New Scientist
2 736 vidéos, +189 000 abonnés

Cosmic rays have revealed a new chamber in Egypt’s Great Pyramid0:4029 809
People who illegally kill birds of prey are getting away with it0:46615
Donor organs created by dissolving and rebuilding pig livers0:541 796
A legal trade in rhino horn could be twice as big as illegal one0:50767
We may have found 20 habitable worlds hiding in plain sight0:459 209
Stack-o-lantern Halloween memory game0:581 091
Tiny shrimp create shockwaves with their claws0:382 631
Ban on weedkiller glyphosate won’t save anyone from cancer0:591 211
Take a placebo to be more creative0:58929
Gaming addiction probably isn't a real condition0:451 562
Oysters can hear without ears0:50913
The hidden cost of climate disasters0:59649
Fixing mutations just got easier0:582 222
An AI has learned how to pick a single voice out of a crowd0:401 720
New York should prepare for 50-foot storm surges0:461 419
Your brain has an autopilot mode0:553 592
Chronic back pain stem cell treatment could cut need for opioids0:571 515
AlphaGo: the next generation8:55861
Tui birds get riled by good singers0:463 825
Dogs can smell your emotions0:457 874
Walter Isaacson talks about the inspiring creative mind of Leonardo da Vinci2:601 506
Hunger-blocking protein causes rapid weight loss in monkeys0:491 916
Do police body cams make us safer?1:00701
AlphaGo's AI upgrade gets round the need for human input0:413 030
What space toilets can teach us about Enceladus0:271 569
Four brain genes help explain obsessive compulsive disorder0:421 305
5 tips for better sleep1:201 435
Neutron star smash-up witnessed with light and gravitational waves0:557 180
Sperm age calculator tells men how decrepit their sperm are0:535 136
Hearts may soon be kept alive outside the body for days0:51853
New treatment could stop hair loss during chemo0:55902
The most precise atomic clock ever made is a cube of quantum gas0:314 734
Bouncing off the sun could speed up dark matter so we can detect it0:311 142
Your genome data is for sale - shouldn't you get a cut?0:46797
Elon Musk’s new plans for a moon base and a Mars mission by 20220:391 810
CRISPR for the whole body1:152 668
Highlights from New Scientist Live 20171:15905
New Scientist Live 2017 day 2 highlights1:37892
Debris from tsunami brought nearly 300 Japanese species to the USA0:475 374
Antidepressant found to reduce belly fat in older mice0:38534
New Scientist Live 2017 day 1 highlights1:42907
See inside a mouse brain0:554 478
African penguins hunt fish in packs1:162 980
New wheat strain could avoid gluten problems0:412 105
Alligator vs shark0:5424 641
How to eat well for yourself and the planet1:001 456
Plan to save Great Barrier Reef from encroaching farm pollution0:50515
Why scientists are editing genes in human embryos1:12958
Even jellyfish need to sleep0:521 803
Brain farts: why you forget why you entered a room0:443 745
Robots can hitch-hike on sharks thanks to ultrastrong sucker0:518 101
Mexico hit by second huge earthquake1:003 578
Thousands at risk in hurricane aftermath0:52696
There are hardly any old fish left in the ocean0:491 563
Cosmic Shambles Live0:45349
Dressing for the moon : How to Design a Spacesuit0:29548
UK’s key science committee has no women0:38616
iPhone X’s Face ID is a terrible way to secure your data1:108 776
Hurricane Irma recovery will take years0:501 572
Apricot kernels are poisonous0:421 231
Extreme Language: The Genes that let us speak0:56544
Life in the Deepest Places on Earth0:491 481
The Science and Creativity of Dance1:23793
Cassini's grand finale0:554 333
Bats crash into smooth surfaces0:431 340
Can the US really nuke North Korea without starting a world war?0:592 858
Unlock this box with a stoat1:24785
The music that boosts creative thinking0:391 590
The biggest solar flare in 12 years0:331 331
Shaking the Dinosaur Tree0:18617
Humans are still evolving, suggests study0:391 134
Could the Zika virus treat brain cancer?0:481 056
Is life Quantum Mechanical?0:30992
The Future of Human Spaceflight0:29472
Ancient footprints on Greek island may belong to a human ancestor0:484 044
We ignore what doesn't fit with our biases, even if it costs us!0:475 239
How flowers secretly stop bee larvae becoming queens0:561 272
Quantum Leaps: The Next Industrial Revolution0:441 280
Legendary Moments in Science1:17668
Our Digital Lives: How to Disappear0:20793
The Point of Wasps1:501 088
Some blind people can echolocate like bats0:42549
Built on Bones : Urban Evolution0:28397
Here's why some tropical leaves are enormous0:501 456
Australia plans to trial random drug tests for welfare claimants0:48560
Explore New Scientist Live 20172:47238
Cassini's Grand Finale- Michele Dougherty at New Scientist Live 20171:70391
Exploring the Solar System - Michelle Dougherty at New Scientist Live 20170:51227
Snow leopards aren't as rare as thought, but aren't safe yet0:47493
Cute Lego-like robots climb walls and sort Tupperware0:543 992
Simple gene tweaks gave us uniquely human faces and voices0:571 659
Can Magic Mushrooms treat depression?- Robin Carhart-Harris at New Scientist Live 20171:10951
The poetic translation of mathematical ideas into sound - New Scientist Live 20171:18792
Robot suit helps children with cerebral palsy to walk better0:404 252
The music of proof: What does maths sound like ? -New Scientist Live 20171:901 064
Monkeys see faces in objects0:492 042
Where is everything else? - Claire Lee at New Scientist Live 20170:571 422
Why Antimatter Matters -Professor Jeffrey Hangst at New Scientist Live 20170:38688
How the dodo lived0:432 554
Your brain knows the future0:422 382

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