New Scientist
2,736 videos, +189,000 subscribers

Elon Musk: legend or fruitcake?1:203,264
This little piggy grew a human pancreas0:592,261
Zika: Is it time to call off the Olympics?1:102,066
Which invasive species do YOU want to eat?0:431,060
The synthetic human genome0:492,396
The universe is expanding faster than it should0:526,049
This giraffe has the same skin condition as Michael Jackson0:324,604
Brexit: the most irrational referendum yet?0:592,793
Killer whale evolution is shaped by their culture0:5912,001
Could a vaccine prevent Alzheimer's0:543,178
Gorilla 'had to be shot'1:285,162
Cellphones and cancer - don't worry0:521,661
7 women of science who deserve greater recognition1:502,295
What happens if you saw Schrödinger's cat in half?0:585,828
Neanderthals built underground structures0:5519,461
World's biggest sponge is as big as a car1:5070,874
Compare the meerkat0:531,584
7 women denied scientific glory1:001,484
6 alcohol myths we've all fallen for1:123,456
8 reasons octopuses rule the oceans1:527,655
Is your cat messing with your mind?0:483,107
Do animals experience grief?1:1053,697
Dogs test anti-ageing drug0:402,228
Green light could help migraines0:363,879
Baby turtles working together0:314,683
Trees 'sleep' to rest their branches0:3331,134
How Australia gets high0:433,416
Do health treatments aimed at gut bacteria work?0:521,391
Farmers: These ARE the droids you're looking for0:5519,241
April smashed global temperature records0:331,214
World’s smallest porpoise, the vaquita, may be extinct by 20220:291,502
Magic mushrooms used to treat depression in first clinical trial0:421,908
Is this the end of the death penalty in the United States?0:321,078
Artificial spider silk behaves like a solid and a liquid0:496,693
Mars 2018: Can SpaceX do it?1:602,286
Synthetic wine taste test4:907,905
Underwater excavation uncovers prehistoric elephant0:453,230
World’s first underwater band performs in giant aquariums1:2061,672
Violet sea cucumber swims above sea floor near Mariana trench0:347,055
"Jack-o'-lantern" jellyfish seen above Mariana trench0:2719,607
Robotic surgeon stitches up pig intestinal tissue0:555,269
Tickets on sale now for New Scientist Live1:45705
Super-thin digital display turns your skin into a screen0:31244,155
New Scientist Live - Tickets now on sale0:26441
Laser-powered drops mimic beetles to skirt across water0:456,904
Mysterious swarm of crabs filmed off the coast of Panama0:47236,854
What the Zika virus probably looks like0:223,188
Breakfast on trial: Dara Mohammadi takes the 700-calorie test3:583,312
Material that can grow when stretched is inspired by Islamic art0:4617,827
Virtual instruments let you play music with your eyes alone0:353,406
Video game could help program quantum computers0:285,629
Amputee uses bionic finger to feel different textures0:333,692
New ghostly deep-sea octopus filmed at record depth0:43115,445
Super-stretchy robot skin changes brightness as it bends0:398,023
Water-skiing beetle skims across water at high speed0:314,148
Japanese pygmy squid shoot ink to hunt for prey0:2232,616
Male sand martin birds filmed having sex with a dead male0:4279,664
Green worms create a superorganism that becomes a giant seaweed0:414,726
Fear of predators makes raccoons flee from recorded barks0:406,506
Batman drone uses shape-shifting wings to skim over water0:3916,837
New Scientist Live: bringing New Scientist to life1:371,575
Sea butterfly 'flies' underwater like an insect in air0:3322,184
Captive corals spawn in artificial reef1:312,030
What the world looks like through a wasp's eyes0:388,085
3D printing helps blind people explore a city2:254,992
Chameleon robot changes colour to blend in0:20143,839
Liquid Play-Doh can be sliced like a solid0:2658,549
Octopuses use bizarre body language to resolve conflict0:5228,451
Carnivores with bigger brains are better at problem solving1:306,388
Virtual village could help beat isolation blues0:392,389
Mice with severed spinal cords appear to walk again0:23305,783
Four-wheeled robot drives up walls0:54223,542
Drone-racing pilot navigates through abandoned buildings1:2013,315
Wild crows filmed making and using hooked tools0:416,598
Squid-hunting penguins caught in rare underwater food fight0:3314,588
Parrots use pebble tools to grind up calcium supplements0:369,471
The health paradox2:184,428
Taming the health data monster2:111,757
The quantified self2:214,587
Blood gushes from virtual leg injury to help train combat medics1:53168,532
Powdered glue is dry until you squish it0:5734,927
First pocket rockets take tiny satellites for a spin1:368,125
Dung beetle disperses seed that looks and smells like poo0:286,815
Foam heart powered by air can pump liquid0:3225,362
3D-printing needle creates intricate objects in soft gels1:2148,973
Painting robot follows your eyes to create art0:4811,801
Paralysed man uses mind control to walk again0:438,189
Sunken treasures from famous wreck revealed in 3D0:329,188
Bean beetle reveals prickly penis before violent sex0:3517,709
Octopus makes its own quicksand then vanishes inside0:31712,145
Sci-fi movie for apes shows how they anticipate thrills1:104,753
Fifty drones controlled at once in record-breaking swarm1:17116,518
Digital mouse brain interacts with virtual body0:594,011
Elusive 'blue bastard' fish identified at last0:1320,911
Body-zapping electrodes let you feel virtual punches0:486,160
Male insects roars like a lion while walking on leaf0:1733,065
Terminator-style 'skin' repairs itself after a gunshot0:2777,033
Empty wine glass trick produces new musical instrument0:2016,699
Corpse flower blooms while emitting smell of death0:384,906
Fighting octopuses may be using shells as weapons0:3194,593

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