HTML Intro - Basic Text Format Tags15:90390
HTML Intro - Syntax and Formatting22:161,609
HTML Intro - What is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)30:261,893
Programming Intro - What are IDE's (Integrated Development Environment)33:532,258
Programming Intro - What is an API (Application Programming Interface)32:5410,494
Programming Intro - What are SDK's (Software Development Kits)22:384,503
Programming Intro - What are Coding Frameworks?29:463,526
Programming Intro - Pseudocode Intro22:103,053
Programming Intro - Wireframing Intro25:154,697
Programming Intro - How to Find a Coding Job58:246,271
Programming Intro - Best Programming Language58:5130,310
Programming Intro - How to Self Study Coding42:5836,117
Programming Intro - Introduction to Programming59:3714,601
MySQL - HTML Form Validation with PHP (filter_var)23:232,797
MySQL - Sanitize Variables with PHP (filter_var)23:422,017
MySQL - PHP Prepared Statements26:263,403
MySQL - INSERT Records with HTML Hyperlinks and PHP($_GET)25:003,714
MySQL - UPDATE Records with HTML Form and PHP32:103,539
MySQL - SEARCH Form with HTML and PHP33:321,733
MySQL - INSERT Records with HTML Form and PHP31:552,720
MySQL - UPDATE Records with PHP21:472,465
MySQL - PHP to INSERT Into Table19:391,452
MySQL - PHP Print Records to HTML (mysqli)24:361,844
MySQL - Connect with PHP (mysqli)32:373,512
MySQL - Backup, Restore, Copy Tables and Databases41:311,929
MySQL - Stored Functions Introduction36:481,323
MySQL - Stored Procedures Introduction25:401,760
Arduino - Shields Introduction11:494,752
MySQL - Table Joins Introduction (inner join)21:542,014
MySQL - Create, Delete User Accounts and Grant Privileges (create/drop user, grant, show grants)46:452,649
MySQL - Update and Delete Records (update, delete)26:111,620
MySQL - Add Records and Search Tables (insert, select)31:551,808
MySQL - Create, Alter and Delete Tables (Create Table, Alter Table, Drop Table )22:502,469
MySQL - Create, Delete Database and Show Grants (Create Database, Drop Database, Show Grants)25:002,112
MySQL - Install LAMP Server for MySQL Labs (tasksel)27:193,085
MySQL - Data Types Introduction31:103,972
MySQL - Structure Introduction41:164,124
MySQL - MySQL Introduction39:4617,487
Arduino - Types of Boards10:606,193
Cloud Computing - Database Introduction49:165,163
Cloud Computing - Serverless Architecture Introduction (Cloud Functions)35:305,245
Cloud Computing - SOA Introduction (Service Oriented Architecture)49:182,580
Cloud Computing - Client/ Server Architecture Introduction28:702,918
Cloud Computing - Virtualization Introduction29:305,073
Arduino - IR Sensor Analog Output6:277,023
Cloud Computing - Colocation Datacenters Introduction45:532,249
Cloud Computing - MaaS Introduction (Metal as a Service)35:141,843
Cloud Computing - IaaS Introduction (Infrastructure as a Service)22:222,419
Cloud Computing - PaaS Introduction (Platform as a Service)28:102,073
Cloud Computing - SaaS Introduction (Software As A Service)43:253,220
Cloud Computing - Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds Introduction1:03:423,376
Cloud Computing - Load Balancing16:275,171
Analog Temperature Sensor with Arduino14:503,793
Cloud Computing - Server Clusters52:254,525
Cloud Computing - Abstraction35:334,212
Cloud Computing - Introduction1:10:4818,944
Arduino - Soil Moisture Sensor19:264,275
Linux - Network Configuration (ip, route, dhclient, systemd-resolve, netplan)23:357,919
Linux - UFW Firewall Setup (ufw)28:263,965
Linux - FTP Server Setup (vsftpd)24:458,226
Linux - SSH for Remote Administration20:514,180
Linux - Cron Jobs for Scheduled Tasks (crontab)21:222,217
Linux - Tarballs, Archive and Compress Folders (tar)12:161,837
Linux - Change Permissions and Ownership for Files and Folders (chmod, chown, members, groups )23:501,609
Linux - File and Folder Permission Introduction15:241,627
Linux - Task Manager and Kill Processes (top)15:371,941
Linux - Start, Stop, Restart Services (Systemd, systemctl, service, init.d )23:154,815
Linux - Make, Rename, Move, Delete Folders (mkdir, mv, cp, rm)18:413,295
Linux - Rename, Move, Copy and Delete Files (mv, cp, rm)15:392,132
Linux - Group Management (addgroup, delgroup, adduser, deluser)13:121,893
Linux - Add, Delete and Modify Users (adduser, deluser, passwd, chfn)27:112,796
Linux - Find Files in Linux (find, whereis)27:593,099
Linux - Install Software on Linux Server (apt-get)26:183,484
Linux - Vim18:197,268
Linux - sudo Command Intro19:504,306
Linux - Command Line Navigation17:124,841
Linux - Tab Autocomplete, Whatis, Man Pages, --Help22:233,751
Linux - Install Ubuntu Desktop in VirtualBox31:603,802
Linux - Install Ubuntu Server in VirtualBox23:273,372
Linux - VirtualBox Overview for Linux Labs27:203,812
Linux - Shells and Desktop Environments19:337,064
Linux - Is Linux Open Source?36:174,877
Linux - Best Distribution...36:1913,023
Linux - Forks, Distributions and Versions23:377,713
Linux - Introduction32:4633,537
Simple Web Server with Arduino Ethernet Shield19:504,941
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Arduino16:301,704
IR Sensor Digital Output on Arduino10:321,623
PIR Sensor on Arduino (HC-SR501)10:101,716
Continuous Network/ Server Tester with Arduino Uno with WiFi33:572,956
Ping Servers with Arduino Uno with WiFi13:202,147
Draw Shapes on OLED Screen with Arduino19:541,320
Print Text to OLED Screen on Arduino21:701,607
128 x 64 OLED Screen for Arduino Setup/ Demo13:521,596
Find I2C Addresses on Arduino (I2C Scanner)11:141,336
I2C 20 x 4 LCD Display on Arduino14:502,078
16 x 2 LCD Screen on Arduino13:581,451
Send Email Notifications from Arduino Uno with WiFi using PHP Mail Function38:342,431
Servo Motors on Arduino9:282,201
Photoresistor Light Sensor with Arduino13:132,180

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