1,009 videos, +76,800 subscribers

This is why we hate (Official) (Youtube)
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A bunch of League of Legends funnies or random junk in general by mcr00sterDOTA

Mordekaiser es numero uno
99 videos is founds.

This is why we hate Amumu (Left 4 Dead)1:3344,142
This is why we hate Kayle1:3151,810
This is why we hate Jax0:3834,236
This is why we hate Elise (Spiderman)1:3731,816
This is why we hate Kha'Zix2:7067,882
This is why we hate Kassadin (When I'm Permabanned)1:45193,112
This is why we hate Yasuo1:40213,669
This is why we hate Vi1:29129,373
This is why we hate Heimerdinger (Meet the Dongeer/TF2 parody)1:2975,206
This is why we hate Hecarim (Robot Hecarim Attack)1:2655,226
This is why we hate Lee Sin1:2096,634
This is why we hate Darius (This video contains Darius)1:10100,636
This is why we hate Fiddlesticks1:90301,120
This is why we hate Heimerdinger (OLD)2:6050,064
This is why we hate Zed1:10125,027
This is why we hate Jinx1:43151,379
This is why we hate Master Yi1:17150,785
This is why we hate Lucian1:47304,750
This is why we hate Akali1:40165,934
This is why we hate Taric1:21222,252
This is why we hate Vi0:4371,477
This is why we hate Kog'Maw0:49179,452
This is why we hate Soraka (No Music)1:8042,193
This is why we hate Soraka1:80140,076
This is why we hate Thresh0:44362,346
This is why we hate Zilean0:22109,751
This is why we hate Caitlyn0:23156,135
This is why we hate Nami0:32277,485
This is why we hate Jayce2:30230,854
This is why we hate Rengar1:50478,056
This is why we hate Pantheon1:60408,859
This is why we hate Lulu (with Adam Harrington)0:38252,464
This is why we hate Malzahar0:31290,273
This is why we hate Renekton0:24222,929
This is why we hate Ahri1:51439,660
This is why we hate Mordekaiser [REHUEHUEHUED]1:22557,737
This is why we hate Fizz0:39273,969
This is why we hate Hecarim1:90729,041
This is why we hate Xin Zhao1:17658,740
This is why we hate Nidalee1:13222,078
This is why we hate Evelynn0:25201,362
This is why we hate Darius1:16794,069
This is why we hate Morgana0:51348,218
This is why we hate Ashe0:37345,838
This is why we hate Udyr0:55668,962
This is why we hate Nasus1:30659,638
This is why we hate Nasus (FULL VERSION)1:29177,545
This is why we hate Ziggs0:33425,485
This is why we hate Corki0:29387,489
This is why we hate Irelia0:36620,290
This is why we hate Shaco1:80535,332
This is why we hate Karma0:11516,999
This is why we hate Cho'Gath0:59694,424
This is why we hate Lee Sin0:34744,873
This is why we hate Urgot0:25655,271
This is why we hate Gangplank0:19786,273
This is why we hate Shyvana0:42808,305
This is why we hate Ahri0:341,637,111
This is why we hate Nunu0:57707,263
This is why we hate Ezreal1:40608,038
This is why we hate Graves0:39619,840
This is why we hate Brand0:27517,791
This is why we hate Singed0:20541,336
This is why we hate Xerath0:21733,368
This is why we hate Tristana0:41332,504
This is why we hate Shen0:40990,819
This is why we hate Gragas0:47577,477
This is why we hate Swain0:48926,561
This is why we hate Anivia0:531,161,858
This is why we hate Talon0:13571,172
This is why we hate Tryndamere0:441,318,214
This is why we hate Nocturne0:501,353,008
This is why we hate Skarner0:15898,506
This is why we hate Karthus0:482,063,580
This is why we hate Rammus0:331,404,191
This is why we hate Master Yi1:191,715,054
This is why we hate Warwick0:471,024,282
This is why we hate Sion0:37758,005
This is why we hate Caitlyn0:281,554,671
This is why we hate Wukong0:13802,375
This is why we hate Alistar0:10935,986
This is why we hate Gangplank0:272,077,610
This is why we hate Singed0:15480,113
This is why we hate Mordekaiser0:263,277,252
This is why we hate Pantheon0:171,242,043
This is why we hate Taric1:31870,537
This is why we hate Nidalee1:102,392,213
This is why we hate Twisted Fate0:231,028,125
This is why we hate Veigar0:19935,489
This is why we hate Blitzcrank0:161,116,201
This is why we hate Ashe0:801,317,508
This is why we hate Vladimir0:441,457,439
This is why we hate Lux0:902,171,770
This is why we hate Teemo0:531,160,708
This is why we hate Jax0:801,297,252
This is why we hate Fiddlesticks0:16957,297
This is why we hate Garen0:701,154,935
This is why we hate Shaco0:15870,067
This is why we hate Zilean0:141,134,775

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