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Dead Space 3 Walkthrough (Youtube)
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Dead Space 3 Gameplay Walkthrough played by 2 friends who enjoy the series. This gameplay is best viewed in 1080p in a dark room. There will be reviews talks of older horror games and plenty of fails!!!!!

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After the events of Dead Space, EarthGov captured Isaac Clarke and harvested his mind for Marker blueprints in order to revive the program in which Markers are used to provide resources and power for the human race. The Marker placed on Titan Station, the same station Isaac was being held on, resulted in another outbreak of Necromorphs. Isaac then escaped with Ellie Langford after he destroyed the Marker, resulting in Titan Station's demise.
Isaac Clarke and Ellie Langford separate after the events on the Titan Station Sprawl. Isaac remains on another space station while Ellie searches on as both look for ways to end the Markers built by EarthGov. Isaac is then recruited by Captain Edward Norton and Sergeant John Carver, two men Ellie met on the planet Uxor, who claim Ellie found a planet known as Tau Volantis, where nearly 200 years ago a government base was located, but was eradicated by a Necromorph infestation, and frozen over, until someone somehow managed to stop the infestation and the Marker in its tracks. The group travels to Tau Volantis in the hopes of finding answers about Unitology and the key to finally stopping the Markers.

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