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Videos of future events, behind-the-scenes footage, and more information on WikiStage
26 videos is founds.

How can you do a WikiTalk?3:11105
Welcome to WikiStage - Event kick off video1:12339
How to organise a WikiStage event? Advice from WikiStage Founder Johannes Bittel6:32266
How to participate in WikiStage?1:18121
Make Knowledge Go Viral0:591,304
WikiStage: the collaborative video library for learning and debate3:363,516
WikiStage in 30 seconds0:32249
WikiStage ESSEC: Bienvenue à notre conférence !1:39370
La première conférence WikiStage Lille12:36474
La première conférence WikiStage Dauphine2:41256
WikiStage: un nouveau format pour les conférences1:51503
WikiStage Events in Paris and beyond - Be part of it!2:15211
Meet the team! - Behind the scenes of WikiStage ESCP Europe1:55127
December 8: WikiStage ESCP Europe is back!1:13111
WikiStage AntiCafé Session - an evening with speakers and performers1:31417
Your own WikiStage Event? Get on stage!2:90150
Experience WikiStage on December 8, 2013 in Paris!1:55166
WikiStage at UNESCO: What are you curious about?1:48306
The WikiStage World Premiere at ESCP Europe3:393,481
WikiStage - a new format for events2:213,109
Why WikiStage?3:562,540
What are the secrets of a great WikiTalk? Phil Waknell - WikiStage ESCP Europe15:149,481
Events and Videos - What is WikiStage?2:581,031
WikiStage - Thinkers and Artists in Paris, March 301:25270
How WikiStage started...2:20489
WikiStage - Step up and share! - Join us March 30 in Paris4:311,681

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