| | time | views | |
| Large Blackheads on the Back | 8:25 | 779,338 | |
| Dr. Pimple Popper's Weekly Story Time: Momma Squishy, Chapter 5 | 44:53 | 651,524 | |
| A Cheeky Cyst & A Baby Blackhead | 20:50 | 1,085,297 | |
| Blackheads for His Valentine | 13:19 | 1,282,742 | |
| Dr. Pimple Popper's Weekly Story Time: Momma Squishy, Chapter 4 | 34:90 | 872,286 | |
| The Auburn Earlobe Repair | 9:24 | 316,125 | |
| Boston Cherry Pilar Cyst | 7:60 | 379,739 | |
| Dr. Pimple Popper's Weekly Story Time: Momma Squishy, Chapter 3 | 18:40 | 861,901 | |
| The Magician's Handkerchief Lipoma | 24:58 | 1,006,182 | |
| The Hula Lipoma | 9:58 | 310,919 | |
| Dr. Pimple Popper's Weekly Story Time: Momma Squishy, Chapter 2 | 19:42 | 1,765,970 | |
| The Cyst That's All Sac | 10:33 | 516,058 | |
| When You've Got Boba on Your Mind | 8:57 | 863,688 | |
| Dr. Pimple Popper's Weekly Story Time: Momma Squishy, Chapter 1 | 11:80 | 1,193,330 | |
| The Kelly Clarkson Epidermoid Cyst: WITH MISSING SAC WALL REMOVAL | 21:41 | 289,057 | |
| The Kelly Clarkson Epidermoid Cyst | 13:28 | 663,019 | |
| Hominy in the Head! A Pasole Pilar Cyst! | 6:35 | 1,018,311 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: BONUS LEVEL 10 | 29:15 | 436,430 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: LEVEL 10! | 49:55 | 917,420 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: Can YOU Guess Level 10? | 1:00 | 287,543 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: LEVEL 9 | 3:36 | 436,875 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: LEVEL 8 | 22:10 | 375,394 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: LEVEL 7 | 44:46 | 346,896 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: LEVEL 6 | 17:51 | 667,413 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: LEVEL 5 | 25:31 | 915,098 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: LEVEL 4 | 4:56 | 537,095 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: Level 3 | 9:51 | 579,987 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: Level 2 | 10:44 | 757,026 | |
| The Ultimate Popaholic Challenge: Level 1 | 7:70 | 887,536 | |
| Lipomas Like Circus Animals | 21:54 | 265,846 | |
| Shout Out for NEW OG Blackheads! | 7:50 | 1,001,820 | |
| Something for Everyone: A Dilated Pore of Winer, Cyst, & Skin Tag | 8:36 | 864,573 | |
| The Lipoma that Came To Play | 9:00 | 514,366 | |
| 2nds, 3rds, and 4th of Pilar Cyst Pie | 17:32 | 1,194,325 | |
| The One-Two Punch: Blackhead & Cyst | 3:23 | 1,018,478 | |
| A Shave Biopsy and a Human Diamond! | 7:38 | 525,678 | |
| A Thanksgiving Happily Ever After (Part 2) | 9:16 | 1,227,543 | |
| A Thanksgiving Happily Ever After (Part 1) | 3:58 | 992,489 | |
| Butter Steatocystomas: Session 1 | 17:22 | 2,916,868 | |
| A Cyst with a Safe Word | 7:56 | 1,771,299 | |
| Wet Pepper Under the Skin | 20:42 | 1,108,025 | |
| Is It an Eyeball...or Epidermoid Cyst? | 12:22 | 1,101,903 | |
| A Blackhead & A Previously Inflamed Cyst that Tunnels Back | 10:25 | 3,031,918 | |
| Best Friends, Concert Plans, & An Elbow Lipoma | 22:32 | 556,403 | |
| Behind the Scenes: Dr. PP Headquarters + All Access Announcement | 8:52 | 202,560 | |
| A Man with a Plan & A Forehead Lipoma | 18:55 | 1,234,122 | |
| An Eyelid ROCK | 15:00 | 747,020 | |
| Perfect Pete and Lumpy Lipoma | 16:49 | 724,397 | |
| If you like blackheads, EAR ya go! | 2:41 | 3,509,973 | |
| His and Hers Extractions: Blackheads & A Cyst | 6:33 | 2,374,480 | |
| A Lipoma Bebe | 13:58 | 1,282,850 | |
| A Shower Cap Cyst | 8:14 | 2,003,433 | |
| A Lipoma Family Reunion Session 2 | 5:58 | 396,487 | |
| UFO Sightings & An Out of This World Cyst | 11:43 | 711,566 | |
| A Dilated Pore of Winer that is Begging to be Squeezed! | 6:43 | 5,663,794 | |
| An Extra Big Booty on the Back! | 19:26 | 1,001,447 | |
| Blackheads & Such | 8:50 | 1,920,055 | |
| Rhinophyma Repair, Dedicated to MOM | 27:34 | 1,178,359 | |
| BLACKHEADS & The Cyst that Strikes Back | 8:36 | 2,262,584 | |
| Whitehead Extractions in an Acne Patient, Part 2 | 17:44 | 3,202,953 | |
| A Dr. Pimple Popper Bedtime Story - The Best Pops To Fall Asleep To - TRAILER | 0:27 | 563,650 | |
| A Cyst Punch & Curette on the Back | 10:46 | 964,170 | |
| The Lumpia Lipoma | 14:58 | 590,981 | |
| VLOG At KCON Los Angeles, August 2019 | 4:52 | 94,034 | |
| Bump and Circumstance | 13:31 | 1,014,764 | |
| Favre Racouchot Solar Comedones aka Blackheads around the Eyes | 6:80 | 809,368 | |
| A Popaholic and a Chock Full of POPS | 23:11 | 1,107,378 | |
| A Cysty Kind of Guy | 6:54 | 854,837 | |
| The Magic Bean Pilar Cyst | 7:13 | 919,708 | |
| Back to Back Special: Lipoma and Cyst | 22:60 | 805,905 | |
| Looking Cystacular Coming & Going | 9:43 | 747,452 | |
| NEW EPISODE TONIGHT OF DR PIMPLE POPPER ON TLC! And.. I have a new skin care product!! | 4:18 | 1,945,639 | |
| The Cyst Whisperer Has Your Back | 6:60 | 1,183,060 | |
| Aye! A Pilar Cyst on the Eye | 5:50 | 825,435 | |
| Back to Our Blackhead Roots | 8:29 | 1,530,690 | |
| Lipoma Was It's Name-Oh! | 11:50 | 620,984 | |
| A nice Dermatology Medley | 9:53 | 1,441,847 | |
| One Heck of a Home Alone Lipoma | 19:10 | 572,337 | |
| The Original Dr Pimple Popper July 4th POPS | 10:40 | 2,945,729 | |
| Celebrating the Red White & Blue, Dr Pimple Popper Style! | 16:80 | 458,353 | |
| Fireworks and POPS for July 4th! | 11:31 | 655,572 | |
| A Pilar Pop!... En Español | 10:40 | 857,799 | |
| A Bicep Lipoma & A Strong Grip | 10:90 | 461,813 | |
| A Superficial Cyst on the Chest | 6:60 | 1,003,191 | |
| POP! Go the Lipomas | 9:23 | 511,538 | |
| A Cheeky Cyst... Piece by Piece | 23:21 | 6,065,732 | |
| A Lipoma Hanging By A Thread | 16:44 | 418,825 | |
| Double Punched Cysts and a Family of Popaholics | 13:55 | 1,177,703 | |
| A Surprise Steatocystoma! | 6:60 | 1,294,736 | |
| Cystamus Prime versus Megalipoma | 24:19 | 421,023 | |
| Hasta Lipoma, Baby.... | 13:55 | 478,685 | |
| The MacGyver Cyst Punch | 7:33 | 1,136,443 | |
| The Liberating Lipoma PART 1 | 28:33 | 922,676 | |
| LAST DAY TO VOTE! & HERE ARE SOME POPS! | 5:26 | 1,287,877 | |
| Only a Couple More Days to VOTE! | 1:25 | 72,053 | |
| A Girl Power Lipoma | 9:44 | 431,713 | |
| Slimer, the Ghostbuster Pilar Cyst | 7:00 | 661,473 | |
| Just some GREAT POPS | 10:44 | 601,881 | |
| My Life and Shameless PLUG! | 2:50 | 128,814 | |
| A Quinceañera Scar of Gold | 12:35 | 767,569 | |