442 vídeos, +1,210,000 suscriptores

【Annie】Oxygen Not Included - EP.3 system of careers? so confused!6:31124,088
【Annie】「Aino Island」full of fat and chubby cats! finally got to the island!10:40246,400
【Annie】camera made by paper? unbox Paper Shoot in Japan!7:31179,334
【Annie】「Ainoshima Island」full of cats! Vlog of watching cats + cherry blossoms❀❀9:12253,197
【Annie】YouTubers dark histories are here! TBT Throwback Thursday! (Feat. Guess with video)11:21827,333
【Annie】DIY of making dumplings, learn how to make pretty ones together! (with Guagua, Pangtsu)9:16403,674
【Annie】Finally started to play TIK TOK! built-in functions are super cute♡♡♡10:42436,293
【Annie】beat to hell [lightening round], finally having the chance to beat Zyn!16:461,211,628
【Annie】Zyn's favorite green monsters! super cool maglev toy!5:40234,541
【Annie】Kansai★Vlog of Japan [2]- Capybara in hot spring! mysterious Shoebill? (with YouTubers)10:28301,307
【Annie】Using a song to introduce cats! An earworm [ Zìrán hāi~ ] cover2:47318,015
【Annie】existence on an empty island with Dundun - final EP. mix of monsters! how to win?18:45159,593
【魚乾】Girlfriends Wedding Trivia + Photo Showcase. (With 滴妹、瓜瓜、球球、胖茲)8:18611,112
【Annie】Kansai★Vlog of Japan - touching cats, chased by deer, plucking strawberries (with YouTubers)13:12375,145
【Annie】open lots of surprise grab bags! what are inside? (wrap a surprise grab bag for youXDD)14:27473,694
【Annie】cat lovers sending gifts! hand-made gifts exchange! (Feat. many Youtubers)9:20712,745
【Annie】GINA uses her voice controlling Zyn to make up for me? teaching of drunk appearance!11:35628,286
【Annie】Test! three popular polaroids! Printoss、instax share sp-2、PRYNT POCKET (feat. Crown Du)9:22315,504
【Annie】original singer is Taiwanese Virtual singer? Cover - [Rainy Day] by Yu Yao Xia3:52322,202
【Annie】Mission box from Google, what's inside?10:13350,968
【Annie】Late Q&A for million subscriptions [ep.2] - why you ask questions about Zyn?13:58588,435
【Annie】Late Q&A for million subscriptions [ep.1] - cats, YouTuber, life(?14:44349,571
【Annie】Oxygen Not Included - EP.2 tech improved, welcome more colonists!8:37239,459es en una lista
【Annie】Chinese exam of General Scholastic Ability Test, let me try it!7:46383,740
【Annie】I am very beautiful today! Four ways to clean your cat! (YouTubers' Souls Exchange)6:20656,433
【Annie】existence on an empty island with Dundun - EP.9 the second-last EP! Taking adventure first!11:37170,424
【Annie】wheel of fortune spun in my favor - changing the New Year's food for pets, filled with love!11:25379,804
【Annie】Exclusive clip - wearing as a dinosaur to take revenge on blacksmith [dragon nest M]10:5689,422
【Annie】super small and lovely camera for kids, can it take pictures or record?5:29237,023
【Annie】existence on an empty island with Dundun - EP.8 That ball is super dangerous!10:59155,660
【魚乾Annie】Obesity is a Sin - Female Version, Sing with Me!6:70199,818
【Annie】There's large Capsule Toy in Taichung! Just jumping in, but encountering the bug XD2:39186,427
【魚乾】Oxygen Not Included《缺氧》- EP.1 大小便跟嘔吐物都很有用的遊戲!12:70254,755es en una lista
【魚乾Annie】Contribution to Million Subscription, My Mom Made One Hundred Braised Pork Balls!8:39398,405
【魚乾Annie】Mr. Hammer You Should Give Up! Getting Over It Using Hammer to Go Over the Hill8:33232,933
【魚乾Annie】Welcome 2018 with Gift Exchange, Please Forget What I Looked Like in the Video, Thanks7:15478,397
【魚乾】去冰島!看極光!Vlog!Day 4-7,還去了香港! (with Youtuber們XD)12:55198,732es en una lista
【魚乾】與蹲蹲的空島生存 - EP.7 內褲會被看到欸!10:20219,475
【魚乾】與蹲蹲的空島生存 - EP.6 釣魚聊天講P話~11:37214,961
【魚乾】來自日本的冬日耍廢神器 - 暖桌開箱!7:55437,909
【魚乾】去冰島!看極光!Vlog!Day 1-3 (with Youtuber們XD)10:42299,500es en una lista
【魚乾】與蹲蹲的空島生存 - EP.5 蹲蹲終於找到真愛了!11:50203,411
【魚乾】與蹲蹲的空島生存 - EP.4 殭屍他爸大殺特殺!13:48178,644
【Annie】3-Axis handheld Gimbal for 360 camera? Unbox!8:27149,395
【魚乾】為當年的小女孩cover一首 - [ 光之海 ] by A-Lin5:25132,107
【Annie】YURI!!!on ICE Film Spots from the Anime! Touring the Anime City Karatsu!10:43160,275es en una lista
【魚乾】這傢伙竟然出到2?- 神迴避 2!(下)12:26338,388
【Annie】Let's go see how sofas are created! Finally switched sofas!6:55454,740
【Annie】Character Switch!Cover Parody - [ 一定追的到你 ] by 聖結石Saint3:481,388,784
【Annie】Behind the Scenes of the MV - [Being Fat is a Sin] Ruining the Original...7:53599,560
【魚乾】不拖運行李、不安排行程,超隨興北海道VLOG!3:42195,515es en una lista
【魚乾】這傢伙竟然出到2?- 神迴避 2!(上)11:31412,744
【Annie】test! LICKY, lick your cats as they do ..?6:22675,001
【魚乾】開箱自己設計的貓咪紀念品!連行李箱都可以做!(Feat. 菜喳)13:17427,442
【魚乾】與蹲蹲的空島生存 - EP.3 好心被雷帽!12:49246,232
【魚乾】挑戰!一起去高空彈跳!(Feat. 瓜瓜)9:17508,669
【Annie】mysterious makeup! Compass, seal, stickers, raincoat..?16:90407,154
【魚乾】我又去拔智齒了![ 無血腥畫面 ] (右邊篇)3:48199,882
【魚乾】一起遊福岡!(下) - 小雞菓子、投影遊樂場、夾娃娃。8:35222,039es en una lista
【Annie】the latest 360 Action Camera of Kodak ! [4KVR360] Unboxing (Standard)8:18188,199
【魚乾】一起遊福岡!(上) - 逛藥妝、喝獺祭、看棒球。7:80268,874es en una lista
【魚乾】獎金92萬人民幣?不可能擊敗的五子棋遊戲。(Feat. 菜喳、羅伊、胖茲)7:48704,495
【魚乾】與蹲蹲的空島生存 - EP.2 阿你不是生存系?14:44350,657
【魚乾】超方便煎蛋神器!長出像__ __的煎蛋啦! (With 菜喳)6:481,342,384
【魚乾】我去拔智齒了![ 無血腥畫面 ] (左邊篇)4:19372,660
【魚乾】與蹲蹲的空島生存 - EP.1 第一集只有屁話。6:48427,914
【魚乾】開箱 - 便攜電子鼓!內有超新手教學!10:41507,669
【Annie】Streaming! - LOL of 2D? Awesomeanuts! Need more players!5:6080,947
【魚乾】Youtuber們的輕旅行,快閃澎湖花火節!(With 聖結石、DODO、Gina、ROSE、開水小姐、蕭小M、超直白)9:58305,008es en una lista
【魚乾】實況精華 - 闇影詩章 - 抽運算好嗎?老師在亂教!8:3073,282
【魚乾】在手機上玩自己的歌!點擊型音樂遊戲app [ BEAT MP3 for YouTube ]5:22499,968
Absolute bargain!!! What I bought recently?7:37552,740
[Dried fish] carp and donkey tongue twister! [Carp song] Challenge 1.5 and 2x!2:24780,038
【魚乾】這cover你聽過嗎? - [ 安儷 ] by 聖結石Saint3:421,449,704
【魚乾】絕對好用的彩妝品?元氣妝容分享!(Feat. 倔強朵力)16:13325,608
【Annie】Challenge! This Mouthwash is Really Pungent!! (Feat. Zyn, SunJin, GuaGua, Zaren, Tofa)6:42426,037
【魚乾】如果ARAM時用低周波治療我的ARM?7:14165,122es en una lista
【魚乾】食物包開箱!你觀看、我捐款!一起幫助弱勢家庭 [ 安得烈食物銀行 ]4:54290,005
【魚乾】偷錄精華 - 胖虎與老田的Gmod初體驗!7:52257,247
【魚乾】RimWorld《邊緣世界》- EP.2 沒有什麼比的上滾床單! (已壞檔完結)9:10199,928es en una lista
【Annie】Testing!! The Apps to help us interact with cats? Call in the cats!8:25697,446
【Annie】RimWorld - EP.1 The murmuring outcast12:10274,279es en una lista
【魚乾】紓壓(?)小遊戲 - 神迴避! (下)10:90567,006
【Annie】De-stressing Game - Avoidance EP18:23697,297
【魚乾】童年回憶 洞洞樂 - 90個洞一次戳完!9:48981,979
【Annie】Best way to cure your fever "YASUHATI♪"8:24424,733
【Annie】My first Animal Communication! (with the charity event of Rakuma in the end)11:35892,080
【魚乾】黑暗火鍋料交換大會!你們都讓我吃了什麼...(Feat. 菜喳、頑Game、羅伊、阿晋)10:421,325,450
【Annie】Unpro Unboxing -- Acer Toy Story Limited Edition Laptop for PIXAR 30th Anniversary (Ft. Zyn)7:00463,902
【魚乾】返校 EP.3 - [END] 妳,就是我!(Feat. 瓜瓜)14:46229,594
【魚乾】上野/秋葉原,超好吃天價燒肉/羅伊喝ㄎㄧㄤ了! (With. 蘇卡、菜喳、滴妹、阿晋、羅伊、胖茲、浮千、塗匪)8:17602,760es en una lista
【Annie】Playing Snow in Karuizawa ! Happy Time in the Forest Cabin OuO!9:53319,204es en una lista

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