Rumble Viral
19,281 vídeos, +1,160,000 suscriptores

Mud-loving dog pulls off epic crocodile impression0:2364,442
Sidekick dog makes "grandest" entrance ever1:103,856
Great Dane puppy adorably dreams of chasing rabbits1:175,428
Drooling mastiff blows huge spit bubble0:201,672
German Shepherd puppy cuddles with owner0:171,965
Sweet dog loves spending time with her best friend0:414,308
Two-year-old worships in adorably inspirational way0:272,710
Golden Retriever miraculously squeezes through tiny fence0:2621,677
Curious cows adorably follow dog wherever he goes2:3043,208
Artist carves incredibly realistic dog-o-lantern pumpkin1:314,439
Sick dog gets cheer up treatment0:383,928
Funny dog goes for walk on hind legs0:192,354
Overly-attached cow determined to get attention from caretaker3:167,094
Jaw-dropping footage of bright orange moon1:201,681
Curious dog pulls off extremely cute head tilt0:4337,938
Pet raccoon loves to play games with his owner0:372,379
Samoyed takes a tumble into the pool0:261,969
Friendly parrot gives spoon lessons to scary bird1:1545,839
Funny Great Danes argue before sharing breakfast2:108,814
Dog tries to scratch her back, ends up falling off sofa0:302,110
Husky wakes up owner in rudest possible way0:215,599
Confused dog can't find hiding kitten0:356,484
Baby can't stop laughing at dog popping bubbles1:5446,654
6-year-old with cerebral palsy amazingly walks without help for first time0:323,043
Great Dane puppy meets family dog for the first time1:2613,680
Could this parrot be the White House Whistleblower?0:497,643
Little girl plays detective with giant Newfoundland1:143,567
Excited Great Dane loves to help with the groceries2:3410,511
Angry pelicans chase away intrusive rodent1:391,246
Adorable baby smiles in his sleep0:221,537
Dog rocks crying baby back to sleep0:433,422
Pug adorably struggles to retrieve stuffed animal0:452,298
Guilty dog knows that she's in trouble0:342,629
This jealous dog wants all of his owner's attention for himself!1:902,257
Cat and puppy preciously cuddle with each other0:261,413
Bulldog puppy instantly wakes up at the smell of treats0:233,960
Baby finds toy hammer noise simply hysterical0:34972
Exhilarating close swim with entire whale family10:441,179
Playful owner sneaks up on her giant Newfoundland1:005,477
How to safely pick up & move snapping turtles when needed2:29607
Dachshund loves spending time with rabbit best friend1:133,227
Incredibly talented street musician in Marbella, Spain1:41475
Newborn baby enjoys relaxing face massage0:522,425
Sweet baby laughs out loud for the first time1:201,234
Snails devours protein snack in time lapse format0:453,537
Singing beagle howls along with owner0:262,171
Clever dog tries to hide guilt with hysterical smile0:253,009
Dog flawlessly balances pen on nose while walking0:272,213
Poodle puppy has fun while travelling on private jet0:391,888
Adorable dog begs owner for her cookie0:211,148
Great Dane does more tearing than delivering of newspaper2:281,439
Tear-jerking father daughter wedding dance of a lifetime6:201,616
Butterfly takes a drink after being rescued from certain death1:101,172
Parrot enjoys relaxing shower with her owner0:372,983
Guilty dog attempts to cover up evidence after tearing couch1:103,126
Guilty pup feels bad for eating human food1:123,924
Up-close beneath Niagara Falls, the world's most powerful falls1:34829
Giant Manta Ray swims right at side of boat0:331,998
Two energetic dalmatians have epic wrestling match0:191,329
Pug howls along to various squeaky toy sounds0:411,498
Magical spinning fork totally defies gravity0:341,250
Corgi puppy begs owner to stop tickling him0:304,209
Clumsy puppy totally wipes out trying to catch ball0:352,208
Doggy best friends enjoy perfect time together1:104,245
Puppy introduced to peanut butter for the first time0:396,268
Tail-wagging pup watches her favorite TV show0:222,184
Samoyed takes on dreaded lemon slice1:504,183
6-year-old girl is a fearless python handler0:421,348
Kids hilariously peel apple with power drill0:211,576
Dog perplexed by stuffed animal lookalike0:454,276
Up-close footage of sloth crossing the road0:324,480
Puppy tries to ignore foot-stomping Great Dane0:5153,971
Cat watching pigeons makes funniest noises ever0:402,401
Golden Retriever enjoys special dinner meal0:332,121
Husky puppy throws tantrum, back talks her owner0:3225,937
Snow dog perfect ski lift execution0:332,282
Samoyed's first time at the beach is a mind-blowing experience0:5611,194
Guilty Golden Retriever gets totally caught in the act1:19126,251
Clever Great Dane knows exactly what to do when it's bath time1:70868,511
Daddy & daughter first date will melt your heart3:702,591
Boston Terrier puppy attack little boy with cuteness0:436,320
Malamute is happy to play vacuum cleaner for toddler0:291,995
Golden Retriever gets ready to party at the beach0:345,198
Golden Retriever walks himself with his own leash0:4819,541
Red light runner is on a late night donut run!0:451,982
Dog is jealous of little girl’s new pet1:308,267
Tandem back flips from 40 foot waterfall in slow motion0:261,665
Unique kitty decides to sit like a human0:521,228
Husky puppy plays with her mirror friend1:123,734
Goofy dog holds toothbrush bone in hilarious fashion0:272,825
Scared dog absolutely terrified of bath time1:122,999
Husky can't contain excitement upon owner's return home1:3048,797
Rare white tiger cubs cry for their mom1:1710,319
Service dog helps handler shop for groceries0:366,058
Husky puppy plays in big pile of ice1:1210,037
Great Dane watches canine film on TV1:404,670
Great Dane proudly delivers the newspaper1:303,031
Cockatoo ends up being a very difficult shopping partner1:702,186
Gigantic snapping turtles found in mud hole in the woods4:905,525
Service dog incredibly plays with dolphin at SeaWorld0:505,931

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