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JSConf Iceland 2016 (Youtube)
35 videos is founds.

JSConf Iceland 2016 Mood Video3:551,895
Jenna Zeigen: On How Your Brain is Conspiring Against You Making Good Software - JSConf Iceland 201629:462,144
Berglind Ósk Bergsdóttir: Feeling like a fake - the Impostor Syndrome - JSConf Iceland 201621:281,407
Tilde Ann Thurium: Pivoting to React, at scale - JSConf Iceland 201618:371,241
Jan Lehnardt: The state of the JavaScript Community - JSConf Iceland 201624:483,675
Denis Rechkunov: Progressive Rendering – how to make your app render sooner - JSConf Iceland 201625:111,803
Malte Ubl: #notalljavascript (How to deal with 3rd party JS) - JSConf Iceland 201621:582,650
Tryggvi Gylfason: This will flow your mind - JSConf Iceland 201616:371,440
David Luecke: Meet MySam - An open AI experiment - JSConf Iceland 201628:123,902
Felipe Ribeiro: JavaScript @ Spotify - JSConf Iceland 201626:372,186
Visnu Pitiyanuvath: HSL: The RGB You've Been Waiting For - JSConf Iceland 201618:571,093
Mariko Kosaka: Making a Robot Eye with JavaScript - JSConf Iceland 201635:441,116
David Blurton: Full-stack JavaScript development with Docker - JSConf Iceland 201635:809,008
Johannes Ewald: The future of frontend tooling - JSConf Iceland 201626:463,240
Raquel Vélez: The npm website: a tale of wonder and woe (and wombats!) - JSConf Iceland 201626:211,043
Heiko Behrens: JavaScript on tiny, wearable hardware - JSConf Iceland 201634:141,172
Nick Doiron: If One Laptop per Child were started today, how JavaScript-y would it be?32:28309
Azat Mardan: You Don't Know Node.js - JSConf Iceland 201633:5415,796
Vitaly Friedman: Dirty little front-end tricks - JSConf Iceland 201642:1810,018
Seth Samuel: Arbitrary Computation on the GPU Using WebGL - JSConf Iceland 201623:10812
Mihai Cîrlănaru: Speech Recognition on the Web - JSConf Iceland 201616:90457
Dag-Inge Aas: User experience is everything - JSConf Iceland 201629:13970
Justin Falcone: Why is a Guinea Pig Like a Microservice? - JSConf Iceland 201624:59455
Amy Cheng: Recreate Masterpieces of Modern Art with JavaScript! - JSConf Iceland 201626:251,245
Tsubomi Imamura: Breaking the monolith with Node and Docker at Netflix - JSConf Iceland 201627:151,212
Alejandro Oviedo: Demystifying (JavaScript) engines - JSConf Iceland 201617:801,769
Dan Callahan: The New Mobile Web: Service Worker, Push, and App Manifests - JSConf Iceland 201633:121,625
Katrina Uychaco: Spinning up an Electron App - Desktop Apps in JavaScript - JSConf Iceland 201624:322,132
Max Goodman: Bicycle.js - JSConf Iceland 201627:151,487
Lin Clark: A cartoon guide to performance in React - JSConf Iceland 201628:154,068
David Khourshid: Reactive Animations with CSS Variables - JSConf Iceland 201631:308,740
Alex Kaminsky: The First Engineer's Dilemma - JSConf Iceland 201622:501,034
Brian Holt: React: Learn Once Write Anywhere - JSConf Iceland 201627:282,790
Myles Borins: On left-pad and empathy: understanding human connection - JSConf Iceland 201624:572,291
Liv Erickson: Why you should care about the VR Web - and how to build it! - JSConf Iceland 201629:451,551

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