 | | time | views | |
 | Reinforcement Learning: Crash Course AI#9 | 11:28 | 13,940 | |
 | How to Find Your People: Crash Course Entrepreneurship #9 | 11:15 | 26,524 | |
 | The French Revolution: Crash Course European History #21 | 15:29 | 112,906 | |
 | Make an AI sound like a YouTuber (LAB): Crash Course AI #8 | 16:00 | 25,623 | |
 | What Do Entrepreneurs Do All Day?: Crash Course Business Entrepreneurship #8 | 10:20 | 29,340 | |
 | Natural Language Processing: Crash Course AI #7 | 13:29 | 34,738 | |
 | How to Get Useful Feedback about Your Product: Crash Course Business Entrepreneurship #7 | 12:18 | 25,325 | |
 | 18th Century Warfare: Crash Course European History #20 | 14:59 | 143,061 | |
 | Unsupervised Learning: Crash Course AI #6 | 12:35 | 41,517 | |
 | The MVP of Success - Minimum Viable Product: Crash Course Business Entrepreneurship #6 | 11:15 | 40,353 | |
 | Enlightened Monarchs: Crash Course European History #19 | 13:41 | 155,828 | |
 | Keeping It Legal and Registering Your Business: Crash Course Business Entrepreneurship #5 | 14:56 | 45,884 | |
 | The Enlightenment: Crash Course European History #18 | 16:23 | 192,684 | |
 | How to make an AI read your handwriting (LAB) : Crash Course Ai #5 | 17:17 | 49,474 | |
 | What Can You Learn from Your Competition?: Crash Course Business Entrepreneurship #4 | 12:35 | 48,200 | |
 | Training Neural Networks: Crash Course AI #4 | 12:29 | 49,985 | |
 | Value Proposition and Knowing What You’re Worth: Crash Course Business - Entrepreneurship #3 | 12:30 | 52,294 | |
 | The Rise of Russia and Prussia: Crash Course European History #17 | 14:56 | 224,237 | |
 | Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Crash Course AI #3 | 12:23 | 80,302 | |
 | So, You Have an Idea: Crash Course Business - Entrepreneurship #2 | 12:21 | 62,798 | |
 | Eastern Europe Consolidates: Crash Course European History #16 | 15:18 | 192,448 | |
 | Supervised Learning: Crash Course AI #2 | 15:23 | 82,829 | |
 | Who Even Is An Entrepreneur?: Crash Course Business - Entrepreneurship #1 | 13:20 | 104,591 | |
 | Dutch Golden Age: Crash Course European History #15 | 13:44 | 239,674 | |
 | What Is Artificial Intelligence? Crash Course AI #1 | 11:46 | 143,165 | |
 | Crash Course Business: Entrepreneurship Preview | 2:15 | 42,846 | |
 | English Civil War: Crash Course European History #14 | 14:36 | 220,338 | |
 | Crash Course Artificial Intelligence Preview | 3:50 | 125,011 | |
 | Absolute Monarchy: Crash Course European History #13 | 13:16 | 256,440 | |
 | Scientific Revolution: Crash Course European History #12 | 15:80 | 249,365 | |
 | How to Avoid Burnout: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #17 | 10:40 | 108,390 | |
 | The 17th Century Crisis: Crash Course European History #11 | 13:30 | 352,338 | |
 | The Many Forms of Power: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #16 | 11:34 | 60,094 | |
 | Witchcraft: Crash Course European History #10 | 15:33 | 353,447 | |
 | How to Create a Fair Workplace: Crash Course Business: Soft Skills #15 | 10:42 | 35,658 | |
 | How to Find Your Leadership Style: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #14 | 10:11 | 62,347 | |
 | Catholic Counter-Reformation: Crash Course European History #9 | 13:44 | 263,345 | |
 | How to Handle Conflict: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #13 | 11:36 | 61,540 | |
 | Commerce, Agriculture, and Slavery: Crash Course European History #8 | 15:34 | 255,015 | |
 | How to Avoid Teamwork Disasters: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #12 | 10:36 | 44,661 | |
 | Reformation and Consequences: Crash Course European History #7 | 13:38 | 273,194 | |
 | How to Make Tough Decisions: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #11 | 11:28 | 66,964 | |
 | The Protestant Reformation: Crash Course European History #6 | 15:44 | 364,614 | |
 | Making Time Management Work for You: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #10 | 11:00 | 97,648 | |
 | Expansion and Consequences: Crash Course European History #5 | 16:34 | 318,677 | |
 | How to Set and Achieve SMART Goals: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #9 | 10:53 | 65,842 | |
 | The Age of Exploration: Crash Course European History #4 | 15:40 | 397,793 | |
 | The Biggest Problems We're Facing Today & The Future of Engineering: Crash Course Engineering #46 | 10:25 | 76,901 | |
 | How to Become a Better Negotiator: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #8 | 11:33 | 69,769 | |
 | The Limits of History: Crash Course History of Science #46 | 10:52 | 66,427 | |
 | The Northern Renaissance: Crash Course European History #3 | 14:20 | 406,342 | |
 | How To Become An Engineer: Crash Course Engineering #45 | 9:11 | 60,362 | |
 | Prepare to Negotiate Your Salary (Or Anything): Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #7 | 11:11 | 56,484 | |
 | Climate Science: Crash Course History of Science #45 | 11:34 | 74,887 | |
 | Florence and the Renaissance: Crash Course European History #2 | 14:34 | 525,298 | |
 | Building a Desalination Plant from Scratch: Crash Course Engineering #44 | 9:42 | 43,038 | |
 | How to Ace the Interview: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #6 | 11:31 | 57,383 | |
 | Life and Longevity: Crash Course History of Science #44 | 12:51 | 74,820 | |
 | Medieval Europe: Crash Course European History #1 | 14:90 | 836,599 | |
 | How Seawater Sabotages Ships: Crash Course Engineering #43 | 9:57 | 40,123 | |
 | How to Make a Resume Stand Out: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #5 | 11:24 | 73,560 | |
 | The Internet and Computing: Crash Course History of Science #43 | 12:28 | 68,581 | |
 | YouTube Couldn't Exist Without Communications and Signal Processing: Crash Course Engineering #42 | 9:30 | 44,750 | |
 | How to Speak With Confidence: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #4 | 11:12 | 83,003 | |
 | The Century of the Gene: Crash Course History of Science #42 | 13:25 | 70,341 | |
 | Crash Course European History Preview | 6:36 | 358,757 | |
 | Why Moving People is Complicated: Crash Course Engineering #41 | 10:16 | 47,894 | |
 | The Secret to Business Writing: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #3 | 11:44 | 73,903 | |
 | Bodies and Dollars: Crash Course History of Science #41 | 12:57 | 70,866 | |
 | Defense Against the Dark Arts of Influence: Crash Course Business Soft Skills #2 | 12:19 | 112,615 | |
 | Biotechnology: Crash Course History of Science #40 | 12:13 | 90,628 | |
 | How the Leaning Tower of Pisa Was Saved: Crash Course Engineering #40 | 9:54 | 61,467 | |
 | Why You Need Trust to Do Business: Crash Course Business - Soft Skills #1 | 11:45 | 134,287 | |
 | Social Media: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #10 | 16:51 | 70,706 | |
 | Mass-Producing Ice Cream with Food Engineering: Crash Course Engineering #39 | 9:21 | 61,392 | |
 | Crash Course Business - Soft Skills: Preview | 2:40 | 133,793 | |
 | Click Restraint: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #9 | 12:47 | 67,840 | |
 | Controlling the Environment: Crash Course History of Science #39 | 13:28 | 68,073 | |
 | Broadway Book Musicals: Crash Course Theater #50 | 13:50 | 46,362 | |
 | Changing the Blueprints of Life - Genetic Engineering: Crash Course Engineering #38 | 11:47 | 86,871 | |
 | Data & Infographics: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #8 | 13:20 | 57,839 | |
 | Ecology: Crash Course History of Science #38 | 12:23 | 77,203 | |
 | Into Africa and Wole Soyinka: Crash Course Theater #49 | 12:33 | 34,222 | |
 | Smart Tattoos & Tiny Robots: Crash Course Engineering #37 | 9:51 | 44,637 | |
 | Evaluating Photos & Videos: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #7 | 13:19 | 59,791 | |
 | Air Travel and The Space Race: Crash Course History of Science #37 | 12:22 | 94,730 | |
 | Poor Unfortunate Theater: Crash Course Theater #48 | 13:70 | 39,745 | |
 | How to Engineer Health - Drug Discovery & Delivery: Crash Course Engineering #36 | 10:12 | 43,604 | |
 | Evaluating Evidence: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #6 | 13:21 | 70,826 | |
 | The Computer and Turing: Crash Course History of Science #36 | 11:54 | 102,786 | |
 | The Birth of Off Broadway: Crash Course Theater #47 | 12:48 | 23,435 | |
 | Computer Engineering and the End of Moore's Law: Crash Course Engineering #35 | 11:35 | 43,968 | |
 | Using Wikipedia: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #5 | 14:16 | 69,057 | |
 | Genetics and The Modern Synthesis: Crash Course History of Science #35 | 12:34 | 44,843 | |
 | Broadway, Seriously: Crash Course Theater #46 | 11:15 | 30,232 | |
 | To The Moon & Mars - Aerospace Engineering: Crash Course Engineering #34 | 10:10 | 44,619 | |
 | Who Can You Trust? Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #4 | 14:46 | 68,704 | |
 | Beckett, Ionesco, and the Theater of the Absurd: Crash Course Theater #45 | 11:57 | 30,318 | |
 | How Engineering Robots Works: Crash Course Engineering #33 | 11:20 | 40,498 | |
 | Check Yourself with Lateral Reading: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #3 | 13:52 | 80,152 | |