 | | time | views | |
 | "OH, Wait You're SERIOUS?!" Moments | 10:32 | 15,223 | |
 | Men Reveal Why They Refused A Second Date | 12:29 | 44,838 | |
 | Secrets Siblings Kept FROM Their Parents | 10:55 | 48,342 | |
 | People Who Stopped Liking Their Crush After This | 10:26 | 57,335 | |
 | People Who Thought Their Partner Was Cheating | 11:70 | 69,293 | |
 | Guys Confess What Girls Do That Are Cute | 10:37 | 180,178 | |
 | The Worst Defence Someone Made In Court | 6:11 | 62,720 | |
 | Girl Secrets Guys Don't Know About | 10:50 | 103,567 | |
 | The Worst Thing Someone Did While Angry | 10:38 | 67,731 | |
 | Stupid Questions That Make You Think | 8:33 | 79,194 | |
 | Men Share Their Creepy Woman Stories | 12:14 | 45,751 | |
 | Facts That Sound Fake But Are True | 10:80 | 116,939 | |
 | People Reveal Reasons Why A Couple Divorced | 11:55 | 100,222 | |
 | People Reveal Their Identical Twin Stories | 10:42 | 98,465 | |
 | Cops Reveal The Stupidest Criminals Ever | 11:23 | 65,125 | |
 | People Reveal Their "Why Did I Say That" Moments | 11:13 | 106,329 | |
 | Innocent Questions That Made Someone Sad | 10:34 | 120,380 | |
 | The Worst Thing Someone Woke Up To | 12:30 | 101,461 | |
 | People Reveal Things They Overheard While "Sleeping" | 10:37 | 165,059 | |
 | Facts That Make Us Feel Stupid | 10:11 | 100,932 | |
 | People Reveal WHEN Lying is Better | 6:14 | 52,806 | |
 | People Stopped Liking Their Crush After This | 6:22 | 110,015 | |
 | Guys Reveal Things Girls Do That Are Annoying | 10:36 | 119,645 | |
 | How People Found Out Someone Liked Them | 10:32 | 279,946 | |
 | People Who Are Out Of Touch With Reality | 10:12 | 81,375 | |
 | The Worst Thing Someone Shared On A First Date | 10:34 | 67,929 | |
 | People Reveal Mean Things Someone Has Said To Them | 10:30 | 66,868 | |
 | Guys Who Failed To Impress A Girl | 10:34 | 72,111 | |
 | The Saddest Things Someone Has Returned | 11:27 | 82,344 | |
 | Guy Secrets Girls Have No Idea About | 10:16 | 130,002 | |
 | Cringy Things People Think About At Night | 8:51 | 114,080 | |
 | People Who Were Right About Their Gut Feeling | 10:70 | 69,552 | |
 | Creepy Urban Legends To Read In The Dark | 10:70 | 86,342 | |
 | Guys Who DID NOT Take The Hint | 7:56 | 58,732 | |
 | Life Saving Tips People Need To Know | 10:32 | 59,240 | |
 | Workers Reveal Things Customers Have Done | 10:47 | 80,979 | |
 | Obvious Things People Did Not Know | 5:59 | 80,072 | |
 | Things People Thought Were Normal But Is Not | 10:27 | 132,402 | |
 | People Reveal Their "I'm Outta Here" Moments | 10:80 | 80,770 | |
 | People Who KNEW They Were in Trouble Stories | 7:27 | 76,542 | |
 | Creepy True Stories That Happened To People | 10:40 | 78,592 | |
 | People Reveal Their Flirting Fails | 7:18 | 74,026 | |
 | Burglars Who Were Too Stupid Stories | 11:20 | 119,289 | |
 | Secrets People Don't Tell Their Family | 5:54 | 75,755 | |
 | People Share Their CRINGY Crush Stories | 11:15 | 167,551 | |
 | People Who Need A REALITY CHECK | 11:10 | 104,870 | |
 | Burglars Share Places You Shouldn't Hide Things | 10:20 | 232,646 | |
 | Thoughts That Are TOO TRUE | 10:40 | 163,518 | |
 | People Who Met Their Bully Again As An Adult | 10:32 | 302,054 | |
 | People Who Witnessed INSTANT Karma | 5:51 | 111,853 | |
 | Men Reveal Their Creepy Woman Stories | 10:55 | 72,259 | |
 | Ghost Stories That Will Send Chills Down Your Spine | 10:45 | 67,946 | |
 | Homewreckers Reveal THEIR Side Of The Story | 10:31 | 93,568 | |
 | The Saddest Things People Have Witnessed | 10:70 | 158,366 | |
 | People Who Met Their Crush Again YEARS Later | 9:90 | 188,838 | |
 | The Most Unfair Things People Have Seen | 6:35 | 86,769 | |
 | Something Is VERY WRONG Gut Feeling | 11:40 | 160,463 | |
 | Things Parents Got Mad Over | 7:30 | 108,421 | |
 | Life Saving Facts You Should KNOW | 10:90 | 318,033 | |
 | Creepy Things People Have Witnessed | 10:30 | 105,271 | |
 | The Most Awkward Marriage Proposals | 6:10 | 49,184 | |
 | People Who Met Their Online Friend | 17:21 | 219,426 | |
 | How A Friend Destroyed A Friendship | 10:31 | 125,423 | |
 | People Who Had A RUN NOW Gut Feeling | 10:39 | 96,075 | |
 | Women Reveal Crazy Men They've Dated | 8:51 | 66,572 | |
 | People Who Can NEVER Forgive Their Friends | 10:10 | 103,055 | |
 | People Who Had A "I KNEW IT" Feeling | 11:10 | 155,312 | |
 | Superstitions We Do Without Realising It | 5:34 | 47,232 | |
 | People Reveal Their Not So Smart Patients | 10:60 | 117,154 | |
 | Embarrassing Things People Did As A Kid | 5:18 | 37,705 | |
 | People Share Worst Christmas Gifts They Got | 10:50 | 85,129 | |
 | People Who Had A LEAVE NOW Gut Feeling | 11:30 | 383,124 | |
 | People Who Rejected A Marriage Proposal | 8:52 | 63,575 | |
 | Things People Found Out About Their Partner | 11:90 | 85,149 | |
 | The Worst Cases Of Spoiled Kid Syndrome | 10:39 | 93,028 | |
 | People Reveal The Worst Parenting Mistakes | 11:00 | 48,406 | |
 | People Share Their "Screw It" Moments | 10:60 | 81,972 | |
 | Deep Thoughts To Think About | 10:38 | 78,782 | |
 | People Who Had A GET OUT NOW Gut Feeling | 10:41 | 172,145 | |
 | Parents Who Regretted Adopting A Child | 10:50 | 71,212 | |
 | Secrets People Know Their Partner Is Keeping | 11:14 | 66,295 | |
 | People Reveal Their "I Googled My Symptoms" | 6:80 | 76,495 | |
 | People Reveal Their Fake Friend Stories | 10:44 | 181,108 | |
 | People Share Their Online Friend Horror Stories | 11:40 | 184,655 | |
 | Psychological Tricks To Try On Someone | 3:39 | 161,549 | |
 | Comebacks To Someone Being A Jerk | 4:20 | 72,681 | |
 | When Spoiled Rich Kids Meet Reality | 5:35 | 82,092 | |
 | We Need To Leave NOW Gut Feelings | 10:55 | 192,268 | |
 | Creepy Internet Stories To Read At Night | 11:34 | 255,682 | |
 | People Reveal Their Wholesome Secrets | 6:27 | 59,259 | |
 | People Reveal The Worst Presents They Got | 6:16 | 44,497 | |
 | People Share WHY They Got Divorced | 10:50 | 55,171 | |
 | People Who Changed After Dating Someone | 9:60 | 71,788 | |
 | Thoughts I Have Never Thought About | 8:32 | 115,947 | |
 | Psychological Tips You Could Use | 6:17 | 91,971 | |
 | People Reveal Red Flags When Meeting Someone | 7:70 | 53,776 | |
 | Gut Feelings People Had Listened To | 10:40 | 61,899 | |
 | People Reveal Loving Things Their Partners Do | 6:12 | 45,930 | |
 | Things People Saw Happen In Public | 6:32 | 52,163 | |
 | Psychological Tricks You Could Use | 10:36 | 383,275 | |