Animal Aid Unlimited, India
256 videos, +4,510,000 subscribers

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Dragging himself in gutter, brain injured dog rescued4:20740,998
Dog's massive wound shrinks before your very eyes.5:40178,344
Donkey mangled by speeding rickshaw, saved2:172,449,013
Disabled dog bounces back after weeks of physio therapy3:90444,816
Badly wounded but cheerful older dog rescued--and thrives...3:45362,466
Dog with huge slab of skin torn away rescued3:301,923,071
Moving skeleton dog transforms after rescue3:302,096,948
Mother dog helps rescuers dig for her buried puppies4:368,927,812
Dog with laceration waits patiently in well for rescuers3:802,440,401
After extreme abuse, donkey abandoned to die. Then...4:46231,976
Setting them free! 6 heart-thumping animal rescues3:278,645,451
Donkey rescued with rope hidden inside flesh. Happy now.3:31717,667
Close to death, brain injured but so brave: Sona's recovery4:203,409,723
Nervous dog with no hair transforms into shining beauty2:51484,221
Adorable dog recovers from badly wounded ear.3:23461,890
Badly burned but so brave, street dog3:15531,803
Dog with skin like cracked stone. Amazing transformation3:571,929,891
Sweetest puppy blows up like a balloon, rescued from subcutaneous emphysema2:56561,369
A piece of string almost cost dog his legs3:32984,131
10 amazing rescues your heart will never forget2:54352,935
Puppy trapped and drowning deep in sewage line rescued2:57454,577
Baby donkey covered in puncture wounds rescued3:35641,566
Encrusted bones hid a sparkling star, rescue of a mange dog2:32743,817
Abused donkey burned by hot water left to die rescued4:334,187,996
Tiny kitten dying in drain, rescued and...Feisty!2:483,618,176
Street pup rescued with broken jaw, smiles at last2:22745,579
Calf could never eat again without rescue...3:905,775,833
Happiest little hurt angel unable to walk rescued2:47273,472
Puppy nearly blinded with maggots in his eyes rescued--watch til end3:202,900,346
Bleeding from nose brain injured dog's beautiful recovery3:222,634,148
Red, raw and desperate for help, dying dog's happiness after healing3:36523,141
Rescuing a cutie pie in pain2:392,016,105
Rescue of adorable puppy with crushed leg2:543,979,245
Surgery saves dog with lung perforated and exposed3:18519,860
Shocking rescue of dog impaled by steel rod3:561,578,274
At first we couldn't see how massive his wound was2:25263,966
We thought this puppy was dead. Watch her incredible recovery!2:4811,975,999
Dog so cheerful terrible wound can't stop his joy2:46685,174
Anguished mother dog wails for wounded baby. Sweetest reunion!3:4746,040,962
Abused donkey with legs lacerated rescued3:225,355,560
Severe head injury rescue of dying puppy2:501,508,444
Crawling with maggots dog rescued with huge wound (graphic content)3:11442,264
Puppy with intestine bursting out of wound rescued2:221,845,943
Dog with shredded leg sobs when seeing rescuers2:45746,731
Transformation of suffering emaciated street dog stricken with mange3:20369,261
Sweetest street dog walks again after accident2:52195,741
What we thought was garbage was a drowning calf3:24653,936
10 incredible rescues--you'll cry tears of joy3:482,224,838
Look what your help gave animals in 2018!3:22156,973
Puppy stuck in tar unable to move saved2:4912,831,117
Tiny puppy so badly hurt she couldn't move, saved2:10611,848
Saving Chandu's eye was a miracle3:38400,846
Dog's skull exposed from life-threatening wound3:12964,762
Bull safe forever after horrific abuse3:25956,884
Stomach torn open and organs exposed, Rani's incredible recovery.2:561,898,131
Riddled with wounds, puppy sisters rescued after wild animal attack.2:53337,619
Dog trembling in pain from head wound rescued3:004,224,203
Puppy too injured to get to food and water rescued3:00948,978
Donkey with chest slashed open rescued1:55227,466
Sweetest puppy with extremely painful infected eye rescued1:592,174,481
Dog choking on his own blood rescued after accident3:17244,349
Tiny puppy found taking final breaths saved2:33262,938
Mama dog who risked her life for her puppies rescued2:19259,368
Dog's eye pops out after traumatic injury rescued2:18379,528
Street dog having violent seizure rescued on road2:12309,079
Wounded dog hiding in pain rescued2:42116,414
Cutest little piglet learns to walk again after accident2:47150,186
Wounded and staggering in traffic dog rescued just before collapsing2:23234,789
Healing sweetest puppy stricken with mange2:28159,012
Rescue of donkey victim of cruel owner2:25414,958
Life-saving rescue of unconscious street dog2:371,097,970
Terrified & in pain, puppy's amazing transformation after rescue3:1521,159,734
Dog's near fatal spine injury heals with physio3:60526,930
Profusely bleeding bull saved2:404,872,706
Dog covered in blood from huge laceration rescued3:47390,875
Rescue of heart-broken dog dying alone in sewage3:483,629,080
Starving street puppy's transformation2:39280,896
Calf slowly choking from embedded rope rescued2:21223,514
Car accident victim learns to walk again!3:14136,786
Sad little puppy with mange in need of urgent help rescued2:26195,522
Puppy with head injury dying in gutter rescued4:607,891,178
Saddest donkey's mouth full of blood after eating glass saved2:37537,044
Volunteering at Animal Aid in India: Joy awaits!4:2680,769
Huge laceration splits dog's back; amazing recovery2:49171,178
Transformation of dog covered in sores from mange3:10276,057
Dog found unconscious in a field makes beautiful recovery3:20552,657
Donkey found hiding in shed with rope severing his leg3:002,553,746
Baby goat drowning in well reunited with mama2:29448,477
Collapsed lung and head injury, train accident victim's amazing recovery.4:25531,715
Incredible recovery of dog dying in gutter: Phoenix's Story4:30250,123
Dog comatose on roadside makes amazing recovery3:201,103,682
Huge abscess drained to save mother dog2:35940,715
Drowning puppy sobbing and afraid, rescued1:58191,704
Slum dwellers help rescue injured cow at garbage dump2:38323,470
10 jaw-dropping animal rescues!4:1321,585,068
Dog's leg split open after accident. Watch her amazing recovery.4:213,066,550
His terror turned into trust: wounded puppy rescued2:16415,688
Rescue of dog tangled in soccer net1:45190,601
Rope on abused donkey almost severed his foot, watch his beautiful recovery3:32286,437
Even after train accident, his hopeful little tail wagged4:10221,497

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