2,496 videos, +98,300 subscribers

Devoxx Morocco 2019 : 20% discount code0:16259
Devoxx Ukraine 2019 promo code1:10518
Semantic Event Sourcing: case study of moving from CRUD to log based state management - Neil Boddy44:543,725
Providing Continuous Integration at CERN - Daniel Juarez Gonzalez13:181,095
Docker image testing in GitLab CI - Thomas Holene Loekkeborg15:261,716
Graph Network in High Energy Physics - Jean-Roch Vlimant15:36369
Bulletproof Java Enterprise Applications for The Hard Production Life - Sebastian Daschner51:353,564
Transform a Legacy Application with Kubernetes and Istio - David Gageot53:491,539
Deconstructing Web frameworks for a more resilient code base - Hubert Sablonnière51:27812
Deep Learning in Computer Vision - Błażej Kubiak & Krzysztof Kudrynski46:51331
Puppet and containers: A multi-tenancy deployment - David Moreno Garcia15:21232
The CERN Cloud Infrastructure: 5 years in 15 minutes - Daniel Abad14:361,644
The code is back to the database with Oracle MLE (GraalVM) - Franck Pachot12:22381
The Error of our Ways - Kevlin Henney54:501,633
A Dozen Cool Things You can Do with JVM Languages - Venkat Subramaniam50:362,202
Voxxed CERN 2019 • Keynote • Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin59:1018,567
Unleashing your musical creativity with Magenta.js - Monica Dinculescu46:40297
Devoxx Poland 2019 - Recap1:521,154
Talk to me nicely - how to communicate your ideas and speed up your career - Piotr Stawirej48:343,508
Bert Jan Schrijver interviews Edward Kent & Paul Doran at Devoxx UK2:25148
Bert Jan Schrijver interviews Guy Royse at Devoxx UK3:80362
Bert Jan Schijver interviews Pieter van der Meer at Devoxx UK3:46222
Automated tests: You won't find it in a book! - Jacek Milewski47:434,843
Functional Programming in Kotlin - Venkat Subramaniam53:413,826
Micro frontends: extending service-oriented architecture to frontend development - Jakub Sowiński45:133,395
Mixed Paradigms: The Method to Madness - Venkat Subramaniam55:432,657
Closing - Grzegorz Duda3:38273
Live Hack: Finding Security Vulnerabilities Before They Find You! - Simon Maple50:12561
Performance tuning Twitter services with Graal and Machine Learning - Chris Thalinger50:36347
Responsible Microservices - Nathaniel Schutta48:41902
New opportunities for Java developers with GraalVM - Oleg Šelajev51:002,132
Kafka mistakes – you won’t work long enough to make all o them… - Michał Ambroziewicz26:151,073
Reactive for the Impatient - A Gentle Intro to Reactive Programming and Systems - Mary Grygleski54:58834
Thinking Architecturally - Nathaniel Schutta49:251,068
Functions and Platforms and Containers, Oh My! - Nathaniel Schutta48:39229
Write better functional Java Code - Brian Vermeer51:591,977
A Case for Outside-In Design - Sandro Mancuso53:54423
Testing Your Message-Driven Application - Marcin Grzejszczak, Jakub Pilimon46:52610
Quarkus - a next generation Java runtime - Michał Szynkiewicz, Martin Kouba48:55952
Be a Kubernetes master without ever leaving your code, debugger, and IntelliJ - Ivan Portyankin47:17827
Machine Learning at LinkedIn - Szczepan Faber50:49394
Particle Accelerators and Java with Quarkus - Burr Sutter49:18599
Event Sourcing - You are doing it wrong - David Schmitz44:601,321
Fantastic Performance and where to find it - Richard Warburton44:51329
Java, Turbocharged - Marcus Biel38:35329
Serverless Java - Challenges and Triumphs - David Delabassée48:15278
A Complete Waste of Time - Chet Haase20:582,372
Future of Cloud Native Java is Native Java - Burr Sutter18:32257
UnVoxxed Hawaii - Stephan Janssen, Chris Thalinger2:4364
Devoxx Poland 2019 Opening - Grzegorz Duda5:4381
A peek into the black box - how to adopt Java Flight Recorder to improve ... - Marek Bubala39:20408
Impostor syndrome - czyli hamulec rozwoju. Czym jest, czy dotyczy ciebie i jak ... - Anita Przybył45:28423
The Big Cloud Native FaaS Lebowski - Mario-Leander Reimer50:51185
The Survival Guide to Modern Apps AuthN and AuthZ specs - Boleslaw Dawidowicz48:57369
The ultimate introduction to Kubernetes - Pascal Naber41:531,986
Hystrix is dead, now what? - Tomasz Skowroński22:141,223
Micronaut, Dragon-Slayer (Spring/boot) or just another framework - Vladimir Dejanović41:331,778
Architects Suck! Architecture Rocks! - James Birnie45:511,494
7 Deadlier Sins of Craftsmanship - Tomasz Dubikowski44:19567
Harnessing integration testing with Docker containers - Marcin Zajączkowski34:45252
Moving beyond REST: GraphQL and Java - Pratik Patel48:20649
When human life depends on software - introduction to safety-critical systems - Maciej Gajdzica44:55193
How to break an 18 yo monolith - Andreas Bräu46:33533
Spring Framework 5.2: Core Container Revisited - Juergen Hoeller48:45768
15 Years of Spring (in 15 Minutes) - Juergen Hoeller24:31424
Developer’s Torment: The Documentation - Jakub Marchwicki, Zbyszko Papierski51:48238
Serverless with Knative - Mete Atamel50:30316
Data Visualization, Processing and Machine Learning (on the JVM) with Apache Zeppelin - Pratik Patel47:42219
Building a code review culture - Emil Hornung45:90505
The Future of Java is Today - Jan Lahoda44:46463
Architect's Guide to Frontend Frameworks - Tomasz Ducin1:00:43521
Java. Migrating to 11 in real app - Piotr Przybył50:36602
How and why we turned our old Java projects into first-class... - Mario Fusco, Maciej Swiderski48:17348
What Drives Your Development? - James Birnie14:10217
Centralized Logging Patterns - Philipp Krenn48:41544
Cloud Native Application from Scratch - Kamil Hajduczenia45:48247
Let’s develop on Prod! Wait! What?! - Bartosz Majsak42:10496
Is writing performant code too expensive? - Tomasz Kowalczewski47:31500
Resilient service-to-service calls in a post-Hystrix world - Rares Musina49:18782
Machine Learning: The Bare Math Behind Libraries - Piotr Czajka, Łukasz Gebel45:58316
Building simple CRUD services with Spring Data REST - Andreas Bräu24:53590
Understanding Low Latency JVM GCs - Jean-Philippe BEMPEL49:40905
Polygot Java EE on the GraalVM - Ryan Cuprak50:41230
Advanced Serverless Architectural Patterns on AWS - Alex Casalboni47:43389
Shipping Code like a keptn: Automating your Delivery Pipelines so you can focus... - Andreas Grabner47:50175
Coroutines and Reactive Programming - friends or foes? - Konrad Kamiński49:10326
Real-world HTTP performance benchmarking, lessons learned - Julien Viet47:56724
Still 100% Java for frontend development - A.Mahdy AbdelAziz46:34512
Stress Driven Development, and How to Avoid It - Dmitry Vinnik46:17268
java.util.concurrent for Distributed Coordination - Ensar Basri Kahveci50:15358
Akka and Kubernetes, the beginning of a beautiful relationship - Hugh McKee47:54599
Kotlin Under the Covers - Chet Haase35:90550
Gauge + Taiko: BDD for Web Revived - Dmitry Vinnik48:37367
Living between Agile culture and DevOps mindset - how to make an impact ... - Tomasz Manugiewicz42:542,223
Taming Code Quality in the Worst Language I Know: Bash - Michał Kordas1:01:341,302
The Solr Tagger and So Much More Than Search - Marcus Eagan, Erik Hatcher49:16340
Managing Business Processes in Microservice Architecture with Spring Ecosystem - Bartłomiej Słota41:501,400
Building a DSL with GraalVM - Maarten Mulders49:21652
Orchestrating Robot Swarms with Java - Matthew Cornford48:48275
GraphQL in Java World, let's go for a dive - Vladimir Dejanović2:27:251,574

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