 | | time | views | |
 | Your New Year's Resolution Has Already Failed | 6:24 | 1,323,602 | |
 | YouTube vs Grey: A Ballad of Accidental Suspension | 2:24 | 1,847,738 | |
 | 'Indian' or 'Native American'? [Reservations, Part 0] | 6:47 | 1,656,416 | |
 | The Sneaky Plan to Subvert the Electoral College for the Next Election | 6:34 | 2,037,520 | |
 | Spreadsheet Footnote: Electoral College & Apportionment Edition | 42:56 | 609,415 | |
 | Which Planet is the Closest? | 3:15 | 1,977,779 | |
 | Re: Which Planet is the Closest? | 3:30 | 728,381 | |
 | The Future of the Channel, and You. [Walk with Grey vlog] | 2:33 | 944,946 | |
 | The Race to Win Staten Island | 11:70 | 2,264,388 | |
 | Ask Grey a Question | 0:47 | 190,299 | |
 | No Flag Northern Ireland | 4:49 | 1,926,301 | |
 | Driving a Tesla Across The Loneliest Road in America | 50:58 | 2,292,176 | |
 | Road Trip Time Lapse Across The Loneliest Road in America | 3:04:70 | 262,394 | |
 | Road Trip Part 1: Entering The Loneliest Road | 9:44:40 | 140,047 | |
 | Road Trip Part 2: The Long Dark | 7:37:59 | 55,177 | |
 | Road Trip Part 3: Red Desert | 3:35:30 | 33,898 | |
 | Road Trip Part 4: Moab to Las Vegas | 7:48:52 | 44,274 | |
 | Road Trip Part 5: Destination LA | 5:19:35 | 44,690 | |
 | Q&A With Grey: Favorites Edition | 7:50 | 1,265,388 | |
 | Brexit, Briefly: REVISITED! | 3:47 | 2,779,768 | |
 | The EU's 'SECRET' Brexit Negotiation EXPOSED | 5:44 | 2,954,050 | |
 | The Better Boarding Method Airlines Won't Use | 8:28 | 6,273,812 | |
 | Airline Boarding Methods | 20:32 | 1,066,758 | |
 | Footnote * from How to Become Pope | 0:26 | 531,281 | |
 | Footnote † from How to Become Pope | 0:32 | 366,672 | |
 | Footnote ‡ from How to Become Pope | 0:22 | 319,530 | |
 | Footnote * from "The Debt Ceiling Explained" | 0:21 | 250,869 | |
 | Footnote † from "The Debt Ceiling Explained" | 0:17 | 265,375 | |
 | What is Federal Land? | 8:55 | 4,243,734 | |
 | Who Owns The Statue of Liberty? | 7:29 | 4,220,168 | |
 | Q&A With Grey: Just Because Edition | 8:10 | 1,563,845 | |
 | Summer of Grey: Parts 1 & 3 | 20:17 | 824,113 | |
 | The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant | 13:10 | 5,250,604 | |
 | How Machines Learn | 8:55 | 4,160,206 | |
 | How Machines *Really* Learn. [Footnote] | 2:23 | 1,102,079 | |
 | 24 Hours of Death, Part 1 | 12:00:80 | 1,022,856 | |
 | 24 Hours of Death Part 2 | 12:00:10 | 656,045 | |
 | Why Die? | 4:36 | 4,369,303 | |
 | Q&A With Grey: Meme Edition | 7:32 | 1,866,224 | |
 | SURPRISE VLOG: 72 Hours in Las Vegas | 15:34 | 1,043,574 | |
 | 7 Ways to Maximize Misery | 6:60 | 4,224,791 | |
 | FOOTNOTE † : 7 Ways to Maximize Misery | 0:49 | 909,584 | |
 | Ask Grey a Question #4 | 1:50 | 618,442 | |
 | This Video Made $2,167 at Auction. How Ads Work on YouTube. (Post-Adpocalypse Updated Estimate) | 4:35 | 3,185,333 | |
 | Footnote †: Dollars Per Monetized View | 1:12 | 763,487 | |
 | Footnote ‡: YouTube Red | 0:58 | 873,159 | |
 | Social Security Cards Explained | 7:16 | 4,218,992 | |
 | Re: The Trouble With The Electoral College – Cities, Metro Areas, Elections and The United States | 4:43 | 2,349,740 | |
 | [UPDATED VERSION!] The Trouble With The Electoral College | 0:22 | 1,852,294 | |
 | Death & Dynasties (Rules for Rulers Follow-up) | 5:39 | 2,610,486 | |
 | The Rules for Rulers | 18:13 | 7,553,347 | |
 | The Simple Solution to Traffic | 5:14 | 10,080,819 | |
 | Brexit, Briefly | 6:58 | 3,813,297 | |
 | You Are Two | 4:58 | 6,407,619 | |
 | Footnote *: I, Phone | 2:52 | 1,507,007 | |
 | Should all locks have keys? Phones, Castles, Encryption, and You. | 5:15 | 2,315,696 | |
 | Q&A With Grey #3: Millenia of Human Attention | 9:00 | 1,830,594 | |
 | The Trouble with Transporters | 5:44 | 3,338,486 | |
 | Zebra vs Horses: Animal Domestication | 6:23 | 4,273,064 | |
 | Ask Grey a Question #3 | 0:30 | 584,900 | |
 | Who Owns Antarctica? (Bizarre Borders Part 3) | 4:41 | 3,060,689 | |
 | Americapox: The Missing Plague | 12:80 | 3,878,399 | |
 | Brief History of the Royal Family | 9:00 | 4,937,847 | |
 | Not the Confederate Flag | 2:20 | 3,180,925 | |
 | Why the UK Election Results are the Worst in History. | 5:15 | 3,116,709 | |
 | Las Vegas isn't Las Vegas | 4:48 | 2,636,536 | |
 | Where is Scandinavia? | 4:52 | 3,027,993 | |
 | Videos for Free on iTunes! (And Changes at Patreon) | 2:39 | 457,934 | |
 | This Video Will Make You Angry | 7:26 | 5,629,659 | |
 | How to Never Miss A CGP Grey Video | 2:37 | 542,996 | |
 | The One Ring Explained. (Lord of the Rings Mythology Part 2) | 4:55 | 4,848,523 | 1 list |
 | The Lord of the Rings Mythology Explained (Part 1) | 4:46 | 5,947,836 | is in 2 lists |
 | Quick and Easy Voting for Normal People | 1:36 | 1,378,523 | |
 | Extra: STV Election Walkthrough | 4:44 | 564,783 | |
 | Footnote * from STV: Proportional Systems vs STV | 1:14 | 335,851 | |
 | Footnote † from STV: Switch To STV | 3:40 | 402,529 | |
 | Footnote ‡ from STV: Hare Vs Droop | 3:20 | 391,124 | |
 | Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Vote | 7:11 | 1,771,711 | 1 list |
 | CGP Grey Crowdfunding, Year 2 | 2:31 | 467,194 | |
 | Humans Need Not Apply | 15:10 | 7,231,242 | 1 list |
 | ‡: Are US Military Bases and Embassies American Soil? | 0:59 | 1,892,197 | |
 | American Empire | 6:24 | 4,731,831 | |
 | * Parallel and Cross Cousins Explained | 0:33 | 870,870 | |
 | Your Family Tree Explained | 4:00 | 1,881,719 | |
 | Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality | 3:34 | 1,447,045 | |
 | ANNOUNCEMENT: Hello Internet Season 2 & More! | 0:46 | 297,851 | |
 | Are Hong Kong & Macau Countries? | 4:53 | 2,552,274 | |
 | ANNOUNCEMENT: CGP Grey Podcast | 0:26 | 367,069 | |
 | The Law You Won't Be Told | 4:31 | 4,012,607 | |
 | This Video Will Hurt | 6:48 | 4,489,246 | |
 | Q&A with Grey #2 (One Million Subscribers) | 9:50 | 917,398 | |
 | Ask Grey a Question #2 | 0:47 | 399,301 | |
 | How Many Countries Are There? | 5:26 | 2,936,416 | 1 list |
 | What is reddit? | 5:20 | 2,896,057 | |
 | Subbable Update #1 | 3:40 | 382,159 | |
 | Help CGP Grey on Subbable | 3:29 | 426,601 | |
 | How to Become the British Monarch | 4:13 | 2,026,295 | |
 | The European Union Explained* | 5:51 | 3,143,492 | |
 | Canada & The United States: Bizarre Borders Part 2 | 5:26 | 6,263,950 | 1 list |
 | Countries inside Countries: Bizarre Borders Part 1 | 2:60 | 2,018,241 | 1 list |