TomoNews US
23,215 vídeos, +2,550,000 suscriptores

Apple, Amazon servers hacked by China using tiny microchip - TomoNews1:518,049
Hubble Telescope in safe mode after gyroscope failure - TomoNews6:523,345
Hurricane Michael headed toward Florida panhandle - TomoNews1:313,947
U.N. report warns of catastrophic climate change by 2040 - TomoNews7:205,244
Fat Bear Week: Alaskan brown bears supersizing themselves - TomoNews7:175,114
Birds flying around drunk, causing chaos in Minnesota - TomoNews1:167,622
Xi Jinping: China goes all 1984 with new propagame show - TomoNews1:394,928
Mushroom extract could save dwindling bee population - TomoNews7:532,563
HPV vaccine - Gardasil 9 approved for adults age 27 to 45 - TomoNews1:403,708
China ramps up expansion of coal power plants - TomoNews1:415,470
Japan space rovers capture images of Ryugu asteroid - TomoNews7:2011,755
Lion cubs conceived artificially for first time ever - TomoNews8:146,439
Manchester Students’ Union bans clapping for jazz hands - TomoNews1:287,160
Kids with less screen time, more sleep have better brains - TomoNews7:427,478
Climate change: Scientists say 1.5C increase should be goal - TomoNews1:283,670
Gene-edited fruits could be hitting shelves soon - TomoNews8:455,119
Killer whales threatened by PCBs in the ocean - TomoNews7:423,210
Researchers find key to slowing aging process - TomoNews1:272,807
Woman stands up for Hispanic women against racist shopper - TomoNews1:3317,639
World's largest underwater restaurant to open by April 2019 - TomoNews6:195,168
Penguin drama: Gay penguins kidnap chick from its parents - TomoNews1:317,947
Dunkin' workers dump water on homeless man in viral video - TomoNews1:4219,673
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing fined bigly for tax fraud - TomoNews1:383,789
Flu season is here, time to get a shot of the flu vaccine - TomoNews9:004,974
Explosive gender reveal stunt sparks 47,000 acre wildfire - TomoNews1:246,522
Man puts electric wire in junk, gets knotted in bladder - TomoNews1:3011,814
Soldier shoots bear, bear falls and injures the soldier - TomoNews1:804,944
Kavanaugh: Here's the science behind the 'blackout theory' - TomoNews2:423,892
Power of tsunami, earthquake in Indonesia shocks scientists - TomoNews6:275,265
Fruit making zoo animals fat, rotting their teeth - TomoNews8:115,992
Gut sense: Gut directly linked to brain via neuron circuit - TomoNews8:493,696
Rare two-headed copperhead snake found in Virginia backyard - TomoNews7:539,578
Halloween asteroid: Skull-shaped rock to pass Earth in Nov - TomoNews9:539,354
Antibiotics could treat appendicitis, instead of surgery - TomoNews1:294,301
Ugly husband gets tongue bitten off by pregnant wife - TomoNews1:1826,569
Scientists to target toxic particles of Alzheimer's disease - TomoNews6:373,570
Floating dairy farm set to moo-ve out in Netherlands - TomoNews7:204,094
Glyphosate in weed killer may be killing off bees : Study- TomoNews6:504,444
Three reasons why Earth wobbles more as it spins - TomoNews5:583,490
Global warming: Methane gas leaking from Alaskan lake -TomoNews7:445,923
Remains of 400-yr-old shipwreck found off coast of Portugal - TomoNews7:104,126
France cleaning up failed tire sea sanctuary - TomoNews7:504,946
Giant panda mating calls deciphered by researchers - TomoNews1:232,661
New design for SpaceX's Big Falcon Rocket heading for Mars - TomoNews8:807,291
Can an artificial wall save collapsing Antarctic ice sheets? - TomoNews7:483,667
Bachelor Vietnam contestants dump man for each other - TomoNews1:227,895
Man chases plane down tarmac after missing his flight - TomoNews1:268,736
Brett Kavanaugh calendar app hits App and Play Stores - TomoNews1:362,491
Man loses arm after garage sausage making accident - TomoNews1:289,275
Dog gets 3D-printed titanium skull plate after tumor removal - TomoNews7:4513,193
Puppies causing drug-resistant illnesses - TomoNews1:223,982
Electric stimulation to help the paralyzed walk again: Study - TomoNews1:224,181
Living corpse: Woman weighs as much as 4-year-old - TomoNews1:2817,526
Keto diet: Low-carb diets could have negative consequences - TomoNews9:603,372
Woman's cliff selfie leads to 200-foot fall - TomoNews1:607,097
Cyst weighing 20 pounds removed from woman's stomach - TomoNews1:128,699
Household disinfectants could be making kids fat - TomoNews6:427,078
Single piece of plastic can be enough to kill sea turtles - TomoNews7:413,392
Women develop cancer after organ transplant from same donor - TomoNews7:217,117
Beauty product chemicals may be harming women's hormones - TomoNews6:332,147
Sodium batteries that can replace lithium-ion developed - TomoNews7:555,944
Microplastics could be entering food chain thru mosquitoes - TomoNews1:363,775
BPA-free plastics may not be any safer than regular plastic - TomoNews7:303,125
Massive spider webs in Greece are just some summer loving - TomoNews1:187,131
Plants signal danger with flashes of light - TomoNews6:576,660
Daily aspirin may be harmful for older healthy adults - TomoNews6:382,210
This Sat. is the fall equinox, marking first day of autumn - TomoNews6:184,313
Amazon Go: Amazon planning 3,000 cashier-less stores by 2021 - TomoNews1:203,884
Shark gathering at 'White Shark Cafe' in middle of ocean - TomoNews5:258,377
Texas grandma, mayor shoots gator for eating her mini-horse - TomoNews1:186,976
Worm pulled from man's brain after eating undercooked meal - TomoNews1:3111,655
What happens when you try to hold a fart in? Fart breath. - TomoNews1:36136,487
Terrifying ghost children singing blamed on spiders - TomoNews9:3043,985
Climate change is making hurricanes way more intense - TomoNews7:245,191
Cat gives man huge boils from rare illness - TomoNews1:2213,040
Bitcoin crash? Flood of Mt. Gox payouts may crash the market - TomoNews7:155,525
Shocking footage of Typhoon Mangkhut wreaking havoc in HK - TomoNews1:383,479
Florence and Mangkhut both wreak havoc in different ways - TomoNews6:313,913
Fortnite is causing a whole mess of divorces - TomoNews8:5821,395
Increase of spiders in the UK due to spider season - TomoNews7:509,518
Diseases lurking in Hurricane Florence flood waters - TomoNews1:284,168
EU Article 13: copyright lawmaker posts copyrighted imagery - TomoNews2:177,812
Article 13: European Union tweets memes, doesn't get tech - TomoNews1:436,469
Translucent fish with no scales found in Pacific Ocean - TomoNews6:5010,576
Probiotics 'quite useless' for the body, study finds - TomoNews8:906,367
Wildlife officials drop fish from plane to restock lakes - TomoNews6:4119,107
Wind and solar farms could transform Sahara Desert - TomoNews8:125,337
Facebook to fact-check images and videos to combat fake news - TomoNews7:143,938
Japan's space elevator to connect Earth with ISS via cable - TomoNews6:5211,345
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg obsessed with Augustus Caesar - TomoNews7:513,226
Got a 'vampire facial'? Might want to get tested - TomoNews1:3310,659
If you watch this, you'll stop biting your nails - TomoNews1:1976,237
Games on Steam: Uncut visual novel coming to Valve platform - TomoNews1:307,371
Amazon patent plans to put employees in cages - TomoNews6:566,933
Syria: YouTube channels claim to be Al Qaeda-linked Sheikh's - TomoNews3:176,515
Backward leg allows young cancer patient to dance again - TomoNews6:226,045
Woman has 61-pound tumor removed from uterus - TomoNews1:9014,613
Mary and Jesus given colorful restoration in Spain - TomoNews7:564,499
Red tide hits Tampa Bay area, so do scores of fish bodies - TomoNews8:198,841
Taking many selfies like Kim K. could lead to 'selfie wrist' - TomoNews7:603,809

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