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How to make love in outer space?1:230
Bad ass blondes girls in tights1:100
Hot funerals: pleasure after sadness1:400
Egyptians sleeping at work: stuff of dreams ?1:240
Hockey VS figure skating: men vs. prissies?1:140
MILF fantasy !1:140
Psycho goes to the electric chair: Governor's call too late?2:410
Sexual attraction turns into apocalypse1:230
Nyan cat making: cat is toast !1:240
Pathetic ad scrounging on actors0:530
Weirdest holidays ever: geeks looking for sun1:530
Choosing your favorite child: horrific parents !0:530
Learning Spanish in 13 hours: the secret0:540
Sasquatch = roadkill0:530
Cheeringly ridiculous chinese sports fans0:590
Swedes the dumbest people in the world: Norwegian videos show it2:220
Epic fight for a hottie: lover boys sacrificing their life ?1:100
Teen humiliation: dad being cool with your friends0:550
Torturing an oldie on the treadmill: Skittles factory0:540
Do repairmen have brains? Smartest business name in history0:540
Are the Dutch that dumb? Don't listen to their singing1:300
Lovely sexy japanese virgin transformed by dog !1:800
Man or woman ?Transsexual ambivalence0:540
Hot blonde cleavage vs. BMW: fair trade ?0:570
Lubricant: the secret for a great marriage1:200
Sliding in a boob job: best fall of your life1:220
Belgian driving test: text & drive !2:330
Family of pervs! like father, like son1:110
Apple eagle snatching Samsung phone?0:530
Teen geek vs. pervert dad ? Incredible ending...0:530
Dating nerdy beauty: price of passion1:230
Boys vs. chicks; the final battle !2:280
Travel to Italy and meet Italians: the cute british way0:580
Getting abs: amazing tutorial parody2:310
Wrenching, heart-breaking football defeat2:370
Giant Godzilla anteater: terrifyingly thirsty1:230
Best or worst marriage proposal ever: a girls' dream1:800
Using a sextoy: how-to tutorial1:2301 list
Clockwork Orange rampage ? Incredible Cult Raw Energy ad1:240
Extreme pleasure for hot brunette1:430
Asking for condoms in Japanese: easy !1:230
The Farting baby - Funniest gift for dad!1:300
Barbie world: adult play1:210
Possessed girl meets exorcist: Rosemary's Baby ?1:530
Porn cartoons ? Perverse drawing1:900
Rip your face off! And your girlfriend's too!1:130
Scream 9, chinese style: in the office1:380
Cheating on your wife: you'll always get caught !1:110
Cute Japanese at bikini contest1:800
TV anchors fighting with wild beasts: ultimate dedication to the job1:290
Zombie grandma massacred in the streets of Buenos Aires1:440
Lovely belly buttons: from Brazil to Chechnya1:800
Ladainian Tomlinson taught by Kimbo Slice / Nike ad1:470
Tourist raped by gorilla in jungle1:800
Narcolepsy epidemic spreading through Norway1:230
Fantasy: an animal in your bed1:800
Growing perfect breasts : Philippino secret recipe2:230
Killers vs. muscles: the supreme Battle1:800
Green-eyed brunette Wonderbra star for Cadbury ad spoof2:200
Queen - I want to break free -cover / Hyundai ad1:8001 list
Sexy asian beauty making love to a dwarf: Yoko & John ?1:2201 list
Kids on the internet: is that porn?!2:4301 list
Sexy bellies: bodypainting hairy chest ?1:500
Nudist beach in Saint Tropez surrounded by police1:300
Orgy: behind the scenes of a naked movie1:240
Hottie hotline: the truth revealed1:700
Greek bank robbery: messing up with money!1:520
George Clooney married! After one-night stand Norwegian girlfriend.1:380
Climax at the office: the libido behind the suit1:5301 list
How to attract hot blonde girls without a Ferrari !1:210
Scissors artist: incredible chinese tailor cuts you off1:490
Elvis to K2000 / Knight Rider redux1:260
Psycho Santa Claus breaks in: kill him or greet him?1:800
Violent boxing : Monks VS women0:530
Amazing biker prank: muscles and tattoos terrify couples1:590
World's longuest tongue: practicing the stretch1:220
Mercedes invisible car: worldwide sensation2:220
Worst fail day by sexy business woman1:180
Farting with a Swedish biker: forget clean air!1:300
Dick's around the world1:4201 list
Ming Mong battle: the big finals1:460
Incerdible catatrophes: explain this to your insurance!1:370
Euro crisis: bankrupt families forced to extreme measures1:280
Talking animals stalking your neighborhood2:160
Do musicians & millionaires have a brain ?1:540
Diet & beer: stupid combo ?1:230
50 goals in one football match: star player defies physics1:2001 list
Worst candid camera fail ever!1:170
Dark Lords of Mariachis: summer hit!1:590
Horrible alien invasion hits the earth !1:280
Hot last Tango in Compton: beautiful dance1:260
Cheating wife uncovered1:230
The Clown Squad: red-nosed paratroopers1:190
Chewbacca sharing his love: Curry's fantasy1:120
Job Fairy and Fartmaster: hilarious CareerBuilder Ads1:220
Teens caught parents giving pleasure to each other0:580
Indian Angel boy born with wings1:230
David Hasselhoff is a chicken2:700
Princess Whoopi Goldberg and Pee: untold fairy tale!1:290
Icy downhill road destroys cars1:230

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