Dog Training by Kikopup
468 videos, +233,000 subscribers

How to teach your dog to WAIT for the CUE2:806,274
Wish says "No" - Giving dogs a choice - professional dog training1:115,379
Sustained targeting meditation - Dog Training by Kikopup0:313,864
Using calm markers to teach precision in heelwork - Dog Training by Kikopup0:394,463
Focusing on arousal level for flashy heelwork! - Dog Training by Kikopup2:437,901
How to line up for a photo! - Dog Selfies4:173,725
Splash invented this Funny Dog Trick!0:702,313
Dogs Hug :) - Cute dog trick0:601,888
Dog Photobombs Tricks Video - Dog Training0:902,776
How to Train Kikopup's 'Double Dog Crawl Weave' - Dog Tricks by Kikopup4:602,814
Working on Balance Work - Dog Training0:382,144
When you realize you picked the wrong flavor... Cute Dog Trick0:102,428
How to teach BOW FROM DOWN - Dog Tricks2:378,817
Tip for teaching your dog to like grooming - dog training0:554,917
Stop bothering the treat bag or treat container - dog training3:605,729
Splash gives baby Wish a pacifier - dog tricks training0:702,337
Proofing Drop it and Get it - Dog Training2:504,516
Wish performs 2 super cute tricks with a ball - dog training tricks0:463,248
Epic Multi Dog Trick - Dog Training0:382,758
Wish has crazy skills - Dog tricks training0:462,074
Trick for Teaching your Dog to Spin on a Verbal Cue Only - Dog Training1:163,637
The Kikopup Method of Luring -Luring a puppy first session - Dog Training0:583,800
Trick to solve puppy barking, whining and frustration when training - puppy dog training1:7012,257
Todays training session working on 2 mins section of routine - Dog Tricks Training2:003,546
Practicing Splash and Tug's double dog routine - Dog Training2:182,460
Example of Management in a Multi-Dog Household - Dog Training0:483,938
Safety tips for restraining, picking up and catching a dog - Dog training2:703,590
Training session flashy heelwork transitions - Dog Trick Training1:367,377
Splash's old pirate canine freestyle routine - dog tricks training0:332,868
Simple trick for distance work - dog training2:469,532
Backward weaves made easy - dog training4:307,497
Who needs sprinklers? - Dog Tricks0:394,993
Go Check It Out Game - Dog Training7:2216,569
How Emily taught this amazing double dog trick! Clicker dog training5:506,740
Train your little dog to jump up into your arms! - Dog Training4:4412,567
Limp in a Circle - Dog Tricks Training1:549,066
Dance in a Circle - Dog trick training3:4117,683
Amazing Multi Dog Tricks!1:2879,350
Cute easy and popular trick to train - dog clicker training3:1430,428
Teach a delicate retrieve using eggs ! - Dog training3:448,917
Jump Though a Hoop! Tutorial - Dog Tricks Training5:5120,275
How to teach your dog his left paw from his right paw - clicker dog training5:1017,038
Does your dog have these manners? - Clicker dog training3:3040,677
How to Train Drop - Dog Training6:5753,586
Train your dog to come when called no matter what6:5640,314
Free Sample of Weekly Manners Membership - Dog Training0:515,792
Wish the Border Collie Puppy - Dog Tricks 20 Wks3:3653,833
Wish the Border Collie Puppy Freestyle Tricks 12 Wks2:1426,378
5 Different Hugs for Valentines Day - amazing dog tricks0:36431,841
Calm Puppy Restraint - Dog Training7:5654,233
EC's Border Collie Puppies at Play3:3330,670
Collar Grab For Safety - Dog Training5:2231,3431 list
Don't Miss this Conference!!! - Animal Training / Dog Training0:524,707
Amazing Double Dog Tricks1:261,563,151
Splash the Border Collie Performs the Most Epic of Dog Tricks!1:47280,668
New leash walking trick for pulling ahead after a treat - dog training5:1891,2441 list
Door Manners - Dog Training16:3255,6211 list
The EASIEST way to train your puppy to go to his bed - Dog training5:36121,7751 list
Dog Tricks and Training at DOG BEACH3:5431,465
100,000 subscribers ! THANK YOU!!!! Dog training community :)2:295,719
Weekly Inspirations!!!! - Year Long Dog Training Membership Program!3:6015,095
Preventing Resource Guarding in Puppies- Teach Drop the Chew3:5827,595is in 2 lists
How to unmake a bed in 1 minute1:2016,213
PPG Educational Summit this November1:463,088
Preventing toy guarding in puppies - dog training4:3953,939is in 2 lists
World Dog Trainers Motivation Transparency Challenge10:4324,229
Don't attack the broom and vacuum cleaner - dog training11:6046,904is in 2 lists
Splash learns to draw a circle - dog training smartest tricks0:5338,478
Puppy Safety - Every puppy owner should know this - Dog training videos10:3757,4061 list
Smartest 10 Week Old Puppy Performs Amazing Dog Tricks4:5974,486
Introducing Lumos the Border Collie Puppy! dog training4:6044,346
Adventures with the Border Collies Of Silent Storm3:4424,048
Socializing Puppies to Surfaces and Sounds - clicker dog training1:4125,919
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Amazing dog training tricks2:9016,893
Teach your dog the trick to Sit Pretty7:28102,411
Upside Down Settle - dog training7:8050,7961 list
Create calm markers! A tip from my dog training seminar2:3037,912is in 2 lists
Merry Christmas! Xmas dog tricks training1:2027,048
Teach your dog to pose for the camera on cue - dog training clicker6:2531,537
Stop barking at the door - dog training10:51122,598is in 2 lists
The best way to cut your dog's nails - dog training grooming3:19362,2071 list
Teach your dog to step into a harness - 1 min dog training tutorial1:1014,278
Halloween Three - 'Splash's Revenge'5:1953,046
Our new baby bunnies Quiz and Puzzle meet the dogs0:526,310
The easiest, fastest and most reliable SIT STAY- clicker dog training7:50167,2601 list
Kikopup On Safari - Clicker dog training5:4010,382
New Dog Training DVD Releases!1:2813,8841 list
Upcoming dog training seminars- dog training1:4013,126
The Human Ego vs Safety- Dog Tricks Training9:1032,216
'Leave it' from dogs and people- clicker dog training5:4231,7561 list
Muzzle Training- focusing on calmness - clicker dog training12:3132,092is in 2 lists
The Calm Chin Rest - clicker dog training9:2135,004is in 2 lists
How to be Completely Dominant Over Your Dog- dog training8:14261,765
The safety leave it! - clicker dog training2:2127,1811 list
House Training Tip- Should your dog ring a bell?2:5920,980
The most amazing dog tricks - SPLASH the border collie!3:9075,530
Tug's amazing balancing dog tricks0:4611,982
Free Dog Training Videos List- clicker dog training1:7016,540
The COOLEST toy dog trick tutorial!5:4926,112
How to stop your dog lunging and barking- Train 'Let's Go!'- shy reactive dogs6:30105,073is in 4 lists

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