2 496 vidéos, +98 300 abonnés

Leveraging Feature Toggles for your Microservices (Cedrick Lunven)16:1775
REST API vs gRPC, which one should you use in breaking a monolith (Vladimir Dejanov)46:16154
Microservices Lessons Learned (Susanne Kaiser)36:23223
Monitoring a JHipster microservice architecture in practice (Pierre Besson)25:21102
Distant Past of Microservices (Ken Finnigan)23:4156
Hexagonal at Scale, with DDD and microservices! (Cyrille Martraire)45:56144
Distributed of systems and teams (Bridget Kromhout)26:4482
Monolith 2 MicroServices Houston we've got a problem (Mike Francois)14:14109
Ask the architects (Ken Finnigan, Bridget Kromhout, Susanne Kaiser)28:3353
Stop reinventing the wheel with Istio (Mete Atamel)46:80134
Dynamic configuration management in microservice architecture with Spring Cloud (Bartłomiej Słota)40:26133
Habitat Automation that travels with the app (Romain Sertelon)27:5867
Hybrid batch and stream processing (Marcos Almeida)25:26119
How do we use Serverless Architectures on AWS Lambda (Serhat Can)16:4686
Microservices in the future (Susanne Kaiser)20:2699
Monitor Your Microservices with Logs, Metrics, Pings and Traces (David Pilato)49:40136
State or events? Which shall I keep? (Jakub Pilimon, Kenny Bastani)45:38233
A Software Architect's Approach towards SPA Based Micro Apps (Manfred Steyer)45:17112
Welcome to Voxxed Days Microservices 2018 (Antonio Goncalves)16:14433
[VDT18] Welcome by Federico Yankelevich20:40198
[VDT18] Integration tests: testcontainers to the rescue by Roberto Franchini46:30756
[VDT18] A Practical Introduction to Convnets for Image Classification by Alessandro Giusti51:18194
[VDT18] Kotlin: lazy language for lazy people by Marharyta Nedzelska38:27689
[VDT18] JavaScript Design Patterns by Massimo Foti52:00400
[VDT18] Open Source as a Business: Strategy, Struggle & Success by Philipp Krenn50:80286
[VDT18] OOP v̶s and FP by Mario Fusco52:52566
[VDT18] Principles and Patterns for Streaming Data Analysis by Galder Zamarreño41:55241
[VDT18] React and TS: a journey to a unified team using a common language by A. Romano & F. Duroni32:52325
[VDT18] It's all about you - Tecniche di personalizzazione della Mobile UX by Emilia Ciardi47:4893
[VDT18] Google Cloud Native with Spring Boot by Ray Tsang50:31248
[VDT18] Domain Driven Testing: Know What You're Doing by Dmitry Vinnik54:12228
[VDT18] RESTEasy beyond JAX-RS 2.1: reactive, non-blocking IO and more by Alessio Soldano42:31212
[VDT18] Java 9/10/11 - What's new and why you should upgrade by Simone Bordet50:23889
[VDT18] How SQL Databases Come up with Algorithms that You Would Have Never Dreamed Of by Lukas Eder50:27904
[VDT18] Challenges in Mixed Reality by Sebastien Broggi & Benjamin Sen20:6073
[VDT18] Sweet Web Animations API by Rodolfo Dias20:11104
[VDT18] Leveraging Feature Toggles for your Microservices by Cedrick Lunven20:49186
[VDT18] AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning... ma quindi di cosa stiamo parlando? by Stefano Sarioli21:47183
[VDT18] OpenCV e TensorFlow in pratica by Vanni Galli21:47109
[VDT18] A Developers Guide to a Blue-Green Deployment Using Kubernetes by Andreas Postl19:35160
[VDT18] Sopravvivere ad una codebase legacy by Paolo D'Incau & Pietro Di Bello49:2187
[VDT18] Playtrip: a CQRS/ES architecture in Erlang by Nicola Fiorillo50:14136
[VDT18] Do things blazingly fast with WebAssembly by Sendil Kumar43:90359
[VDT18] Camel microservices with Spring Boot and Kubernetes by Claus Ibsen50:70213
[VDT18] Set your code on fire with FlameGraphs by Francesco Nigro50:10219
[VDT18] How Well Relational Database Engines Support JSON? by Christian Antognini48:14313
[VDT18] Twitter's quest for a wholly Graal runtime by Chris Thalinger50:24195
[VDT18] Keynote - The gordian knot by Alberto Brandolini39:19477
Devoxx Ukraine: our newest family member1:181 252
Voxxed Days Microservices 2018: first speakers announced1:261 253
Database migrations: the missing link to continuous delivery - Stefano Monti (video only)1:11:181 733
Stream processing in telco with Apache Flink & TouK Nussknacker - Maciej Próchniak (video only)19:40961
Devoxx Poland 2018 - Recap4:19615
Advanced Pipelines for Hypothesis-Driven Development: Smart Routers... - Edson Yanaga54:37666
Infrastructure as a code simplified by conventions - Jakub Kubrynski17:231 049
Niańczenie programistów vs. zarządzanie dziećmi - Bartek Nowakowski36:26837
Streaming Database Changes with Debezium - Jiri Pechanec50:35670
Magic Without Password, Passwordless and Federate Identity - Mercedes Wyss25:14698
Improving safety in real world driving and transport with Big Data and IoT - Christian Merkwirth30:55210
Riders On The Storm: API Gateways for developers - Tomasz Skowroński28:12591
Building Streaming Microservices with Apache Kafka - Tim Berglund43:524 276
Ten Things You Can Do With GraalVM - Oleg Šelajev50:562 145
Runtime vs. compile time (JIT vs. AOT) optimizations in Java and C++ - Ionut Balosin52:281 716
Cloud Native Java, part 2 - Josh Long1:56:582 613
Spock vs JUnit 5 - Clash of the Titans - Marcin Zajączkowski19:50853
Deep Learning for Developers - Julien SIMON56:33586
Angular 5 best practices - Sergey Morenets45:411 610
Testing in production at LinkedIn - Szczepan Faber51:21858
Building a self-driving RC car - Bert Jan Schrijver, Tim van Eijndhoven49:48328
Reactive web services - Kamil Szymański50:41658
Why Go? - Adam Szecówka14:13679
The art of building Java APIs: Do's and Don'ts - Jonathan Giles48:403 109
Lean WebApps with Skinny Miniservices #usetheplatfom - Adam Bien50:251 252
A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Functional Exception Handling in Java - Grzegorz Piwowarek41:121 256
Thinking Architecturally - Nate Schutta49:531 197
Don’t use Reactive Streams in Java 9+ - Jacek Kunicki48:583 094
Models vs Reality: Quest for the Roots of Complexity - Julian Warszawski43:22626
Clustered Event Sourcing and CQRS with Akka and Java - Hugh McKee48:461 073
Fn Project – an open source container native serverless platform - Matthew Gilliard38:44423
IPFS and how to distribute the web - Fredrik Rubensson48:42393
Progressive Web Apps: Your web app on steroids - Maxence Poutord46:17473
The Database Unbundled: Commit Logs in an Age of Microservices - Tim Berglund47:50508
Do not walk away from Complexity, Run - Venkat Subramaniam57:306 052
Closing - Grzegorz Duda3:5371
Building responsive, scalable systems with asynchrony and flow control - Christopher Batey47:40342
Java Performance Puzzlers 2018 -- New Performance Puzzles - Douglas Hawkins48:231 006
Staying pure and functional with Spring 5 - Jarek Ratajski46:10888
Processing Streaming Data with KSQL - Tim Berglund48:59965
A Visual Introduction to Inner-Workings of the JVM - Douglas Hawkins48:10706
A Look Back at Enterprise Integration Patterns and Their Use into Today's... - Bruno Borges57:20647
Go Kotlin Go! - Uberto Barbini49:50308
Docs in the self-documenting world - Wojtek Erbetowski40:70167
Blockchain scaling - Lightning Network - Tomasz Konieczny51:19154
Level-up your culture - Tomasz Dubikowski50:52243
Dismantling a Progressive Web App - AMahdy Abdelaziz52:40170
The Art of Web API Design - Paweł Zajączkowski43:50540
Eclipse collections by example - Pawel Klaczewski38:33177
A mobile-first approach to 3DSecure today - Alina Denisenko46:17267
Contract Tests in the Enterprise Conference - Marcin Grzejszczak49:30594
Asynchronous programming with Kotlin coroutines - Konrad Kamiński48:50633

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