Architecture as Code51:2076es en una lista
Accessibility and how to get the most from your screenreader41:238es en una lista
Experimenting with ServiceWorker54:4813
Ten cool things we can do with popular JVM Languages50:5629
One Framework, No Dependencies: Using Frameworks to Avoid Common Pitfalls of App Development16:268es en una lista
Java EE Game Changers52:3764es en una lista
The Yanzi Internet of Things DevKit17:33114
Building the UKs biggest IoT network15:2910es en una lista
Java 8 Language Capabilities- What's in it for you?47:4572
The Arduino User Experience- looking at loT from just a hardware abstraction layer1:01:29148
Because you can16:406
Five Ways to Not Suck at Being a Java Freelancer16:40863es en una lista
Never Mind the Devoxx54:109es en una lista
Adventures in Node.js17:206
The Google Cloud Plaform - Beyond simple use cases2:30:3452es en una lista
Building Mobile Backends with the Mobile Backend Starter45:5357
Continuous Delivery and Zero Downtime39:3520
Benefit from Groovy now. When, Why & How!50:2718
Your Legacy to the World-OpenJDK15:5515
Griffin, Smart Home Automation over Wi-Fi27:5410
Is It A Car? Is It A Computer? No, It's a Raspberry Pi Java Carputer50:51215
Navigating the Stream API54:5928
BDD Testing JavaScript with Jasmine48:442,256
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Flexible Scope56:9011
AngularJS: Making a browser a better development platform49:5214
Lambda Expressions: Myths and Mistakes1:09:3123
Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services asynchronously51:7056
Metadata features in Java SE 843:4087
Reclaiming discipline in client side web development50:3614
XM PP in the world of loT- An open standard for interoperable loT47:40106
Practicing at the cutting edge: Learning and unlearning about Java performance51:3241
Age of SPA (in Swedish)15:322
Performance Testing with a Raspberry Pi Wall Running Java43:54110
Jfokus 2014 Keynote: Java Everywhere Pieces of 81:40:4729
Go Reactive: Blueprint for Future Applications51:565
The Bleeding Edge51:9014
Developing for multi-component environment while keeping your sanity43:5921
Every day is like a little DDOS attack. A billion games played per day52:6018
Understanding (Organizational) Effectiveness14:1651
Code as a crime scene41:5210
A Little Graph Theory for th e Busy Developer49:3112
Top Ten Proactive Defenses for Java50:3917
Tackling complexity in giant systems: Approaches at Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix & VMware52:3128
Git++ : Passez au niveau supérieur de la gestion de version30:52674
Habits of Highly Effective Technical teams48:2724
Deux années de Continuous Delivery au pays des traders51:1342
HTML5/Rich Clients Using Java EE 754:20197
Building applications on Hadoop41:3457
Reliable real time processing with Kafka and Storm: When off-the-self is just not good enough39:70180
Controlling NAO robot with Java48:90185
Java application platforms for design-to-cost embedded systems49:1677
Building a Real-Time Risk Analysis System in Java50:37100
Angular on Dart50:57333
Browser IDEs and why you don't like them45:9010
La révolution Docker53:12349
SARAH: connecter et interagir avec l'Internet des Objets au quotidien49:593,247
G-Force! Self-Powering Global Sensor Nets for loT49:359
Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur les lambdas et plus encore (part 2)1:18:33214
Java 8 Lambdas in the Stream52:10174
Google Cast Development - Lessons Learned53:32446
L'ère numérique20:4835
900 000 emplois IT à pourvoir d'ici 2015 en Europe. Comment susciter les vocations ?21:3716
Akka Made Our Day46:2223
Angular vs Ember vs Backbone and Knockout in real applications45:30859
Building new IoT Services easily with Open Hardware and Lhings50:4919
Erlang : et si on faisait un pas de côté42:1599
MeteorJS : extinction imminente des dinosaures du web51:1562
Tips and tricks for releasing with Maven, Hudson, Artifactory and Git17:501,574
Android Programming: Pushing The Limits50:5327
The Java Virtual Machine on Gemalto M2M products31:52105
Easy Distributed Systems using Hazelcast52:4036
Liquibase- Database Change Management19:562,315
Raft : le consensus réparti pour les nuls18:19121
Fifty New Features of Java EE 751:2426
Pas à PaaS : CloudFoundry in action54:2225
Machine Learning, Python et Open Data : démonstration d'un cas d'usage pour geek32:442,311
Don't use Git12:35106
Do you really get classloaders?49:4286
Les Cast Codeurs reviennent et ils ne sont pas content !56:4443
Expression Oriented Programming with F#28:41466
Gradle ne fait pas que remplacer Maven50:28267
Embracing HTTP in the era of API’s50:6037

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