2,496 videos, +98,300 subscribers

Escape the Serverless Cage and embrace IT Automation by Laurent Doguin15:27661 list
Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1 by Tugdual Grall48:391151 list
Infrastructure and application monitoring using Prometheus by Marco Pas55:494171 list
The Busy Developer’s Guide to Polytechnical Careering by Ted Neward54:001371 list
Geek's Guide to Leading Teams by Patrick Kua50:343291 list
Angular and RxJS by Stephen Fluin47:211,1811 list
The Symphony of Leadership by Heather Wilde49:391321 list
Eclipse MicroProfile: Enterprise Java Microservices, one year on50:591411 list
Modules in One Lesson by Mark Reinhold51:185681 list
From Monolith to Microservices with the help of Hazelcast by Will May14:382741 list
The Pluralsight Experience: From both sides! by Koffi Alain Sessi & Antonio Goncalves15:271141 list
Reactive Spring by Josh Long51:401,2701 list
Serverless? Not so FaaS! by Matt Stine51:282571 list
Real World Java 9 by Trisha Gee54:574,4231 list
An introduction to Kotlin by example by Dmitry Kandalov47:124,9021 list
Don’t believe everything you learn by Michael Heap17:162301 list
A Phoenix Project War Story by Burr Sutter12:362111 list
An ultrasonic adventure! by Hubert Sablonnière49:20651 list
The DevOps Superpattern by Helen Beal51:301321 list
Evolutionary Architecture by Patrick Kua47:802491 list
Interview with Mark Reinhold: Top Three Concerns About Java 94:54983
Code Review - how to do it better? by Sebastian Malaca52:41882
F@#!ing with algorithms: a human hobby by Myriam Jessier16:31349
Real-World Enterprise REST API Design by Andrea Chiodoni21:27516
Applicazioni Cloud Native su Kubernetes: un approccio DevOps by Nicola Ferraro47:49213
ThinkAsync in Java8 by Dmitry Aleksandrov49:56770
Scalable User Interfaces with Angular 2 by Gion Kunz50:321,932
Javaslang - Functional Java Done Right by Grzegorz Piwowarek47:45422
Hacking usability by Myriam Jessier39:70117
JAX-RS 2.1 Anticipazioni e spunti applicativi sulle nuove API per servizi REST by Alessio Soldano16:4185
What should I care about JDK 9 module system? by Patrick Reinhart and Otmar Humbel23:19221
Dalla C alla Q, un evento per volta: Event Sourcing per immagini by Lorenzo Nicora47:25136
Reactive programming in Java by Mario Fusco47:14617
Machine Learning Exposed: Introduction to Machine Learning by James Weaver and Katharine Beaumont48:41505 Kubernetes on-premises by Claudio Pozzoli and Manuel C. Ranieri42:12235
Building web applications with Web Components by Martin Splitt50:31793
HTTP 2.0: why and how by Simone Bordet42:41501
Improve your App UX with one model processing insights from batch and streams by Robert Kubis43:37142
Testing Java Code Effectively by Andres Almiray49:44681
3rd generation agile and scalable DevOps by Peter Herzum51:36126
Talk before code? Le domande importanti da fare prima di scrivere codice by Lorenzo Cassulo48:54194
Scommetto che il mio specchio è più smart del tuo... by Luca Simone19:3187
Lambda Core – HardCore by Jarek Ratajski46:25269
(anti)Pattern nel design di API REST by Agostino Carandente22:00141
Sviluppare DSL in modo pragmatico by Federico Tomassetti52:30124
One VM to Rule Them All by Thomas Wuerthinger50:10647
Top X OAuth 2 Hacks by Antonio Sanso47:60284
Prima e dopo Flexbox by Emily Meroni and Giorgia Baroffio47:25211
Devoxx UK 2017 : 11th - 12th May 20171:20677
Introduction to Apache Kafka by James Ward49:486,505
Interview with Raquel Pau at Voxxed Days Vienna5:40244
Interview with Miel Donkers at Voxxed Days Vienna3:59125
Interview with James Weaver at Voxxed Days Vienna8:4062
Interview with Jarek Ratajski at Voxxed Days Vienna5:29126
Interview with Martin Toshev at Voxxed Days Vienna3:4597
Interview with Alasdair Collinson at Voxxed Days Vienna6:14152
Elasticsearch and Hibernate by Emmanuel Bernard31:451,035
Adam Bien interview during Voxxed Days Bucharest2:441901 list
Heinz Kabutz interviewed during Voxxed Days Bucharest15:381551 list
Voxxed Days Bucharest dream team interview9:16991 list
Maven v Gradle: Dawn of Project Automation by Oleg Šelajev and Baruch Sadogursky36:411,328
Better performance with HTTP/2 by Julien Viet47:58926
GeoSpatially enabling your Big Data Apache clusters with LocationTech by Robert Emanuele46:90149
JAX-RS 2.1 Reloaded by Santiago Pericas-geertsen49:40537
5 JVM languages in 50 minutes by Joe Kutner44:701,272
JShell: An Interactive Shell for the Java Platform by Robert Field44:28376
Making the most of Java SE with CDI 2.0 by John Ament24:56470
5 things you can do with Maven in Eclipse other IDEs don't want you to know29:58552
Build & Manage Engineering Team by Mohammad Nazmuz Salehin22:54154
Raspberry Pi with Java 9 by Stephen Chin46:22660
Kotlin 102 - Beyond the basics by Hadi Hariri46:245,479
The Invocation Game by John Rose and Paul Sandoz47:23509
Garbage First Garbage Collector by Monica Beckwith47:10615
What are Observables and why should I care? by Randall Koutnik44:11535
Styling a design system based on Bootstrap 4 and Web Components by Andres Galante38:32377
Watson and the Cognitive Developer by Sandhya Kapoor and Mehjabin Kapasi56:2899
Deploying Docker Containers with Netflix Spinnaker on Kubernetes and Titus26:58810
Building a private CI/CD pipeline with Java and Docker in the Cloud30:401,273
Visual Programming for IoT by David Woodard18:90143
Building the MyDevoxx App with JavaFX and Gluon by Johan Vos and Eugene Ryzhikov1:00:30826
Developing Java Apps using Visual Studio Code by Gorkem Ercan and Fred Bricon30:351,181
Fog Computing and IoT Solution Architecture by Kilton Hopkins54:33144
HearingNest Art Experience by Stephen Chin and Aleksandr Kuznetcov29:5632
Angular Loves Data by Stephen Fluin51:44416
Ceylon on Android by Gavin King53:37227
Composite Builds with Gradle by Sterling Greene27:50139
ehCache out of its Element by Louis Jacomet34:00140
Managing Apache Tomcat TomEE with tFactory by Cesar Hernandez21:7077
Graphics Something Android Something Performance by Romain Guy and Chet Haase52:39713
Cloud Machine Learning APIs for fun and profit with Harry Potter by Yufeng Guo53:80179
Interview with Kate Stanley at Voxxed Days Bristol6:11701 list
Debugging Java in Production on Google Cloud Platform by Patrick Flynn56:44141
Advanced ConstraintLayout by Nicolas Roard and John Hoford36:52767
Adopting the right DevOps Tools for you and your team by Matt Makai31:30265
Contributing to Open Source by Gunnar Wagenknecht and Wayne Beaton10:55135
Making Android Apps with Intelligence by Margaret Maynard-Reid41:30248
Tackling Performance Issues with YourKit by Karsten Thoms34:43292
Against all odds, a cloudless smart home by Kai Kreuzer35:24282
Modern Software Development with Haskell by Runar Bjarnason55:702,915
Taking Eclipse Che to the enterprise by Brad Micklea41:47179

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