 | | time | views | |
 | How to Say "Good Job" | Mandarin Chinese | 1:00 | 3,020 | |
 | Best Fruits for Juicing | Fasting & Cleanses | 1:28 | 4,303 | |
 | Drug Treatments for Alcohol Abuse | Alcoholism | 2:36 | 4,037 | |
 | How to Say the Days of the Week | Mandarin Chinese | 7:21 | 3,254 | |
 | How to Handle a Child's Holiday Stress | Child Anxiety | 4:15 | 3,313 | |
 | Advice on Parent-Teacher Conferences | Child Anxiety | 3:47 | 3,036 | |
 | Solving the Top 3 Toilet Train Problems | Potty Training | 1:32 | 6,212 | |
 | How to Order Water | Mandarin Chinese | 1:32 | 4,088 | |
 | Holding Your Ground in the Classroom | Classroom Management | 3:51 | 4,209 | |
 | How to Say "OK" in Polish | Polish Lessons | 1:43 | 4,119 | |
 | Top 3 Toilet Training Tips | Potty Training | 1:37 | 4,877 | |
 | How to Say "Good Morning" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 1:80 | 4,580 | |
 | Supplies Needed for Toilet Training | Potty Training | 1:55 | 6,170 | |
 | How to Say "Who" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 1:16 | 3,982 | |
 | How to Read the Sixes | Tarot Cards | 6:10 | 4,201 | |
 | What Is Alcoholism? | Alcoholism | 3:38 | 5,900 | |
 | Silicone Butt Implants vs. Fat Grafting | Plastic Surgery | 1:41 | 11,908 | |
 | How to Say "I Want You" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 1:10 | 5,663 | |
 | How to Talk So Children Listen | Child Anxiety | 2:31 | 9,884 | |
 | How to Make No-Knead Bread | Make Bread | 6:51 | 13,042 | |
 | How to Do a Forward Lunge | Sexy Butt | 2:40 | 7,347 | |
 | Classroom Discipline 101 | Classroom Management | 3:31 | 7,890 | |
 | How to Say "How Much Is This" in Polish | Polish Lessons | 2:52 | 7,981 | |
 | Injectable Cosmetic Procedures | Plastic Surgery | 1:49 | 7,536 | |
 | How to Address Common Behavior Problems | Classroom Management | 4:14 | 4,681 | |
 | Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Memory | Memory Techniques | 2:70 | 8,659 | |
 | How to Say "Make" | Mandarin Chinese | 2:13 | 3,735 | |
 | Alcohol Abuse vs. Alcoholism | Alcoholism | 2:56 | 6,534 | |
 | What Areas Can Be Liposuctioned? | Plastic Surgery | 1:52 | 9,957 | |
 | How to Say "I Miss You" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 0:57 | 5,508 | |
 | How to Instagram Better Food Photos | Photography Tutorial | 1:45 | 5,488 | |
 | Nutritional Deficiencies & Autism | Autism | 3:32 | 4,958 | |
 | How to Memorize the Presidents | Memory Techniques | 2:46 | 4,981 | |
 | How to Read the Temperance Card | Tarot Cards | 4:24 | 5,964 | |
 | How to Say "Where Is the Bus" in Polish | Polish Lessons | 2:58 | 4,541 | |
 | How to Say "I Like You" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 1:50 | 5,192 | |
 | How to Tell a Story in a Portrait | Photography Tutorial | 1:22 | 5,402 | |
 | How to Say "Bon Voyage" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 0:22 | 4,436 | |
 | How to Say "Excuse Me" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 0:54 | 4,737 | |
 | Is Fasting a Good Way to Detox? | Fasting & Cleanses | 0:53 | 5,186 | |
 | How to Say "No" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 0:48 | 5,592 | |
 | How to Say "Shut Up" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 0:43 | 7,094 | |
 | How to Say "Very Good" | Mandarin Chinese | 1:23 | 6,828 | |
 | Emphasizing Foreground in Landscapes | Photography Tutorial | 1:40 | 4,163 | |
 | How to Say "I Don't Want to Talk to You" | Greek Lessons | 0:25 | 5,518 | |
 | How to Use the Loci Technique | Memory Techniques | 4:41 | 8,213 | |
 | How Long Does Anger Counseling Take? | Anger Management | 1:13 | 3,073 | |
 | What Is Intermittent Explosive Disorder? | Anger Management | 1:32 | 6,672 | |
 | Tarot Card Reading with Ellen Goldberg | Tarot Cards | 2:17 | 9,592 | |
 | What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift? | Plastic Surgery | 1:32 | 21,233 | |
 | When Should Tot Give Up Night Diapers? | Potty Training | 1:70 | 4,864 | |
 | How to Say "I Need a Doctor" in Polish | Polish Lessons | 4:37 | 3,640 | |
 | How to Say "Friend" in Polish | Polish Lessons | 1:30 | 4,278 | |
 | How to Handle Anger That Is Justified | Anger Management | 2:22 | 5,686 | |
 | Difference between Fasting & Cleansing | Fasting & Cleanses | 0:57 | 5,519 | |
 | 2 Ways to Get an Alcoholic into Treatment | Alcoholism | 2:90 | 3,402 | |
 | What Is Abdominal Etching (Ab Etching)? | Plastic Surgery | 1:26 | 8,490 | |
 | Does Mixing Drinks Cause More Hangovers? | Alcoholism | 1:43 | 5,153 | |
 | 6 Common Autism Behaviors | Autism | 3:46 | 29,783 | |
 | Pros & Cons of a Juice Fast | Fasting & Cleanses | 1:52 | 4,247 | |
 | How to Say "Where Is the Bathroom" | Polish Lessons | 2:29 | 2,701 | |
 | Should iPods Be Allowed during Class? | Classroom Management | 2:50 | 3,671 | |
 | How to Say "Can You Speak More Slowly" | Greek Lessons | 1:44 | 2,837 | |
 | How to Say "Can You Show Me on a Map" | Greek Lessons | 0:51 | 2,643 | |
 | Children & Extracurricular Activities | Child Anxiety | 2:42 | 3,438 | |
 | How to Say "May I Speak To" in Polish | Polish Lessons | 1:45 | 2,921 | |
 | How to Control a Pig's Rooting Behavior | Pet Pigs | 2:13 | 5,056 | |
 | How to Remember Numbers | Memory Techniques | 3:39 | 6,384 | |
 | How to Do a Jump Squat | Sexy Butt | 1:25 | 8,030 | |
 | How Detoxing Can Reduce Cellulite | Fasting & Cleanses | 1:16 | 7,610 | |
 | How Many Drinks Cause a .08 BAC? | Alcoholism | 2:43 | 5,708 | |
 | How to Say "I Need a Doctor" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 0:58 | 4,052 | |
 | Toilet Training with Ashley Hickey | Potty Training | 1:37 | 5,583 | |
 | How to Say "Mother" & "Father" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 1:00 | 4,294 | |
 | What Causes a Hangover? | Alcoholism | 2:24 | 6,528 | |
 | How to Do Naked Toilet Training | Potty Training | 1:15 | 6,595 | |
 | How to Say the Days of the Week in Greek | Greek Lessons | 1:19 | 3,559 | |
 | How to Say "English" | Mandarin Chinese | 1:50 | 6,594 | |
 | How to Say "I'm Allergic To" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 0:41 | 3,922 | |
 | How to Help a Child with Social Anxiety | Child Anxiety | 3:14 | 5,808 | |
 | How to Develop Your Inner Authority | Classroom Management | 2:55 | 6,817 | |
 | How to Order Water in Greek | Greek Lessons | 0:22 | 5,378 | |
 | 3 Proven Classroom Management Tips | Classroom Management | 4:50 | 3,608 | |
 | How to Shape & Bake Pull-Apart Rolls | Make Bread | 5:59 | 6,112 | |
 | What Is Dry Fasting? | Fasting & Cleanses | 1:30 | 7,732 | |
 | Should You Take Laxatives When Fasting? | Fasting & Cleanses | 1:23 | 4,672 | |
 | How to Control Road Rage | Anger Management | 3:54 | 5,965 | |
 | About Memory Expert Barry Reitman | Memory Techniques | 2:47 | 4,758 | |
 | How to Read the High Priestess Card | Tarot Cards | 6:21 | 5,405 | |
 | Lesson 7: How to Make a Fondant Pickle | 5:18 | 5,656 | |
 | Dealing with Your Kids' Sibling Rivalry | Child Anxiety | 3:27 | 4,157 | |
 | How Common Is Autism? | Autism | 3:32 | 6,834 | |
 | How to Say "Where Are You From" in Greek | Greek Lessons | 1:28 | 3,819 | |
 | How to Get Early Intervention Services | Autism | 3:52 | 3,407 | |
 | How to Do a Plank Kickout | Sexy Butt | 1:34 | 9,685 | |
 | Are There Support Groups Besides AA? | Alcoholism | 2:60 | 4,196 | |
 | How to Order a Beer in Greek | Greek Lessons | 1:10 | 4,307 | |
 | How to Deal with Student Arguing | Classroom Management | 4:33 | 6,008 | |
 | 4 Tips for Kindergarten Teachers | Classroom Management | 3:27 | 6,820 | |
 | How to Say "May I Have Your Number" | Mandarin Chinese | 1:18 | 6,776 | |