1,571 videos, +150,000 subscribers

JSConf EU 2015 (Youtube)
49 videos is founds.

Dmitry Baranovskiy: Zen of JavaScript | JSConf EU 201526:226,567
Martin Schuhfuß: Let there be light! | JSConf EU 201530:541,622
Gilmore Davidson: Time zone of your life | JSConf EU 201523:412,278
Ola Adedoyin: Applying 3D Engineering Drawing Techniques To Web App Diagrams | JSConf EU 201526:191,274
Lewis Cowper: Forklift Driver to Developer in 9 Months | JSConf EU 201526:531,260
Todd Gardner: JavaScript Forensics | JSConf EU 201529:451,610
Curtis Lassam: Horse Drawing Tycoon: The World's Best Horse Drawing Simulator | JSConf EU 201521:471,392
Artur Janc: Security in the world of JS frameworks | JSConf EU 201529:431,492
Anand Vemuri: What Your Scanner Doesn’t Tell You CAN Hurt You | JSConf EU 201524:371,005
Bryan Hughes: Getting Involved and How to Do It | JSConf EU 201524:70877
Whitney Williams: If Walter Gropius was a JavaScripter | JSConf EU 201523:30506
Cate Huston: Some Things I’ve Learned About Color | JSConf EU 201523:101,039
Thomas Gorissen: The year of the peer-to-peer web | JSConf EU 201529:291,330
Surma Surma: The Mobile Web is a Contender | JSConf EU 201522:70560
Franziska Hinkelmann: A Trip to the Zoo: SpiderMonkey, SquirrelFish, Nashorn, V8* | JSConf EU 201526:541,678
Mathias Bynens: RegExp.prototype.unicode | JSConf EU 201525:171,600
Joa Ebert: JVM/JS | JSConf EU 201535:14556
Peter Müller: Transpiling Recomposed | JSConf EU 201524:212,047
Marijn Haverbeke: Salvaging contentEditable: Building a Robust WYSIWYG Editor | JSConf EU 201527:542,018
Denys Mishunov: Illusion of Time. When 60 seconds is not 1 minute | JSConf EU 201522:201,735
Sam Richard: Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto | JSConf EU 201520:51644
Kai Jäger: What it’s like to live on the Edge | JSConf EU 201528:531,346
Ryan Seddon: So how does the browser actually render a website | JSConf EU 201529:3431,058
Denis Radin: Rendering HTML via WebGL | JSConf EU 201524:3410,855
Marija Selakovic: Let’s make JavaScript programs faster | JSConf EU 201522:102,344
David Valdman: Functional Layout - Updating the DOM at 60FPS | JSConf EU 201524:573,882
Impressions of JSConf EU 20154:172,386
Szymon Nowak: How to grow your own Babel fish | JSConf EU 201519:59711
Sarah Meyer: Life in the Wilderness: How to Pioneer Tech Culture | JSConf EU 201515:43718
Tim Slatcher: Interactive Visualisations at Scale | JSConf EU 201526:10993
Panos Astithas: Write once, debug everywhere, from Firefox | JSConf EU 201520:28938
Lieke Boon: Unconscious Bias: we're all guilty | JSConf EU 201517:131,258
Stefanie Grewenig: OnConnectionLost: The life of an offline web application | JSConf EU 201524:341,327
Razvan Caliman: Disconnected Networking | JSConf EU 201525:571,216
Thomas Watson: AirPlay protocol hacking | JSConf EU 201523:302,087
Suz Hinton: Refactoring the dinosaur | JSConf EU 201526:002,147
Christoph Pojer: Evolving Complex Systems Incrementally | JSConf EU 201533:2710,540
Patricia Garcia: Good Tech for Hard Places: Fighting Ebola with JS Offline Apps | JSConf EU 201524:212,471
Stephan Bönnemann: Dependency Hell Just Froze Over | JSConf EU 201519:901,484
Alejandro Oviedro: A fifth of century | JSConf EU 201520:30738
Brenna O'Brien: JavaScript Community: The Good Parts | JSConf EU 201522:473,193
Pawel Szymczykowski: JavaScript in (Near) Space | JSConf EU 201524:45772
Etiene da Cruz Dalcol: What I learned teaching programming to 150 beginners | JSConf EU 201518:452,277
Txus: The Power Of Small Abstractions | JSConf 2015 EU24:902,494
Stefanie Schirmer: Functional programming and curry cooking in JS | JSConf EU 201526:534,289
Olga Madejska: Breaking Bad - Web Components in production, what worked for us | JSConf EU 201520:532,851
Nick Hehr: The Other Side of Empathy | JSConf EU 201523:151,314
Carina C. Zona: Consequences of an Insightful Algorithm | JSConf EU 201530:564,229
Nested Loops – JSConf EU 2015 Opening Performance6:1915,861

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