324 vídeos, +1,020,000 suscriptores

Mark Zuckerberg: Tech Visionary or Supervillain?24:00142,931es en una lista
Santa Claus: The True Story14:31180,378es en 3 listas
John Rabe: The Good Nazi24:34228,716es en 2 listas
Timothy McVeigh: America’s Deadliest Terrorist23:20315,392es en una lista
Hugh Hefner: The Most Envied Man In The World15:2273,937es en 3 listas
Theodore Roosevelt: The Old Lion23:00398,672es en una lista
Butch Cassidy: The Gentleman Bandit19:28237,714es en una lista
Hermann Goering: The Head of the Luftwaffe20:49345,149es en una lista
Jeff Bezos: The Founder of Amazon.com16:4178,885es en una lista
Leonardo da Vinci: The Renaissance Man19:41392,085es en 2 listas
Mohandas Gandhi: A Catalyst for Change21:16131,501es en una lista
Khutulun: The Mongol Warrior Princess16:20304,770es en 3 listas
Stan Lee: The Godfather of Marvel Comics16:46104,212es en 2 listas
Chernobyl: The USSR’s Nuclear Disaster19:21335,790es en una lista
Albert Fish: The Grey Man17:26233,633es en una lista
Princess Diana: Her Life and Mysterious Death15:35194,421es en 3 listas
Ilse Koch: The Bitch of Buchenwald15:56417,701es en 3 listas
Tomas De Torquemada: The Grand Inquisitor18:48321,045es en 2 listas
Anastasia Romanov: Finding The Lost Princess16:20695,554es en 3 listas
Elizabeth Bathory – The ‘Blood Countess’17:51577,654es en 4 listas
Shiro Ishii: The Mad Scientist Who Created Plague Bombs in WWII19:11403,657es en 2 listas
Muammar Gaddafi: The Mad Dog of the Middle East24:16267,826es en 2 listas
Idi Amin: The Butcher of Uganda21:321,243,114es en 4 listas
Pol Pot: The Man Behind the Khmer Rouge20:36293,808es en 2 listas
Oliver Cromwell: The Man Who Killed a King22:53536,348es en 3 listas
Billy the Kid: Old West Hero or Coldblooded Killer?19:60778,801es en 3 listas
Gilles de Rais: Serial-Killing Nobleman, Or Witch Hunt Victim?17:14297,134es en 2 listas
Toussaint L’Ouverture: the Black Napoleon who Freed Haiti’s Slaves22:31236,411es en 2 listas
Lizzie Borden: A Real-Life Axe Murderer18:70160,162es en 2 listas
Lavrentiy Beria: Stalin’s Architect of Terror23:58745,462es en 2 listas
Admiral Yamamoto: The Man Behind Pearl Harbour21:56409,721es en una lista
Heinrich Muller: The Head of the Gestapo21:32754,917es en 2 listas
Mao Zedong: The Chairman of Communist China22:15464,272es en 2 listas
Leopold II of Belgium: The Biggest Coverup In European History18:50641,314es en 2 listas
Alfred Nobel: The Merchant of Death20:52318,629es en una lista
Frank William Abagnale: Doctor, Lawyer, Pilot... (Not)20:11172,403es en una lista
Jack Parsons: 'Sex Magic', Drugs, and Rocket Science17:35188,645es en una lista
Georgy Zhukov: General Of The Red Army And Hero Of The Soviet Union19:10591,700es en una lista
David Koresh: The Life that Lead to Waco19:40504,038es en 2 listas
Kim Jong-un: A Brighter Future?21:51572,558es en 2 listas
Joseph James DeAngelo: The Golden State Killer17:47725,995es en 2 listas
P.T. Barnum: Exploiter or Uplifter?20:2187,959es en 3 listas
Che Guevara: Doctor, Revolutionary, Murderer19:46669,142es en 3 listas
Simon Bolivar: Today a Hero. Yesterday a Tyrant.22:42352,159es en 2 listas
Lance Armstrong: Winner, Survivor, Cheat...19:1377,129es en una lista
Stephen Hawking: The Greatest Scientist of Our Time21:15151,084es en una lista
Julius Caesar: A Roman Colossus20:23546,477es en 2 listas
Emperor Hirohito: Bold Leader or War Criminal?20:44473,752es en 3 listas
Vlad the Impaler: The Real Life Dracula19:271,188,975es en 3 listas
Maximilien Robespierre: The Reign of Terror24:50589,490es en 2 listas
Adolf Eichmann Biography: The Architect of the Holocaust19:18933,182es en 3 listas
Christopher Columbus Biography: Bad Explorer, Great Conman22:19459,634es en 2 listas
Niccolo Machiavelli Biography: "It is Better to Be Feared Than Loved... If You Cannot be Both"17:37325,517es en 2 listas
Benito Mussolini Biography: The Man Who Destroyed Democracy20:23702,278es en 3 listas
Jeffrey Dahmer Biography: The Trophy Collector16:17492,049es en una lista
Fidel Castro Biography: To the Brink of Nuclear Holocaust22:47353,204es en 2 listas
Saddam Hussein Biography: The Butcher of Baghdad19:37930,242es en 2 listas
Charles Manson Biography: The Cult of the Manson Family20:39712,030es en 2 listas
The Buddha: The Spiritual Journey that Became a Religion15:25311,263es en una lista
Josef Mengele Biography: The Angel of Death20:902,299,359es en 2 listas
Heinrich Himmler Biography: The Greatest Betrayal in History21:552,107,023es en una lista
The Unabomber: The Devastating Use of a Brilliant Mind19:311,183,075
Jim Jones Biography: Progressive to Predator19:40657,969es en 2 listas
George W. Bush Biography: A Controversial Presidency19:31293,981es en una lista
Pablo Escobar Biography: Colombian Drug Lord and Narcoterrorist22:32635,749es en 2 listas
Donald Trump Biography: What Happened Before the White House?18:34357,890es en 2 listas
Cleopatra Biography: Ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt19:00442,301es en 3 listas
Michelangelo: The Story of a Sculptor (Michelangelo Biography)21:15503,747es en 3 listas
Amelia Earhart Biography: A Record Setting Pilot21:1079,863es en 3 listas
Leonidas of Sparta Biography: Warrior king of the Greek city-state of Sparta19:45970,480es en 3 listas
Charles Darwin Biography: Evolution and Religion19:10223,093es en una lista
J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of Worlds20:31438,368es en una lista
Ada Lovelace: The First Computer Programmer (Ada Lovelace Biography)20:36163,781es en 2 listas
Christopher Lee: An Unexpected Giant of Cinema (Christopher Lee Biography)19:10146,409es en una lista
Sherlock Holmes: The World’s Greatest Detective (Sherlock Holmes Biography)18:15248,796es en una lista
Uber: Revolutionary but Controversial - (The Story of Uber)19:2135,840es en una lista
Bob Ross: Only Happy Accidents (Bob Ross Biography)17:40118,584es en una lista
Fred Rogers Biography - A Life of Service18:90263,944es en una lista
Dwayne Johnson (The Rock): A Life of Extraordinary Achievement18:28169,088es en una lista
Johann Adam Weishaupt: The Founder of the Illuminati17:47460,180es en una lista
Henrietta Lacks: The Immortal Woman20:32412,479es en 2 listas
Jane Goodall: Living with Chimpanzees19:1888,171es en 2 listas
Andre the Giant: The Gentle Giant17:55394,678es en 2 listas
Steve Irwin Biography: The Crocodile Hunter17:28192,129es en una lista
Bruce Lee: A Life Taken Too Soon17:39374,863es en una lista
Napoleon Bonaparte: The Strategic Genius20:32975,981es en 2 listas
Joseph Stalin: The Red Terror20:201,298,454es en 4 listas
Winston Churchill Biography: In the Darkest Hour19:16551,406es en 3 listas
Edmund Hillary: The Conqueror of Everest16:47121,603es en una lista
Nellie Bly Biography: Pioneer of Undercover Journalism16:30113,096es en 2 listas
Frank Sinatra: One of the Most Influential Figures of the 20th Century16:12192,442es en una lista
Frederick Douglass: From Slave to Presidential Advisor16:37186,786es en una lista
Helen Keller Biography: Beating Incredible Odds17:50203,022es en 3 listas
Marie Curie: A Life of Sacrifice and Achievement18:14154,145es en 2 listas
Nikola Tesla: A Man Ahead of His Time17:34457,079es en una lista
Miyamoto Musashi: The Lone Samurai17:16995,683es en 2 listas
L. Ron Hubbard: The Most Published Author of All Time (And Some Other Stuff)17:31332,603es en una lista
Ted Bundy and His Trail of Bodies18:25668,753es en 2 listas
Robert E Lee Biography: A Remarkable Military Career17:25508,321es en una lista
Genghis Khan: His Life And His Legacy16:60861,948es en 2 listas

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