Virtual reality weather add-ons let you feel the sun and wind0:422,595
Bees whoop when they bump into each other0:48157,496
Australia's extreme heatwave is a preview of things to come0:524,337
Deep sea squid has one big eye and one little eye1:007,427
Foxes spotted climbing trees in Australia1:0013,750
Beat BO with someone else's armpit bacteria0:441,089
Some people with HIV can now ditch condoms0:502,228
Nuclear explosions could tell us why the moon has no water0:572,981
LIGO Detection full movie19:435,020
Switching from smoking to vaping does reduce your carcinogens0:422,245
A gene-editing injection could lower your risk of heart disease0:412,936
How did pitcher plants become predators?0:461,630
Bees welcome immigrants in times of plenty0:591,671
The sun’s rotation is slowed down by its own photons0:452,827
Why the sound of noisy eating fills some people with rage0:437,853
Bat-inspired robot swoops and dives like the real thing0:3313,134
Paralysed people can now communicate by thought alone0:445,842
Wood-burning stoves harm us and the environment0:531,606
Boxer crabs fight over sea anemones0:576,955
An AI just beat 4 of our best human players at poker0:439,424
Learning begins in the womb0:441,140
How science can make tomatoes great again0:422,095
How to find your purpose0:413,261
Have we got Alzheimer's all wrong?0:531,902
Animals that grow designer organs for humans are a step closer0:521,431
Meet the candy-striped hermit crab0:411,063
Real-life psychopaths aren’t so smart0:382,624
Where are we in the multiverse?1:702,245
Virtual out-of-body experience reduces your fear of death0:5831,051
Majority of primate species may vanish in next 25 to 50 years0:461,034
Are potatoes now a cancer risk?0:594,485
Archerfish use jets to hunt underwater0:275,142
Women’s reproductive rights fading under Trump1:001,234
Foxes seem to disguise themselves as pumas to avoid predators0:50173,809
Wearable robots make walking easier0:3316,273
Mysterious fairy circles in Namib desert explained at last0:5514,357
Is permanent dieting the secret to living longer?0:562,182
Eugene Cernan 1934-20170:58787
Are we too clean?1:241,953
Ruby seadragon seen alive for the first time0:4763,974
Mice made to kill using mind control lasers0:5675,962
The "cuddle hormone" oxytocin has a darker purpose0:525,428
Brain’s face recognition area grows much bigger as we get older0:52920
105-year-old cyclist sets new record0:411,173
Living near a highway may increase dementia risk0:33827
A cure for ageing is near1:232,554
Urban foxes are multiplying0:491,363
Sustainable fishing is bad for the climate0:423,719
How to make new year's resolutions stick0:541,078
Outsider Art – or not?5:16641
Soon we'll be able to read minds0:453,695
Garden of weird life forms found under Antarctic ice0:562,411
Why dogs do their business pointing north1:001,839
The 12 biggest science stories of 20161:143,325
What science says about the hangover1:701,475
Cannibalistic deep-sea crabs groom each other like chimpanzees0:5215,886
Comb jellies rewrite the history of the anus0:592,340
Small is beautiful1:001,572
Fold your own universe with our cosmic origami decoration2:144,088
Monkeys could talk...0:3534,494
Mystery Antarctic circle explained1:4042,400
Birdsong is like jazz0:462,087
Antibacterial products may help bacteria beat antibiotics0:48743
EU's green energy policy disaster0:561,421
Robotic exoskeleton lends a hand0:565,563
Generation Clean: why young people are drinking less0:591,723
The Real Paleo Diet0:494,193
How do flatfish get so wonky?0:581,754
Sherlock shows memories have a common fingerprint0:451,571
Whales communicate by making a splash0:502,550
Parkinson's disease may start in the gut0:545,564
Stop buying organic food if you care about the planet1:708,257
Should we ban fishing in the high seas?1:10800
Strange creatures spotted in deep sea off Lebanon0:586,863
World's oldest woman reaches 117th birthday0:431,061
Surgical robot ready for cataract surgery0:512,180
Great Barrier Reef's worst ever bleaching0:36721
India is planning to create the world's longest river0:523,903
Synthesiser produces speech from mouth movements0:484,320
Social status is linked to health effects in monkeys0:391,052
Dogs prove they can remember events0:581,909
Mass surveillance legalised in the UK0:522,061
Genetically modified mosquitoes are coming to Florida0:371,583
Porpoises control their heart rate1:11790
Gut tissue grown from stem cells0:512,422
How to burst your Facebook filter bubble1:102,160
Snail fights back against predators0:405,046
Can cryonics let dead people live again?1:181,899
Creative cockatoos skilfully make tools from different materials1:707,003
Monk seals caught napping underwater1:304,281
Electronic tattoo listens to sounds in the body0:462,322
Rats filmed using tools for the first time0:512,538
Supermoon shines bright around the world1:301,370
Neurotechnology is helping us overcome paralysis0:58557
Locked-in woman communicates via brain implant0:557,770
Get ready for an extra special supermoon0:524,184
Food made from natural gas will soon feed farm animals0:532,840
Tickling rats in the name of science1:205,709
President Trump means we can’t escape a dangerously warmer world1:703,005
Paralysed monkeys walk again with brain implant1:406,937

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