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Why do people laugh at creationists? (Youtube)
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Part of a series of videos exposing the funny stupidity of creationists and why they deserve to be laughed at. In each case the creationist statements are shown to be outrageously stupid by even the most rudimentary knowledge of science.

Creationist are tackled at every level from the scientific illiterates like venomfangx who want to play in the scientific arena but don't even understand the words they use, to convicted fraudsters like Kent Hovind who abuse the scientifical illiteracy of people like venomfangx to dupe them out of money. An enterprise which is clearly very successful as merely the tax Hovind didn't pay was about a million dollars. Hovind himself has no discernible academic education, and gets by solely on using his confident delivery of scientific terms to convince his audiences that he knows what hes talking about. Then of course there are the professional such as the Discovery Institute, the hub and founders of the Intelligent design movement. After the humiliating rout of ID in court where it was found that 'ID is not science', and that 'ID is only a relabelling of creationism' the Discovery Institute do not utter the word once in their latest promotional video. Instead they now have decided to 'teach the controversy' which is an irony as they are the only people who disagree with evolution. What they are really asking is not to teach the controversy, but to teach their views, which are supported by neither research or evidence, in schools. less
42 vídeos se encuentrans.

Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 42, Ray Comforts Noah)10:50188,947
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 41, Ken Ham, Bill Nye debate)9:39468,336
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 40)9:40229,540
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 39)8:46186,532
Why Do People Laugh at Creationists (Part 38)12:50263,308 1 lista de mas
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 37) William Lane Craig10:42400,135
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 36).10:24416,386
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 35).8:14297,760
Why Do People Laugh at Creationists (Part 34)11:23372,770
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 33)10:54501,990
Why do people laugh at creationists? (Part 32)9:28341,769
Why do people laugh at creationists (part 31)11:47597,663
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 30)9:57468,782
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 29)10:45754,455
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 28)9:40343,794
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 27)8:21370,470
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 26) Sarah Palin10:501,183,778
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 25)11:00553,685
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 24)9:511,064,748
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 23)9:59443,542
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 22)8:45583,887
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 21)9:18418,172
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 20)6:57365,989
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 19)10:00501,119
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 18)9:33407,213
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 17)8:52372,762
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 16)9:36369,971
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 15).7:52383,335
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 14).6:52377,525
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 13).8:41450,835
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 12).7:29448,073
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 11).8:10436,460
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 10).7:43436,188
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 9).7:11447,221
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 8).4:55459,080
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 7).4:21514,784
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 6).5:90478,714
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 5).7:21573,751
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 4).3:26584,064
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 3).5:32712,547
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 2).5:50871,837
Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 1)4:371,938,112

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